"Anyone who offends our sacred beast will be punished no matter how far away he is.~"

""The evil creature will die."

The voice was like thunder, shaking the world.

There was a hint of pride and complacency in his tone after he had just broken through his cultivation.

If Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng saw this person at this time, they would definitely be extremely excited.

Because it was none other than Uncle Jiu, who had just broken through the Jindan realm.

It turned out that Uncle Jiu had just broken through the Jindan realm in seclusion, and he was in a happy mood, but after coming out of seclusion, he found that the charity cemetery was empty, and there was not even a person who could share his joy.

He was about to find Ye Yan and Taoist Simu to show off everything, but he sensed that there was an evil spirit here, and immediately knew that there was an evil spirit at work, and he was overjoyed. It was just right to test his strength after breaking through the Jindan.

But from a distance, he saw the Fire Kirin protecting the little nuns, and two Western zombies were attacking the Fire Kirin.

Uncle Jiu immediately realized that this Fire Kirin was definitely the legendary auspicious beast, and immediately rushed over to help deal with the Western zombies.

"The Supreme Command , the Nine Heavens Thunder Department bestows the law,... the command."

Uncle Jiu's body is surrounded by spiritual light, his feet are on the Tiangang, he is running like the wind, holding a talisman in his left hand, pinching his right hand, and lightning flashes.

He has an immortal style and extraordinary temperament.

He looks like a hermit from a famous mountain and river, which makes the aunt and the nun's eyes light up.

It feels like Uncle Jiu is the master who came to save them from danger, he is so handsome.

If Ye Yan saw this scene, he would definitely sigh inwardly that it was a sin.

Uncle Jiu's popularity with women is also good.

It's just that the object of his fascination is not a young and beautiful girl like Ah Zhen.

It's aunt-level characters like Sister Aunt and Zhe Gu.

In the original book, Uncle Jiu also kissed Sister Aunt, causing Sister Aunt to show a shy girl like a girl.


……", which made Ye Yan's scalp numb



The thunder python broke through the air, violently shaking the sky.

A terrifying thunder python that was dozens of times more powerful than the violent purple thunder that Ah Zhen had just activated the purple thunder talisman broke through the air. Wherever it passed, all the grass, trees, rocks and rocks that stood in front of the violent thunder python turned into ashes.

Livlian's face changed drastically in an instant.

The five fingers glowed with evil light, turning into evil sword energy and changing direction to meet the terrifying thunder python.


The evil sword energy and thunder python shattered in an instant.

Livlian's body was directly shaken away ten feet and was caught by the Western zombie.

At this time, her clothes were torn, but her skin was not hurt at all.

The aunt nun was instantly overjoyed and felt that Uncle Jiu was really powerful.

But Uncle Jiu realized something and his face changed drastically in an instant.

"What? A Western zombie at the peak of the Jindan stage?"

Uncle Jiu realized that he had hit a brick wall.

He cursed himself for being too impulsive.

He was too excited to see a Western zombie just now. He was eager to try out the new power that had just broken through the Jindan stage.

He didn't expect that this Western zombie was actually at the peak of the Jindan stage. There were two of them?

How could he play with this?

You know, he had just broken through the first level of the Jindan stage.

Even if he could use lightning spells and was born to control evil things, he couldn't beat the evil spirits at the peak of the Jindan stage.


The Western zombie was furious when he saw his wife's clothes being blown up. He swung his cloak violently.

Chirp, chirp~

Thousands of vampire bats broke through the air, like a sharp blade that cut through the sky, carrying terrifying killing power to kill Uncle Jiu.

Although each bat did not have a very strong level of cultivation, their fangs and claws could easily penetrate the iron plate, which was extremely terrifying.

Even though Uncle Jiu had now broken through the Jindan realm, he was still terrified by this scene.

"The Supreme Command, the God of Fire Zhurong bestows the law... Command~"


The fire was raging, and the strongest and fiercest flames swept out.

Bang bang bang~

Only dozens of vampire bats were blown up, and there were still thousands of vampire bats rushing towards Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu's face changed drastically, and he quickly threw out all the fire and thunder talismans on his body, and the thunder and fire swept through, weakening the offensive of the vampire bats.

