"Livlian, you actually killed my beloved Livlian, I want you dead"

"Fire Kirin, bite him to death."

The Western zombie was instantly furious, his eyes flashed with strange blood and stared at the Fire Kirin.


The Fire Kirin's front paws unexpectedly took a step forward uncontrollably.

The earth collapsed and the grass and trees turned to ashes.

Uncle Jiu, who was still shocked by Ye Yan's extraordinary ability, was shocked when he saw this scene.

The Fire Kirin is definitely stronger than the Western zombie.

If the Fire Kirin really attacks Ye Yan, it will be a big trouble.

Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng also changed their faces. They knew that the Fire Kirin was Ye Yan's mount.

But now it is controlled by a Western zombie?

The means of this Western zombie are too extraordinary!

At the same time, they also began to worry about Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan was indifferent to this, and even a little surprised.

"not bad!"

"I didn't expect that this Western zombie actually had such a secret technique."

"If I can search the soul to obtain it, wouldn't I have one more secret skill?"

Ye Yan's mouth curled up slightly, looking at this Western zombie as if he saw a treasure.

���As for the Fire Kirin being controlled, Ye Yan didn't believe that the Fire Kirin would be so rubbish that it would be controlled by a peak Jindan zombie.

The best proof is that from the beginning to the end, although the Fire Kirin was hit by the secret technique of the Western zombie.

But even if the Western zombie was furious now, controlling the Fire Kirin with all its strength only caught it off guard and took a step forward. It

's still a long way to go to truly control the Fire Kirin.

Sure enough, the next moment.


The Fire Kirin was furious, and it was possible to control it, but it was absolutely impossible to control it to deal with Ye Yan.

The Fire Kirin felt insulted and went completely crazy. The terrifying Kirin bloodline power completely erupted, and the flames were steaming all over the body, and the breath was soaring.


A terrifying explosion came from the Fire Kirin's head, the red light dissipated, and the spell was broken.


The Western zombie was instantly backlashed and spit out a mouthful of reverse blood.

His face was full of disbelief.


The Fire Kirin instantly recovered its mobility, roared to the sky, and the flames were steaming. Its body was as agile as a deer, and it rushed towards the Western zombies in an instant.

Bang, bang, bang~

The Qilin claws were powerful and heavy, and they blasted out continuously, forcing the Western zombies to retreat step by step.

Snap~ The Western zombies

' body armor was shattered, and their sternums were sunken, and they were immediately seriously injured.

Chirp, chirp~

The Western zombies had a bad premonition and immediately tried their best to control the vampire bats in the entire back mountain. They were densely packed, and tens of thousands of them gathered from all parts of the dark forest, and they fearlessly bombarded the Fire Qilin. There were so many vampire bats, and each of them had fangs and claws that could pierce through iron plates. Even Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were scared when they saw it.

But the Fire Qilin was not afraid at all.


The flames were steaming all over the body, burning, and the hot flames burned everything.

The vampire bats were burned to ashes before they got three meters close.

At the same time, the Qilin claws swept a large area, the void hissed, and the earth collapsed.

The terrifying power of the Qilin was so terrifying that even Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu felt a palpitation in the distance.

The Western zombie also felt the terrifying power of the Qilin, and then realized how stupid it was to control the Fire Qilin.

However, the appearance of these vampire bats also disrupted the Fire Qilin's offensive.

The Western zombie breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and flashed his cloak and fled towards the woods.

In an instant, he was a hundred feet away, as fast as lightning, and only a shadow was left.

"Master Ye, don't let him run away.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, you can't run away."

Ye Yan had expected this, and with the"Wind God Phantom Step", he took a step and ran as fast as the wind, instantly catching up with the Western zombie.

《The Yin-Yang Extreme Thunderbolt condensed the Yin-Yang lightning and blasted it out violently.



The body armor that the Western zombie had just condensed shattered again.

The body was deviated from its flight trajectory in the void and stagnated for one hundredth of a second before taking off again.

But it was this one hundredth of a second that allowed Ye Yan's"Wind God Phantom Step" to catch up.

However, the Western zombie was not surprised but sneered.

The moment he met Ye Yan's gaze, he immediately activated the secret control method, preparing to control Ye Yan like he controlled the Fire Kirin.

Are you kidding!

He couldn't control the Fire Kirin, so he didn't believe that Ye Yan, a human, could withstand the secret control method.

It's just that the Western zombie is insidious, and Ye Yan has no martial ethics.

The moment he met the Western zombie's gaze, he directly activated the"Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart-Shocking Eyes".


Two golden lights shone through his eyes and shot the Western zombie's eyes first.


The Western zombie screamed miserably, cursing Ye Yan in his heart.


This human is more sinister than himself.

But the next moment, something happened that made the Western zombie extremely terrified.


The Western zombie only heard a loud roar, and his body was unable to move in an instant.

The next moment, he felt a strange cold touch on the top of his head, as if his head was ripped open and all his secrets were taken away.

It was the first time for the Western zombie to encounter such a situation, and he was almost scared silly.

"There really is something good."

Ye Yan was delighted.

Because now he really got what he wanted.

