"Drunken Swordsman? Li Xiaoyao?"


The door of the room was broken open, and a slovenly Taoist priest and a young man with a black cloth covering his face appeared in front of Ye Yan and his friends.

Ye Yan recognized them at a glance. They were none other than the Drunken Swordsman and Li Xiaoyao.

This made Ye Yan confused.

He had already appeared to save Zhao Linger, so how could Li Xiaoyao still be involved?

You know, the reason why Li Xiaoyao traveled back to this era was because he caused Zhao Linger to be seriously injured ten years later, so he traveled through time and space to come back.

And now Li Xiaoyao has actually appeared. Could it be that the subsequent plot has not changed because Zhao Linger joined the chat group?

Or will she marry Li Xiaoyao?


Ye Yan didn't believe that this would be the result.

What a joke!

He had already chatted with Zhao Linger, how could he not cut in?

Li Xiaoyao must have been teleported back for other reasons.

For example, he was teleported back simply to find the Water Spirit Pearl and deal with the water monster.

Sure enough, the next moment, Li Xiaoyao's words made Ye Yan feel that it was not in line with the original work.

"��Son, you're okay, great, let's go"

"I will take you to Fairy Island."

"You must remember my face. My name is Li Xiaoyao, do you know?"

Li Xiaoyao came to Xiao Ling'er with an earnest look on his face, tore off the black cloth covering his face, and introduced himself.

You should know that in 810 of the original novel, when Li Xiaoyao first traveled back, the thing he wanted to do most was to prevent Zhao Ling'er from remembering him.

Only in this way could Zhao Ling'er avoid the tragic plot later.

Even at the beginning, he only knew that the Golden Winged Phoenix would fly in the opposite direction, away from Xianling Island.

But in Ye Yan's opinion, in the original novel, Li Xiaoyao still did not intend to give up Zhao Ling'er.

After all, Li Xiaoyao still took off the black cloth covering his face in the end to let Zhao Ling'er remember him.

And how could Li Xiaoyao not recognize Xianling Island.

When the Golden Winged Phoenix flew back to the origin, he definitely recognized that the island they landed on was Xianling Island.

Even if he didn't remember the terrain of Xianling Island, he definitely remembered the location of Xianling Island.

So he could go back to Yuhang Town, how could he not know that the place he left was Xianling Island?

But these are not what Ye Yan needs to care about now.

Now that he already knows that this Li Xiaoyao is different from the original, it is enough.

And at this moment, it seems that because Li Xiaoyao is too enthusiastic, he directly scares Xiao Ling'er

"Brother Ye Yan, I'm scared."

Xiao Ling'er instantly became like a frightened little rabbit, hiding behind Ye Yan pitifully.

Li Xiaoyao was instantly furious.

The next moment, Li Xiaoyao said something that made Ye Yan feel relieved.

"Damn it, Ye Yan, you still saved Ling'er one step ahead!"

"Let me tell you, I will never give up Ling'er"

"When I find the remaining water spirit beads and go back, I will definitely be able to defeat the Moon Worshiper and let Ling'er know how powerful I am."

Li Xiaoyao only noticed Ye Yan at the side at this time, his words were full of unwillingness. He looked aggrieved that his wife was taken away.

Ye Yan's mouth corners slightly raised.

Because he was completely sure that he would succeed in intercepting in the future.

Otherwise, Li Xiaoyao would not be so angry.

And according to Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er should not have suffered the tragedy in the original book.

Otherwise, Li Xiaoyao would not have said that he came to find the water spirit beads to kill the Moon Worshiper, but said that he came to find the water spirit beads to save Zhao Ling'er

"Damn it, Ye Yan, I told you before, I hate that smile of yours that makes you seem to have everything in your hands."

"I can't beat you in 10 years, but today I will beat you in front of Ling'er"

"Let Ling'er know who is the best"

""Sword Control~"

Li Xiaoyao was so angry that he held the sword in his hand.

The sword behind him was unsheathed, spinning in the air, and turned into six, forming a powerful sword energy, and killed Ye Yan. He completely ignored the fact that they were still under the control of the Moon Worship Sect and were killing each other.

He didn't even notice that his action now left Xiao Ling'er with the label of"big bad guy" and"bad guy".

Seeing this, the Drunken Swordsman was surprised.

After all, the second move of the Sword Control Technique that Li Xiaoyao performed was one of his specialties.

He was about to stop Li Xiaoyao's farce and ask Li Xiaoyao why he used his magic, but It looked like Ye Yan didn't take Li Xiaoyao's killer move seriously at all. He even raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he had encountered some treasure, and his face was filled with joy that he couldn't hide.

Yes, Ye Yan was naturally happy at this time.

Just kidding! (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Now that Li Xiaoyao is looking for him to duel, doesn't this create an opportunity for him to search his soul and copy his sword-controlling skills?

You know, Ye Yan has been coveting the Shushan sword-controlling skills for a long time.

Any magic weapon can be used to fly with a sword.

It doesn't have to be like in Nangong Ping'er's world, where flying with a sword requires a flying sword with special functions, or a flying magic weapon.——《Maple Leaf Flying Boat.

Ye Yan was originally thinking about how to get these secret skills from the Drunken Swordsman, but he didn't expect Li Xiaoyao to deliver them to his door?

Suddenly, Ye Yan felt that Li Xiaoyao was a very good person.

After giving away his wife, he gave away skills?


A powerful sword energy broke through the air.

Wherever it passed, the sword energy destroyed everything and turned it into ashes.

Even the palace floor paved with blue bricks was plowed with a deep sword energy gully.

The sharp sword energy even made Zhao Linger and grandma beside him feel nervous.

"Brother Ye Yan, be careful."

When Zhao Linger said this, Li Xiaoyao's expression became even colder.

But when he saw that Ye Yan was facing his sword moves and was stunned, he thought that Ye Yan was frightened by his sword energy.

He would be seriously injured by his sword energy in the next moment.

This made Li Xiaoyao's mouth slightly raised.

There was no way, Li Xiaoyao couldn't bear the hatred of having his wife taken away.

And when Li Xiaoyao thought of the scene of himself being beaten up by Ye Yan 10 years later, he felt more eager to defeat Ye Yan once now.

But the next moment, something happened that made Li Xiaoyao desperate.

"《Nine Absolutes Return to Yuan Qi》~"

Ye Yan shouted, and the fantasy version of the Three-point Return to Origin Qi appeared again, surrounded by wind and thunder, and fire clouds soaring into the sky.

The light shield seemed invisible and intangible, but it was actually indestructible.

When ~ bang bang bang ~ the sharp sword energy hit the light shield, it immediately emitted a sound of metal clashing.

The sword energy exploded, turning into countless sharp sword energy that raged wildly.

But it was impossible to break the"Nine Absolutes Return to Origin Qi".

Ye Yan was in the light shield, with a calm expression, elegant robes, and a handsome face, like a banished immortal who came to the world, extraordinary.

He ignored any attack from Li Xiaoyao.[]

"What? How is this possible?"

""Ten years ago, I couldn't beat you?"

Li Xiaoyao was numb instantly.

The Drunken Swordsman was shocked.

You know, he just sensed that Ye Yan's cultivation was only at the second level of Jindan.

Li Xiaoyao was at the seventh level of Jindan. But with such a gap, Ye Yan was still able to defeat Li Xiaoyao?

Even when Li Xiaoyao used his signature skill - the sword control technique.

Who is this Ye Yan? How could he be so amazing


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