"Ding, sorcery detected - paper figurines."

  "Paper figurine is automatically full level!"

  "Ding, sorcery detected - undead spirit."

  "Undead Soul Technique is automatically maxed out!"

  "Ding, sorcery detected - Spirit Swallowing Mystery."

  "The Secret Art of Swallowing Spirits is automatically maxed out!"


  The clothes on Lin Feng's body are automatic when there is no wind.

  His soul is changing.

  For those who cultivate the mind, the soul is nourished by mana, and it is changing all the time.

  However, before the Earth Master Realm, the soul degeneration was not obvious enough.

  Only by cultivating an earth master can the soul turn into a cocoon into a butterfly and into a yin god.

  At this time, if the yang life is not exhausted, even if the body dies for some reason, the yin spirit can find a new body, seize the body, and use the corpse to restore the soul.

  However, if the yang life is exhausted, they can only either descend into the yin world, or turn into ghosts and stay in the yang world.

  But now, because of the automatic full level of the Undying Soul Technique, Lin Feng's soul began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

  Transformation, but not into a yin god, but in an unpredictable direction.

  "What are you doing, you have an epiphany~?"

  Ali, who had been curling up and hiding in Lin Feng's pocket, suddenly emerged from Lin Feng's body and landed on the stone table, with shocking eyes in those smart eyes.

  Don't look at it as a little monster, but she is not the kind of wild monster without roots.

  Its ancestors were jinshi.

  Therefore, although it is a bit ignorant, it has its origins in the family. When I was a child, I was familiar with it and knew something.

  Seeing Lin Feng in this state now, his face was filled with envy.

  Epiphany, such a good thing that can be met but not sought, why can't I meet it?

  However, it is also loyal, immediately adjust the state, and cheer up to protect Lin Feng.

  But I know that this state cannot be disturbed.

  In history, it is not uncommon for people to go crazy because their epiphany was interrupted.

  "Master, is he practicing the secret technique on this bone?"

  Seeing that Lin Feng just glanced at the bone with the recorded exercises, Wang Po immediately closed her eyes and started to practice, and her heart moved.

  "Why is the master so young at such a young age?"

  This is the answer she has been looking for all along.

  Now, she has found the answer.


  Once you have a new technique, you will start practicing immediately, and you will never waste a minute or a second.

  Last time, I got some witchcraft secrets from her like this.

  Now, here, I have obtained three unknown exercises again. "

  Feeling the strange aura from Lin Feng's body, Wang Po made a new discovery.

  "It's not enough to rely on hard work, but also need talent.

  Ordinary people, new to a technique, without ten days and a half months, it is absolutely impossible to get started.

  However, Lin Feng is different, he seems to be born for cultivation.

  Any technique that falls into his hands can be used immediately, and, soon, he can cultivate to a higher level at a speed visible to the naked eye. "

  For a time, Wang Po couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

  As a witch in the clan, her cultivation talent is also top-notch among the clan.

  Otherwise, it is impossible for her to cultivate to the realm of the great master at the age of less than thirty.

  Although, more of this is because of the evil nature of witchcraft secret techniques, which can absorb the vitality of foreign objects for their own use.

  But it cannot be denied that she is indeed a genius of cultivation.

  But now, she understood that the reason why she was called a genius in the past was because she had never encountered such a monster like Lin Feng.

  "Eldest sister, the aura on the master's body is so evil."

  The boar came up, and he keenly found that the danger that Lin Feng brought him was even more dangerous.

  "Stop talking nonsense, be careful, and protect the law for the master."

  Wang Po glared at the boar, can the master's breath be described as evil?

  Although, it seems to be really evil.

  If you practice witchcraft by yourself, you think you are evil enough.

  However, compared with the master, he seems to be insignificant.

  "' "What's the situation?"

  Outside, Dong Xiaoxiao sensed the movement inside and rushed in.

  Although, Lin Feng asked her to stay outside.

  However, worried about Lin Feng's safety, she couldn't care so much.

  "Master is practicing."

  Wang Po was afraid that she would disturb Lin Feng, so she quickly stopped him.


  Dong Xiaoyu looked at Lin Feng with a solemn look on his face.

  But he also felt that Lin Feng was becoming more terrifying.

  Moreover, this transformation seems to be aimed at the soul.


  At this time, the transformation of Lin Feng's soul has almost reached an extreme.

  A completely solidified soul came out of his body.

  It is different from Tou (Li Le's), whose soul is separated from the body after the death of ordinary people.

  His soul is completely an entity.

  "What a miraculous feeling, the body is destroyed but the soul is immortal, from now on, this body, for me, is really a stinky skin, which can be discarded at any time.

  Even if the physical body is damaged, I can continue to find a new physical body to seize the house and live another life.

  However, it is not without its drawbacks.

  For the soul, its own body is naturally the most suitable.

  Other flesh, no matter how good it is, is someone else's, and if it is taken away, it will definitely be rejected by the soul.

  That's why Yue Qiluo created the secret art of swallowing spirits, killing people madly and swallowing essence. "

  Feeling the changes in his body, Lin Feng's eyes flickered, but he knew that there was another way out for him.

  However, this retreat, he naturally hopes, will never be used.

  Because if the time comes, he doesn't know whether he is Lin Feng or someone else.purchase.

Chapter 109

  "Brother Feng, you, you fart?"

  On the side, Ali jumped up.


  Lin Feng's soul directly rewarded her with a shudder.

  Then, the soul returned to the body, and a sense of security emerged spontaneously.

  "Ah... I'll scratch you to death..."

  Little Ali grinned, jumped onto Lin Feng's shoulder, and angrily fluttered on his head with his small claws.

  "Don't make trouble!" Lin Feng grabbed the fur on his neck, dragged him into his arms, and comforted him.

  "You keep these three bones. There are three spells of paper man, undead soul, and spirit swallowing. If you dare to be interested, you can practice."

  While licking Ah Li, Lin Feng looked at Wang Po and the others.

  In Yue Qiluo's nest, the three arts are suitable for Wang Po and the others.

  However, they are not like themselves, they are greedy for more than they can chew. Their witchcraft skills inherited from Miao Jiang are enough for them to practice for a lifetime.

  Therefore, what Lin Feng said was actually said to Wang Po.

  Po Wang has a good talent and a talent for cultivation, but she can try to practice Yue Qiluo's secret technique.

  "Thank you, master."

  Wang Po and the others quickly knelt down and thanked them.

  But they didn't expect that Lin Feng would not hesitate to give them the exercises he had harvested.

  You know, the Fa is not taught personally, no matter where you are, if you want to learn these things, you will have to pay a price.

  And they followed Lin Feng, and they didn't do anything for Lin Feng, but they got a lot of good things from Lin Feng.

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