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memory of the Western zombie and obtain the secret method of the Western zombie——《Corpse Light Control Technique》】

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Corpse Light Body Control Technique" into the"Taoism Scripture", and upgraded it to the"Soul Capture Body Control Technique", and the grade has been upgraded to the Xuan-level upper-grade secret technique.】

《Soul Controlling Body Technique: Use powerful mental power to condense the curse seal, use the target's eyes as a channel, and imprint the curse seal on the target's head, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the target's body.

Friendly reminder: For targets that are much weaker than you, under the condition that the properties of your own curse seal match, you can let the controlled object copy the control seal to other similar targets.

"So that's why. No wonder this Western zombie can control so many vampire bats?"

"These vampire bats are actually the offspring of bats that this Western zombie raised during his lifetime."

"After thriving in this forest for decades, the control talisman is still passed down through the bloodline."

Ye Yan understood this and couldn't help but sigh that this Western zombie secret method was against the will of heaven.

If he could find an animal that fits his curse in the future, and then carefully cultivate it for a period of time, he would definitely be able to create a creature like a group of vampire bats.

At that time, even if he only had a remnant soul left, he could easily control these animals.

Just like the Western zombies could control these bats after they turned into mummies.

That would be against the will of heaven.


Ye Yan used the"Yin Yang Destroying Divine Claws" to directly crush the Western zombie's head.

Then he used the"Qilin Beast Fire" to burn it to ashes, and then went back to join Uncle Jiu and the others.

On the way, Ye Yan directly uploaded this"Soul Capture and Body Control Technique" to the chat group and obtained a few hundred group points again.

It just made Ye Yan collect 50,000 group points.

This made Zhiqiu Yiye and his group extremely envious.

However, at this moment, something that shocked everyone happened

【Ding, Ye Yan completed the chat group"personal accumulated more than 100,000 group points" achievement, unlocking the second page of"Zhu Tian Mall" products】

【Ding, Ye Yan made an outstanding contribution to the chat group and obtained a top-grade spiritual weapon——《Spirit Beast Bag》0.】

The chat group had this notification sound.

The whole group instantly exploded.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Boss Ye is awesome!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"100,000 group points, I can't even think about it!"

Nangong Ping'er:"Spiritual weapon-level"Spirit Beast Bag》?"

"Brother Ye Yan, isn't this exactly what you want?"

Mu Nianci:"Yes! With this"Spirit Beast Bag", won't Brother Ye Yan be able to take the Fire Kirin with him at will in the future?"

Li Mochou:"Brother Ye Yan, I want to ride the Fire Kirin with you."

Kanan:"I want to ride the Fire Kirin too.""

"I know a lot of positions!"

Green Man King:"I envy you all day long."

Yue Buqun:"Oh my god! What did I see?"

"《"Zhu Tian Mall" unexpectedly found a magic medicine that can restore youth, 50,000 points?"

"Boss Ye, I want to discuss something with you. Your points are coming in so fast, can you lend me some points?"

"I want to regain my youthful state, maybe I can even have a son with my wife."

Li Xunhuan:"Oh my god! Yue Buqun, you old bastard, you dare to speak"

"You dare to ask for 50,000 group points?"

Li Mochou:"That's right, I thought Zhiqiu Yiye was very thick-skinned, but I didn't expect you to be even thicker-skinned."[]

"Brother Ye Yan, you can't lend him the group points"

"You promised to come here."

Kanan:"Yue Buqun, you are so bold that you actually want to cheat Brother Ye Yan's points? Don't you want to hang out in the chat group here?"

Yue Buqun was instantly numb when he heard it.

He just said it casually, why did it feel like poking a hornet's nest?

Yue Buqun was so regretful at this moment.

However, what made Yue Buqun collapse was still to come.

Si Gu Jianzi:"Uncle Yue Buqun, you don't need to regain your youth if you want a son!"

"You can actually ask Mrs. Ling to go out and give birth for you."

"This morning I overheard two of my neighbors say that their husbands couldn't help them have children, so they decided to go out and find someone to help them. It seemed to be working."

"It should be possible on your side too!"

Although Yotsuya Miko is already a high school student, she is usually scared of ghosts and dares not to contact people casually. She is still very innocent. 5.3

So she was sincerely giving advice to Yue Buqun.

She really thought that finding someone else to have a baby was a very normal thing.

But when Yotsuya Miko said this, not only Yue Buqun was stunned.

Even the other people in the group went crazy.

Wow~ Oh my gosh! Are the people on Yotsuya Miko's side so good at playing?

They are so blatantly forming a group to find someone to have a baby?.

Ye Yan didn't think it was strange. After all, many people over there are like this.

Fortunately, Yotsuya Miko is a little more innocent.

Kankan:"Yotsuya Miko, don't say this kind of thing in the group in the future, and don't say it outside."

"Don't let those ghosts take your life, the two aunts next door will never let you go."

Li Mochou:"That's right, and there is also a little girl named Ling'er in the group. It's better not to let her get in touch with many adult things too early."

Nangong Ping'er:"Hey! That's right! Why doesn't Ling'er show up?"

"Wouldn't she usually come out and talk at this time?"

Mu Nianci:"Could something have happened to Sister Ling'er?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yes! The last time Mu Nianci was not online, something happened."

Sure enough, the next moment.

Zhao Ling'er:"Brother Ye Yan, help! My mother was also captured by the big bad guy Baiyue Cult Leader." Ye Yan was stunned for a moment, no way! I just broke through to the Jindan stage, and I have to meet the Baiyue

Cult Leader?.

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