At the same time, he sacrificed the Jindan body protection spiritual armor to resist the bombardment of the vampire bats.

But the next moment.

Bang bang bang~

A series of violent collisions sounded.

Uncle Jiu's body protection spiritual world was shattered, and his body was Continuous vampire bats rushed and flew, crashed into the wall and fell to the ground.

It perfectly demonstrated what"the most handsome appearance and the fastest death" meant.

Uncle Jiu was instantly numb.

He never dreamed that he had only been in seclusion for more than half a year, but it seemed like a century had passed. He could not keep up with the pace of these evil spirits outside.

It was rare to encounter ghosts in the foundation-building stage before.

Now that he has formed a pill, he thought he would be invincible in Renjia Town.

But when he came out, he directly encountered two peak-stage Jindan.

This was a big blow to Uncle Jiu, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.


The Western zombie shouted angrily.

In an instant, he rushed to Uncle Jiu.

He was ready to take his life while he was sick.

The blood of cultivators was also a great tonic for them, the Western zombies.

The aunt nun was instantly worried.

The four little nuns were even more desperate.


The Fire Kirin roared, and now he had reacted. His body soared into the sky and rushed towards the Western zombies to rescue Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu was overjoyed to see this. With the help of the Fire Kirin, he might be able to kill the two Western zombies.

But the next moment

""Stop," the Western zombie said casually.

A blood-red light flashed across the forehead of the ferocious Fire Kirin just now.

Its body was uncontrollably fixed in place.

Roar, roar, roar~

No matter how much the Fire Kirin roared and struggled, its body seemed not to belong to it, and it could not move at all.

"What? Is this forcibly controlling the Fire Kirin?"

"How can this be?"

"Could it be that this Western zombie has the evil power to control other creatures?"

Uncle Jiu's face changed drastically, and he guessed roughly.

Because he remembered that the reason why Huo Qilin was frozen for a second by the Western zombie was that Li Fulian attacked by surprise.

It was because of the Western zombie Scarlet Twins.���Red light was emitted.

If Uncle Jiu guessed correctly, the red light did not disappear.

Instead, it was equivalent to some kind of curse, which was branded in the mind of Fire Kirin and could control Fire Kirin at the critical moment.

Uncle Jiu was instantly desperate.

If the Western zombies really controlled Fire Kirin and sucked Fire Kirin's blood, their strength would definitely increase greatly.

By then, not to mention the entire Renjia Town, maybe the entire world would be disrupted.

When he thought of this, Uncle Jiu immediately wanted to die with the Western zombies. When the Western zombies and Livlian saw that Fire Kirin and Uncle Jiu had been subdued, the corners of their mouths rose instantly, as if they foresaw the scene of sucking the blood of the two and turning them into their slaves.

They immediately pounced on Uncle Jiu and Fire Kirin respectively.

However, just as the two Western zombies were about to bite Uncle Jiu and Fire Kirin's bodies

"The Supreme Command, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun granted the law... Command~" (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)



Two purple divine thunders broke through the air and directly hit the two Western zombies.

Although they were directly blown up by the two Western zombies, they prevented them from biting Uncle Jiu and Huo Qilin.


Both Western zombies couldn't help but curse.

Damn it!

Are you going to let people suck blood properly?

Why are you bothering them one by one?

First it was Fire Kirin, then Uncle Nine.

And now they are coming again?

The Western zombies turned their heads to look at the newcomers.

A middle-aged man with glasses, followed by three young men.

Who else could it be but Taoist Simu and Ye Yan?

"Is it Young Master Ye?"[]

"Great, Master Ye is here to save us."

The four little nuns cried with joy. Seeing Ye Yan appear was like seeing a little light in the dark hell. This was the hope of survival.

Uncle Jiu's face was also happy. He finally found Ye Yan and Taoist Simu and others.

But soon he thought of these two Western zombies who were at the peak of Jindan, and he became anxious.

He was worried that a good seedling like Ye Yan would be killed by Western zombies.

Are you kidding!

Before Uncle Jiu went into seclusion, Ye Yan was still in the early stage of foundation building, and his talent was extremely amazing.

In Uncle Jiu's opinion, even if Ye Yan's talent is too good, he is at most in the middle stage of foundation building.

