"Who are you? How dare you become an enemy of the Moon Worship Sect?"

"Kill them together."

Dozens of Moon Worshipers had already broken free from the restraints of Grandma's formation and were instantly furious.

They didn't expect that so many of them would be deceived by an old woman.

The appearance of Ye Yan made them very unhappy.

Their Moon Worshipers were the largest religion in Nanzhao State and were respected by all the people.

Even the Witch King had to give them three points of courtesy.

But when they broke into the princess's palace, Grandma and all the palace maids fought desperately.

Now they were about to force Grandma into a desperate situation, and Ye Yan came unexpectedly.

Although they could see that Ye Yan's strength was not weaker than Grandma.

But they were not weaker than Grandma.

In addition, there were dozens of people who wanted to deal with Ye Yan, the mysterious young man. Even if they couldn't capture him easily, they could definitely suppress him directly.

"Combined Attack——《Flying Star》~"

The leader shouted, and dozens of Moon Worshipers behind him swung their swords at Ye Yan.

Chi Chi Chi~

In an instant, dozens of sharp sword lights condensed into a three-foot five-pointed star sword energy in the air, blasting towards Ye Yan.

"Young man, be careful, this is the killer move of the Black Witch Clan. With dozens of people working together, the power is extraordinary."

The grandmother was shocked.

You know, this move"Flying Star" is the trick that Elder Shi taught Tang Yu Xiaobao.

After practicing it to perfection, even Tang Yu Xiaobao, who has no hands, can easily break the flood. It is quite awesome.

Seeing this, Ye Yan's eyes lit up.

I didn't expect to encounter this secret technique on these minions.

"《Nine Absolutes Return to Yuan Qi》~"

Ye Yan shouted, and lightning and fire surrounded him. Wind, clouds, ice and frost gathered together, complementing each other. He instantly condensed a vital energy shield to resist the combined power of the Flying Star》

"Young man."

Grandma was instantly extremely worried.

Ye Yan was too arrogant!

Although this spell seemed to be very powerful, it was at most no different from the body protection qi.

How could it possibly resist the"Flying Star" cast by dozens of Moon Worshipers?

Dozens of Moon Worshipers thought so too. They instantly looked at Ye Yan with an expression of caring for a mentally retarded person.

"Ha! I originally thought this guy was difficult to deal with."

"I didn't expect him to be a fool?"

Dozens of Moon Worshipers had contempt on their faces, as if they had foreseen the scene of Ye Yan's"Nine Absolutes Returning to Origin Qi" being broken and his body being turned into blood foam by the sword energy.

Zhao Linger's face was full of expectation.

Because she knew how powerful Ye Yan was, she knew that Ye Yan would never be afraid of this killing move. Sure enough, the next moment.

Boom boom boom boom. Although this"Flying Star" contained a strong killing aura, it only made a real sound of metal clashing and sword energy exploding when it hit the"Nine Absolutes Returning to Origin Qi". It was impossible to break Ye Yan's defense. However, it still directly shocked Ye Yan back a few steps. When the grandmother saw this scene, she was shocked again in an instant. She didn't expect that Ye Yan was so young, but his cultivation and combat power were so amazing?

"Great! The princess is really saved now."

Grandma was very excited.

"Great! Brother Ye Yan is so handsome"

"Beat these bad guys, don't let them run away."

Zhao Linger was so excited when she saw this scene that she jumped up, her beautiful eyes smiled like a crescent moon, perfectly explaining what it means that a girl who loves to smile looks more charming.

Ye Yan was also very happy.

He didn't expect that this"Flying Star" was more powerful than he imagined.

If he could learn this trick, his strength would definitely increase again.

""Monster! Run!"

However, before Ye Yan rushed towards the dozens of Moon Worshipers, he had already frightened them to death.

Are you kidding me!

Even with the combined force of dozens of them, they couldn't break Ye Yan's defense. How could he fight?

"Can you run away?"

"Leave them all to me." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Yan shouted.

Lightning flashed in his right hand, and hundreds of lightning arcs broke through the air.

Bang, bang , bang~


A series of fierce thunderous explosions and screams rang out.

The Moon Worshipers who were so proud just now had their legs blown up instantly, and their upper bodies fell to the ground uncontrollably, like vegetables cut in half.

"Devil, this guy is a devil"

""Master, help me!"

All the Moon Worshipers were terrified. Although Ye Yan looked handsome and smiling, he was more frightening than the god of death in the eyes of these people.

Are you kidding me?

Lightning was emitted in an instant, destroying all their feet. What the hell is this if not a demon?

However, this was not the end. Things that frightened them even more followed.

"`《Double hand》~"

Ye Yan ignored the shouts of these people. His right hand flashed with blue light, and turned into countless tentacles of dim light that covered the heads of dozens of people.[]

The next moment, something happened that made Ye Yan extremely happy.

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memories of a large number of Moon Worshipers, forming a complete secret technique"Flying Star"》】

《Flying Star: A mid-level attack skill and technique. Since it is relatively difficult to practice, it can be practiced by multiple people.

Each person practices a murderous aura, and they cooperate with each other to condense a complete"Flying Star" attack.

Attack carriers include, but are not limited to swordsmanship, knife skills, boxing, leg skills... all can be used

【Ding, you have successfully obtained the Xuan-level middle grade——《The Flying Star Technique was transformed into the Dao Sutra, and the 3rd level of foundation building technique was derived into a 60% technique.】

【Ding,"Flying Star" merged with"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" and advanced to"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder Flying Star", and the grade was upgraded to the ultimate Xuan grade.】(Good)

《Yin Yang Extreme Thunder Flying Star: Adds the power of Yin Yang Thunder and Lightning to the original"Flying Star", increasing its power dramatically

【Ding, you have obtained a large number of memory fragments of the Moon Worshipers practicing"Flying Star".】

【Ding, you are able to apply what you have learned to other situations. You have automatically mastered the Yin-Yang Extreme Thunder Flying Star.】

"As expected of the Fairy Sword world, you can get such a great opportunity by just killing a bunch of minions right at the beginning."

"If we can search the soul of the Moon Worshiper, wouldn't we be able to gain greater benefits?"

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

The 10,000 points were worth it.

And at this moment

, two anxious voices suddenly came from outside the door, which Ye Yan felt were very familiar.

"Oh no, so many people died in Ling'er's palace?"

"Are we late?"

Ye Yan frowned when he heard this.


Could it be that the two of them came here?"

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