"What? The Moon Worshiper is here?"

The faces of Grandma and Li Xiaoyao changed drastically in an instant.

You know, the Moon Worshiper is a god-like existence in the Nanzhao Kingdom.

If tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers can make Jiujianxian and others feel pressured, then the appearance of the Moon Worshiper is like an unshakable mountain, making them feel suffocated.

Only Ye Yan had a calm face.

It seemed that he did not take the Moon Worshiper seriously.

Although he could sense that the Moon Worshiper's current cultivation level was at least the second level of the Nascent Soul.

But Ye Yan had just acquired various powerful skills, and he had a lot of Jindan peak-level array talismans in his hands.

Ye Yan felt that he could definitely compete with the Moon Worshiper now. Even if he can't win

, Ye Yan can just take Zhao Linger back to the zombie world, wait until his cultivation breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage, and then come back to defeat the Moon Worshiper.

On the contrary, if he can take the opportunity to search the Moon Worshiper's soul like he did with Emperor Shitian, Ye Yan might be able to obtain his various powerful secrets.

Increase his strength again.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan was looking forward to the Moon Worshiper who was rushing over at this time.

But Ye Yan was still a little confused at this time.

In the original book, shouldn't the Moon Worshiper be controlling the water monster and fighting with Qing'er at this time?

Why did he come to catch Zhao Linger?


Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! So many cultivators above the 8th level of Qi training?"

"Is this fairy sword world so powerful?"

"Can it be described as"there are as many Qi-training monks as dogs?"

Mu Nianci:"The strength of the late Qi-training monks should be above that of top masters!"

"Oh my god! Isn't this equivalent to tens of thousands of top masters? Tens of thousands of Hong Qigongs? ? ?"

"Is there also a Moon Worshiper with unfathomable strength?"

"Brother Ye Yan and sister Ling'er won't be in danger, right? ? ?"

Green Man King:"Tens of thousands of top masters standing there to defend me, it would take me a day or two to chop them down with my current strength."

Nangong Ping'er:"Tens of thousands of late-stage Qi training masters are indeed difficult to deal with.""

"But Ye Yan can definitely solve it easily"

"Now Ye Yan's only opponent should be the Moon Worshiper."

Xianxian:"Yes! Brother Ye Yan's cultivation is now at the second level of Jindan, and Brother Ye Yan has so many group attack skills, he can definitely easily deal with these late Qi training"

"As for the Moon Worshiper, no matter how strong he is, people don't believe he can stop Brother Ye Yan from returning to the zombie world."

Li Mochou:"Yes! So now we don't need to worry about whether Brother Ye Yan is in danger."

"We should be worried about how many Moon Worshipping Cult lackeys Brother Ye Yan can kill, and how long he can fight the Moon Worshipping Cult leader."

Yoshitani Miko:"I look forward to seeing Brother Ye Yan show his might."

Suddenly, the entire chat group was looking forward to the scene of Ye Yan fighting the Moon Worshipping Cult leader.


But compared to the chat group members who were familiar with Ye Yan, whether it was Li Xiaoyao or Jiu Jianxian, facing so many enemies, they still felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

They wanted to retreat.

However, when Jiu Jianxian thought that it was Qing'er's request to save Zhao Linger, he immediately stood up with a determined look on his face. He looked like he was going to fight to the death with the Moon Worshiper and his group.

"Senior Jiu Jianxian, what should we do now?"

Li Xiaoyao was very anxious.

"What else can I do? Run!"

"Ye Yan, right!"

"You escort Ling'er away, I will stop these Moon Worshipers."

The Drunken Swordsman shouted, holding the sword formula, the sword behind him was unsheathed, the void hissed, and it flew high into the air and landed directly on the ground in front of the Moon Worshipers who were rushing towards him.

It was like a sword guarding the border, dividing the battlefield.

"Humph! You are playing tricks on me. Are you surrendering?"

"Give me"

""According to the leader's order, capture the witch princess and kill anyone who stands in the way."

The leader of the Moon Worshipers originally saw the Drunken Sword Immortal's sword unsheathed and thought that there would be a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, the Drunken Sword Immortal's sword was just"thrown" in front of him, and he immediately looked at him with contempt.

But when the Moon Worshipers were less than three feet away from the sword, the Drunken Sword Immortal moved again.

""Sword Control Technique~"

The Drunken Swordsman made hand gestures, and a stream of spiritual light shot out like a sword on the ground. Chi Chi Chi


In an instant, more than a dozen sharp sword energies broke through the air, and a series of violent explosions sounded. The earth collapsed, and dozens of Moon Worshipers were directly shaken away. The Moon Worshipers' offensive offensive was stopped instantly. Li Xiaoyao was instantly delighted. Although he could see that the Drunken Swordsman would soon be unable to stop him, he was now buying them time to escape. He immediately used his flying sword and jumped up

"Ling'er, let's go."

