Zhao Linger:"Great! I said Brother Ye Yan could do it. He defeated thousands of Moon Worshipping villains with just one move."

"Brother Ye Yan is awesome."

Green Man King:"I thought Brother Ye only knew lightning and fire magic, but I didn't expect that he even knew swordsmanship. Is there anything that Brother Ye doesn't know?"

Yotsuya Miko:"Oh my god! The mysterious power of the East?"

"I actually witnessed a new oriental mysterious power again"

"Brother Ye Yan, he actually killed thousands of Moon Worshipers with one sword? ? ?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Not only did he kill the Moon Worshipers, he was simply causing mountains to collapse and the earth to split."

"Can swordplay be played like this?"

"Compared with Master Ye's swordsmanship, the power of my Kunlun swordsmanship is nothing."

Zhiqiu Yiye was talking about the original novel, where he condensed a small black tornado and slashed at Pudu Cihang with a sword, but was defeated by that move.

Kankan:"Is it possible that your strength is rubbish, not your Kunlun swordsmanship?"

"If Brother Ye Yan uses Kunlun swordsmanship, he can definitely���It's all scum."

The Green Man King:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, this is because you can't poop and blame the toilet."

"Yes, the Shushan Sword Controlling Technique is indeed stronger than the Kunlun Sword Technique, but the main difference still depends on the person."

"Even if Big Boss Ye uses your"Kunlun Sword Art" now, if you learn this enhanced version of"Shushan Sword Control Art", you will only be turned into slag by Big Boss Ye in seconds!"

Yue Buqun:"Zhiqiu Yiye, sometimes you have to find your own reasons, don't blame your master's swordsmanship for being rubbish."

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numbed.

But he couldn't refute it.

It was indeed the case.

The power of this"Shushan Sword Control Art - Sword Control Art" is indeed much stronger than their swordsmanship.

But it also depends on who is performing it.

For example, now, let Jiujianxian learn this enhanced version of"Sword Control Art", but it would be good if he can play one-fifth of Ye Yan's power.

Because of this, Jiujianxian was the most shocked at the scene at this time.

He didn't remember that he had passed on the"Sword Control Art".

But now not only Li Xiaoyao can perform it, but even Ye Yan can perform it.

And Ye Yan's"Sword Control Art" is obviously an enhanced version.

Or is it that what Ye Yan is practicing now is the right one? The Sword Controlling Technique of Shushan Mountain is a fake version of the Sword Controlling Technique. The Sword Controlling Technique currently practiced by the entire Shushan Mountain is fake?

Jiujianxian was in deep doubt at this time.

His mentality almost collapsed.

Li Xiaoyao was also numb.

He originally thought that he had already learned the Sword Controlling Technique of Shushan Mountain and had obtained the true teachings of Jiujianxian, and could easily kill Ye Yan ten years ago.

But now, not only did Ye Yan easily block his attack with a move of"Nine Absolute Return to Origin Qi".

Now Ye Yan actually also knows the Sword Controlling Technique of Shushan Mountain that he is proud of.

And it's an enhanced version.

The power is dozens of streets better than his own.

This almost made Li Xiaoyao's Taoism heart collapse directly.

How can Ye Yan be so powerful? What can he use to get Zhao Linger back?


""Moon Worship Leader, are you going to stay up there and watch the show?"

At this time, Ye Yan was surrounded by tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers.

His sword was embedded in the ground. Ye Yan stood on the sword with one foot.

His expression was indifferent. His robes fluttered in the wind, like a sword god descending from the dust. He faced tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers alone, which was quite pretentious.

But none of the Moon Worshipers dared to step forward.

Each of them had a look of fear and panic on their faces. They kept their bodies as far away from Ye Yan as possible.

There was no trace of the arrogance that they had just shown when they were bossing Ye Yan around and trying to kill him.

Just kidding!

Ye Yan killed so many of their companions with one sword. Killing them was even easier than killing chickens and dogs.

No matter how much they believed in the Moon Worship, it was impossible for them to overcome the fear in their hearts so instantly.

Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to these people. He looked up and saw the Moon Worship Leader who was still floating in the air pretending to be pretentious, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Since the Moon Worship Leader had followed him, they couldn't leave today without a fight.


The Moon Worshiper was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Yan to be so arrogant.

He was just a small 2nd level Jindan, but he dared to talk to him in such a tone?