0 Asking for flowers

After all, it is already very amazing to be able to break through one or two small realms in half a year.

"Simu, why did you bring Ye Yan here?"

"Let him go"

"These two Western zombies are both at the Jindan stage"

"You will die if you stay"

"I will explode my Dantian Golden Pill right now to buy you some time."

"Remember, wait until your cultivation level is up, then help me report……"

Uncle Jiu was extremely emotional at this time, but he hadn't said the word"revenge" yet.

"《Wind God Phantom Step》~"

Ye Yan shouted, lightning flashed all over his body, he moved as fast as the wind, and rushed to Livlian like a ghost.

The Wind God Kick was extremely strong and fierce, with lightning arcs surrounding it, and kicked out fiercely.


Livlian didn't even have time to react, and the protective shroud around her body was directly kicked out.

Her body was like a cannonball, blasted out and smashed into the ground


"The aura of the second level of Jindan?"

Uncle Jiu's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief.

He felt that his brain was not enough.

He had gone through a lot of hardships in seclusion for more than half a year to reach the Jindan realm, and only then did he improve his cultivation from the foundation building to the first level of Jindan.

But Ye Yan, he was actually at the second level of Jindan?

And he could easily defeat Li Fulian, who was at the peak of Jindan?

It must be fake!!!

However, this was not the end yet.

"《Kirin Beast Fire》——《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》~"

Ye Yan suddenly had an idea and merged the"Qilin Beast Fire" with the"Demon Chasing Thunder Fire Order".

Boom boom boom~

In an instant, nine mysterious talismans turned into the phantom of a nine-headed fire Qilin.

The Qilin stepped into the air, and the fire soared into the sky. The Qilin had not yet appeared, but the aura of the extremely violent and demon-killing flames of the Yang had already made Livlian, who was lying on the ground, feel a bad premonition.


"Stop it."

The Western zombie's face also changed drastically, and he immediately turned into black lightning, with sharp claws like swords, tearing the void, and blasting towards the back of Ye Yan who was still casting a spell.

Such a sharp killing move, even steel will be pierced directly.

Not to mention Ye Yan's flesh and blood body, his flesh will definitely be pierced directly.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were very anxious when they saw this.

At this time, Ye Yan stopped his moves to defend and could still avoid the sharp claws and swords.

But Livlian would definitely run away.

If Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu encountered this scene, they would definitely turn around to defend.

After all, if you keep the green mountains, you will not worry about the firewood.

There is no need to fight so hard.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all, and he didn't even turn his head back, and continued to frantically mobilize the spiritual power in his body to gather on the Qilin talisman in his hand.

He looked like he was going to die with Livlian.


The phantom of the nine-headed fiery Qilin broke through the air and blasted directly towards Livlian.


"You lunatic."

The Western zombie was shocked and angry, and the sharp claw sword was even more murderous, wanting to kill Ye Yan immediately.

But at this moment,

Ye Yan didn't even turn his head.

"《Nine Absolutes Return to Yuan Qi》~"


Ye Yan was surrounded by thunder and fire, and the breath of wind, cloud and frost flowed.

They complemented each other and instantly turned into a giant light shield, covering the whole body. It seemed transparent and fragile, but it was actually indestructible.

This is the fantasy version of the Three-point Return to Yuan Qi, Ye Yan's latest trump card. Even the Yuanying realm may not be able to break it.

It would be strange if Ye Yan was afraid of the full-strength attack of this Western zombie.

Sure enough, the next moment.

When~ bang~ the claws of the Western zombie were instantly shattered like an egg hitting a stone, and the body was directly blown away by the light shield.


The Western zombie's face was filled with despair.

Because at this time, Ye Yan's nine consecutive attacks of"Qilin Beast Fire" had already devoured Livlian's body.

Boom boom~

The divine fire exploded, and Livlian's body was instantly blasted into ashes.

"I go!"

"A 2nd level Jindan can kill a peak Jindan in seconds?"

"Am I sure I'm not dreaming?"

Uncle Jiu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Is this really the strength of the early stage of Jindan?

Could I have formed a fake pill? They are both in the early stage of Jindan, why is the difference so big? Xi?.

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