"Senior Jiujianxian will be fine. Let's leave here first and don't drag him down."

Li Xiaoyao only wanted to take Zhao Linger away at this time.

Of course, he also believed that Jiujianxian could definitely leave here.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to see Jiujianxian in the space and time ten years later.

However, in the face of Li Xiaoyao's call, Zhao Linger simply turned a deaf ear.

Instead, she looked at Ye Yan not far away with expectation. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just kidding!

She naturally saw what the chat group said. She believed that Ye Yan was definitely not afraid of these Moon Worshipers.

On the contrary, if she and Ye Yan really ran away now, maybe not only Jiujianxian would be in danger.

Later, the Moon Worshiper would catch up with them. It would be a waste of time.

As for Jiujianxian's appearance in ten years, it might be because of the fierce battle between Ye Yan and the Moon Worshiper.

It's not that Jiujianxian defeated the Moon Worshiper himself, or ran away.

After all, Jiujianxian's strength is there. Even facing these tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers, it is difficult to escape from the hands of the Moon Worshipers.

Sure enough, the next moment

"Ye Yan, Ling'er, why are you still standing there?"

"Come quickly and follow Li Xiaoyao!"

"I can’t hold on any longer.

"���Hundreds of sharp sword lights have been emitted.

But they only shook away dozens of unsuspecting Moon Worshipers in front.

After the Moon Worshipers behind saw that the sword on the ground was dangerous, everyone immediately worked together to perform skills similar to Flying Star to block a lot of sharp sword energy.

So far, only hundreds of Moon Worshipers have been defeated.

Although such a result is already very good.

In an instant, one against a hundred is absolutely awesome.

But you have to know that there are tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers swarming in from behind.

The distance with the Drunken Sword Immortal was also instantly shortened. If the two sides encountered each other, the Drunken Sword Immortal felt that he would definitely not be able to hold on for long.

Not to mention, there was a Moon Worshiper in mid-air watching the show with a covetous eye.

He now just wanted Ye Yan to take Zhao Linger away quickly.

Only in this way could he find a way to perform the secret technique to escape.

But at this moment.

Something that almost made the Drunken Sword Immortal explode happened.


Ye Yan did not retreat but advanced, taking a step forward and rushing towards the tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers in an instant.

One man with bare hands, fighting against ten thousand people?

No matter how you look at it, this is no different from a moth flying into a flame.

Seeing this scene, the Drunken Swordsman really had the urge to beat Ye Yan to death.[]


Are you mentally ill?

There are so many people attacking, but you don't attack from a distance, just kite them.

Instead, you rush over. Aren't you just asking for death


"Senior Drunken Swordsman, may I borrow your sword for a moment?"387

Ye Yan drew out the sword of the Drunken Swordsman along the way, leaped up, and flew more than ten meters into the air.

He rushed directly into the middle of the tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers who were rushing over.

It was like a person jumping directly into the huge mouth of a demon. He would be swallowed up the next moment.

All the Moon Worshipers below showed expressions of caring for a mentally retarded person.

This guy is really looking for death.

At this angle, even if each of them sent out a blade of energy, they could cut Ye Yan's body into pieces.

But at this moment

"《Shushan Sword Control》——《Swordsmanship》~"


The sword whistled, and the sword energy surged.

Ye Yan was filled with sword energy, and he became one with the sword.

With the sword energy surging, he turned into a giant sword with a length of 100 meters, carrying the power to shake the earth and destroy demons, and slammed down on the dark group of Moon Worshipers below.


The faces of the Moon Worshipers, who had been sneering, suddenly changed drastically, and were filled with fear.

But they were not given a chance to react.

Boom boom boom... the sword energy fell, and the earth shattered.

Even below, the Moon Worshipers within a radius of ten feet were directly blasted into ashes.

However, this was not over yet.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang~ the violent sword energy poured into the ground and scattered.

It actually turned into nine equally sharp sword energies, rising from the ground into the sky.

Wherever it passed, the ground cracked and the grass and trees flew everywhere.

All the Moon Worshipers within a radius of a hundred feet were instantly blasted into ashes.

Thousands of people died.

The scene was so horrible.

Everyone was shocked.

"What the hell? Is this the Shushan sword control technique?"

"How is this possible ?"

Jiu Jianxian was even more shocked by Ye Yan's operation.

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