In the cave, the ever-lasting lights flickered, as if they might go out at any time.

  In the Soul Locking Formation, those ghosts who were condensed by the essence and full of resentment seemed to sense the crisis and began to madly collide with the Soul Locking Formation.

  However, this soul-locking array was created by Yue Qiluo with a lot of 07 energy. Those who specialize in collecting these essences will naturally not be broken through so easily.

  "The strength of these ghosts under the master..." Behind Lin Feng, Wang Po couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

  "If such a ghost soldier rushes to Laoxiongling, I'm afraid no one can stop it except the high priest who can't retreat."

  Between the mood swings, the desire to go home rose again in her heart.

  I long to go back as soon as possible and get back everything that should belong to me.

  On the other hand, Boar, Yingtou and others at the back instinctively tightened their shirts, but they felt cold all over, as if they were stuck in an ice cellar.

  A hundred miles away, in Wenxian, Gu Mansion, in the cave under the ancient well, there is a red coffin locked with iron chains. In the red coffin, Yue Qiluo, who was wearing a wedding dress, suddenly opened his eyes.

  "Who broke into my cave?"

  Yue Qiluo struggled and wanted to get up.

  However, on the iron chain outside the coffin, clear light was released, and a powerful force of repression swarmed.

  Yue Qiluo closed her eyes and fell asleep again.



  In the cave, the sound of the chain sliding sounded.

  Behind Lin Feng, eight ghost fire chains appeared out of thin air and rushed into the soul lock formation.

  The function of the Soul Locking Array is to lock the essence inside so that it does not leak out, so it doesn't stop these ghost fire chains at all.

  Immediately, these ghost fire chains plunged into the wandering spirit ghosts.




  Although these spirit spirit ghosts are not weak, but in front of the ghost fire chains condensed by the ghost shepherd magic, they have no resistance at all.

  Because, in essence, they are composed of resentment and essence, they can also be called ghosts.

  However, there is no soul, only a murderous ghost that destroys thoughts.

  Therefore, they are also naturally restrained by ghost shepherding.

  In addition, Lin Feng is now an archmage, and with the full-level ghost shepherd technique, these ghosts, without any resistance at all, are sucked dry one by one and restored to the purest essence and resentment. The chains of ghost fire turn around.


  Dozens of ghost fire chains appeared out of thin air, but they were still inside the ghost soldiers who were still evil ghosts.




  Immediately, in the cave, ghosts cry and wolf howls.

  The head of the evil ghost, the ghost energy on his body rolled, and he began to advance.

  "They are blessed to be able to be ghosts under the master's hands."

  The boar was shivering with cold, but his face was full of envy.

  Specter, that's the equivalent of an archmage.

  Ordinary ghosts, if not for the resentment of the sky, or the adventures of the sky, how can it be possible to cultivate into a ghost.

  But now, these evil ghosts under Lin Feng did not need to train at all, and with the help of Lin Feng, they naturally broke through the moat.

  If this is spread out, I don't know how many ghosts will die in envy.

  "If you want to be a ghost, wipe your neck now, maybe the master will see your courage and make you a ghost soldier."

  Eagle head glanced at the boar and urged.

  "Yes, I still want to bask in the sun when I have nothing to do."

  Boar quickly waved his hand, it is better to die than to live, he still understands the truth.



  The momentum of the evil ghosts rose steadily, breaking through the bottleneck between the evil ghosts and the serious ghosts.

  At the same time, Lin Feng's figure slowly floated up.

  But it is the mana in the body, and it is also fed back one by one, and then it soars.

  When more than half of the spirit ghosts in the Soul Locking Formation had been consumed, all the evil ghosts under Lin Feng's subordinates had advanced to become serious ghosts.

  And Lin Feng's aura also soared to the later stage of the Archmage's great consummation.

  That is to say, his own mana and realm are now on the same level as Lin Jiu.

  "After nearly two months of hard work, I finally caught up with Senior Brother Lin."

  Feeling the surging mana in his body, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

  Among the brothers and sisters of the same generation, he finally walked in the forefront.

  Presumably the master knows in the blessed land of the underworld... er, I'm afraid he will be half-dead from anger.

  No, Master is not that kind of narrow-minded person, he should be happy for me.

  Lin Feng thought about the old man whose image was not very deep anymore. If it weren't for him everywhere, the self who had just crossed into this world would not be able to survive at all.

  "Continue to practice asceticism and become an earth teacher as soon as possible. In this way, the first in our lineage is not Senior Brother Shi Jian, but me...

  Alas, I travel abroad, what name should I choose? "

  Lin Feng was a little stunned for a while.

  "Forget it, let's do business first."

  I couldn't think of it for a while, and Lin Feng didn't bother, and continued to refine the essence, pouring it into Li Gui's body, which had not yet absorbed the essence.

  Every Specter that has been promoted before entering this cave has gained some benefits, and the momentum on his body has become a lot stronger.

  And Dong Xiaoyu, as Lin Feng's key training object, naturally received special care.

  On her body, the ghost fire and the blood light echoed each other, and the blood on the blood clothes congealed.


  With the last line of essence being drawn away, all the light on the Soul Locking Formation went out.

  But there is no soul to lock, and it automatically falls silent.

  And Dong Xiaoyu's momentum has also climbed to the limit.


  She screamed in the sky.

  The whistling was sharp and harsh.

  In the cave, the blood shadow floats.

  Dong Xiaoyu also advanced from the early stage of Specter to the middle stage of Specter.

  And her real combat power has definitely reached the late stage of Specter.

  Even more fierce than ordinary ghosts in the later stage.

  Because he is the most ferocious red-clothed ghost among the ghosts.

  ps: I'm going to give Lin Feng a more prestigious name. Do you have any suggestions?


Chapter 108

  "Thank you, master!"

  All the ghosts restrained the power in their bodies, and they all knelt down on the ground and thanked them.

  Their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

  Because they know that they can have today because of Lin Feng.

  And they believe that following Lin Feng, Li Gui, is not the end, but the beginning.

  "Well, you guys are guarding here." Lin Feng nodded, looking at Wang Po and the others behind him, "You, come in with me."

  The group continued to move forward, and Lin Feng directly pushed open the revolving stone door and entered it.

  After walking for a while, they came to the deepest part of the cave, where Yue Qiluo used to retreat.

  The placement is very simple, a stone bed and a stone table.

  On a stone table, an altar.

  On the altar, there are three bones.

  "Is this the exercise that Yue Qiluo has researched?"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he walked up.

  I saw that the bones were engraved with dense inscriptions.

  Lin Feng couldn't understand bone inscriptions or something.

  But it doesn't matter, he has a system.

  Immediately, the sound of the system sounded after a long absence.

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