But to be honest, Ye Yan's strength did surprise the Moon Worshiper.

Originally, he thought that he didn't need to do anything at all, and these tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers would definitely be able to deal with Ye Yan and his group easily.

The purpose of his coming here was really guessed by Ye Yan, that is, to watch the show.

At the same time, he was going to take Zhao Linger away.

Because at this time Qing'er had turned into a statue in order to suppress the water monster.

Now the Moon Worshiper only wants to capture Zhao Linger and brainwash her from a young age, making her mistakenly believe that this world is only ugly.

When Zhao Linger grows up, with the help of Zhao Linger's power as a descendant of Nuwa, he will destroy the world and be reborn.

Create the world he thinks is beautiful. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now as long as Ye Yan and his group are dealt with, Zhao Linger will be his.

Of course, in the eyes of the Moon Worshiper, Ye Yan can only be regarded as a bigger ant at most, and he doesn't even need to use his hands to deal with Ye Yan.

"My dear brother, you are too impatient."

"You've committed too much sin"

"He actually killed thousands of my loyal Moon Worshipers with one move."

"All this is probably because of the bewitching of Zhao Linger, the descendant of a demon!"

"Come, cast aside the demons in your heart and join our harmonious Moon Worshipping family!"

"And Li Xiaoyao, Drunken Swordsman, and Grandma, you are all kind-hearted people, don't be deceived by the Witch Queen"

"Hand Zhao Linger over to me, I will guide her to be good."


The Moon Worshiping Cult leader spoke, his tone was calm, and it seemed like a normal conversation.

But when it fell into the minds of Ye Yan and others, it was like a heavy hammer, knocking their heads dizzy.

Every word was bewitching. Li Xiaoyao and the old lady were the first to be unable to bear it. Their eyes were blurred and their consciousness began to struggle. They were confused by the voice at any time.

The Drunken Sword Immortal had a high level of cultivation, so he was naturally not afraid, but he could only take care of himself.[]

Zhao Linger has the blood of Nuwa, so naturally she can't be bewitched so easily.

But the weird thing is that not only did the tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers at the scene show more fanatical expressions on their faces, sweeping away their previous fear of Ye Yan.

Even Yue Buqun and Si Gu Jianzi in the chat group... these people who were separated by the video, almost got bewitched when they heard the words of the Moon Worshiper.

This shocked several people.

Si Gu Jianzi:"Oh my God! This Moon Worshiper is too scary!"

"We were almost bewitched through the video"

"Can Brother Ye Yan really deal with him?"

"This Moon Worshiping Sect Leader's words are even more powerful than my Heavenly Demon Sound."

"Sister Ling'er's fairy world is so scary!"


Everyone started to worry about Ye Yan.

But the Moon Worshiper had a calm expression, and his face did not change at all.

It seemed that dealing with Ye Yan and his group was as easy as killing a few ants.

Everything was under his control.

He had already foreseen the scene of Ye Yan and his group surrendering.

But the next moment

"《Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar》~"

Ye Yan mobilized the vast spiritual power in his Dantian and gathered it in his throat.


It was like the roar of a tiger and a dragon, and it was like thunder rolling in the sky, fierce and righteous, slaying demons and destroying evil. The powerful and domineering voice shook the heavens and the earth, and shocked people's hearts. (Okay)


In an instant, no matter Li Xiaoyao, the grandmother, or all the Moon Worshipers on the scene were shocked. One by one, they were like people who were awakened from a deep sleep, their eyes widened, and they woke up instantly. Even tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers came to their senses, looking at the Moon Worshiper with a look of surprise and confusion. It seemed like a sleepwalker who was awakened, and didn't know why he was here. At the same time, a scene that shocked everyone happened


The Moon Worshiper's magic was broken, and he was actually attacked back. His soul seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and he couldn't help but groan. Although he was not injured, it was like being slapped in the face. The damage was not great, but the insult was very strong.

The Moon Worshiper was very unhappy.

However, before the Moon Worshiper could get angry and prepare to kill Ye Yan, something unexpected happened.

"《Double hand》~"

Ye Yan appeared behind the Moon Worshiper without knowing when, and with his right hand shining with blue light, he grabbed the Moon Worshiper's head.


The Moon Worshiper finally got angry, feeling extremely humiliated.

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