"Fire Spirit Pearl and Qilin Horn?"

Ye Yan was delighted and immediately grabbed it.

《Fire Spirit Pearl: One of the strongest pure powers in the world, taking it into the body can enhance the power and defense of fire attribute attacks

《Kirin Horn: The horn dropped by the mythical beast Kirin contains the power of the pure blood of the mythical beast Kirin. In addition to improving the Kirin bloodline, it can also be used for alchemy, talisman making, and weapon refining.……

"Good stuff!"

"No wonder the Fire Kirin conveyed its desire to me?"

Ye Yan felt more and more that he had come to the right place in this Immortal Sword World.

The secret techniques and even the treasures handed down from ancient times came one after another.

"Ye Yan, what are you doing?"

"This"Fire Spirit Pearl" and"Qilin Horn" are mine."

"Give it back to me."

Li Xiaoyao reacted in a hurry and immediately reached for the Fire Spirit Pearl and Kirin Horn in Ye Yan's hand.

But how could Ye Yan let him do as he wished? He turned around and dodged Li Xiaoyao's hand.

Just when Li Xiaoyao was furious and ready to argue with Ye Yan.


The Fire Kirin was released from the spirit beast bag by Ye Yan.

The fire was rolling and the power was overwhelming.

Just standing there, the huge body made people feel oppressive.

Li Xiaoyao was almost scared to pee, and he retreated again and again. Finally, he fell to the ground with a terrified face and looked extremely embarrassed.

"What? Fire Qilin?"

"Where did this Fire Qilin come from?"

Jiu Jianxian and the grandmother were also startled by the sudden appearance of the Fire Qilin, and they were alert.

They thought it was the work of the Moon Worshiper.

After all, the Moon Worshiper's methods were mysterious and unpredictable, so he should be able to create a beast similar to the Qilin.

But the next moment

"Here you go~"

Ye Yan casually threw the Qilin Horn and the Fire Spirit Pearl to the Fire Qilin.


The Fire Qilin's eyes lit up instantly, and he opened his mouth and swallowed the Fire Spirit Pearl.


《The Fire Spirit Pearl entered the Fire Kirin's stomach, and the flames all over its body became even more intense.

The scorching heat swept through, directly forcing Drunken Swordsman and Li Xiaoyao to retreat.

The fire was scorching under their feet, and the bluestone floor was burned through, which was extremely terrifying.

Even the Kirin Horn was instantly melted, turned into a drop of golden blood, and sank into the Fire Kirin's mouth.


A terrifying power of the blood of the divine beast flowed through the Fire Kirin's body, constantly tempering the Fire Kirin's body.

The flames all over the Fire Kirin became even more intense, and actually condensed into substance, wrapping the whole body.

In less than a blink of an eye, the Fire Kirin was turned into a giant flaming egg.

"What's going on? How did the Fire Kirin suddenly turn into an egg?"

Zhao Linger's face was full of confusion.

Even the people in the chat group who saw this scene were extremely surprised.

However, the knowledgeable Nangong Ping'er still roughly guessed what was going on.

Nangong Ping'er:"Is this Fire Kirin advancing its bloodline?"

Yue Buqun:"What? Doesn't that mean that the Fire Kirin will become more powerful?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I envy the big guy for another day, this Fire Kirin is now at the peak of the Jindan stage"

"If the bloodline is successfully advanced, won't it be possible to break through to the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Nascent Soul stage? Wouldn't that be the ceiling of combat power in the area where Sister Nangong is located?""

"Oh my god! Brother Ye Yan is getting more and more annoying"

"How could he possess such a powerful beast?"

Li Mochou said:"I just don't know if this Fire Kirin becomes too powerful and will devour its master."

"Brother Ye Yan, be careful!"

Yotsuya Miko:"I don't think so. Brother Ye Yan is so powerful. Even if the Fire Kirin was forcibly subdued by some means before,"

"But now that it has been subdued by Brother Ye Yan, Brother Ye Yan will definitely not let the Fire Kirin backfire."

Li Mochou was relatively rational and expressed her concerns.

But Si Gu Jianzi had a blind confidence in Ye Yan.

Of course, most people in the group were more inclined to Si Gu Jianzi's statement.

After all, when had Ye Yan ever done anything to disappoint them?

Even if the mortal Daozu came, he was directly crippled by Ye Yan.

Not to mention a"small" Fire Kirin.

Ye Yan thought so too.

Just kidding! (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Fire Kirin has a system item"Fuling Divine Circle" on its neck....

Not to mention that the Fire Kirin is about to break through the shackles of blood and advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

Even if it becomes a Daozu-level existence, this"Spirit Subduing Circle" can subdue it.

So at this moment, Ye Yan has only expectations in his heart.

He expects the Fire Kirin to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, or even to the Spiritual Transformation stage.

By then, even if Ye Yan does not take action, a random word can make the Fire Kirin knock down the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader.

However, seeing that the Fire Kirin could not complete the blood advancement for a while, Ye Yan immediately took out the spirit beast bag and put it in.

This scene shocked the Drunken Swordsman, the grandmother, and even Li Xiaoyao.

"What? Is this Fire Kirin really your mount?"

"How is this possible?"

You know, as Zhao Linger said before, even the descendants of Nuwa and these mythical beasts have an equal relationship.

But now Ye Yan actually has a mythical beast mount.

And can he put it directly into the spirit beast bag?

Who is this Ye Yan?

At this moment, in the eyes of Jiu Jianxian and Grandma, Ye Yan seemed even more mysterious and powerful.[]

Of course, the happiest person is the grandmother. After all, with a strong teammate like Ye Yan, Zhao Linger doesn't have to worry about being caught by the Moon Worshiper.

But at this moment, it is exactly what he said.

""Whoever kills my Moon Worshipers, surrender immediately~" 3.5 A large number of Moon Worshipers came shouting and killing.

Everyone looked closely and found that at least tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers were rushing over.

Each of them had a cultivation level of at least 8th level.

Even if such cultivation level was only garbage in Ye Yan's eyes, you have to know that tens of thousands of bags of garbage thrown over can kill people.

Not to mention tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers at the late stage of Qi training.

Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao felt their scalps tingling.

And at this moment, a sedan chair came from the back of tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers.

On the sedan chair was a middle-aged man with long flowing hair, tiger eyes and eagle nose, and a face without sadness or joy, like a hermit.

"Oh no, why did the Moon Worshiper come here in person?" Grandma 's face changed instantly.

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