"Damn it, can a mere Jindan of yours bully me again and again?"

Although the Moon Worshiper didn't think that Ye Yan's attacks could kill him, being attacked by Ye Yan again and again was like being slapped in the face again and again.

The damage was not great, but the insult was extremely strong.

The spiritual power in his hands surged, and a terrifying force burst out, blasting the giant sword away.


The giant sword flew backwards to meet Ye Yan's eight thunder dragons.

However, the expected scene of the giant sword and the eight thunder dragons colliding and exploding did not appear.

Instead, the eight thunder dragons passed through the giant sword and blasted towards the Moon Worshiper.


The Moon Worshiper finally realized that this giant sword and the eight thunder dragons were all made by Ye Yan.

Moreover, Ye Yan condensed these eight thunder dragons to penetrate the giant sword and attack himself.

Bang, bang, bang~

The eight Yin-Yang Thunder Dragons bombarded continuously, and the Yin-Yang power stirred wildly, instantly breaking the layers of protective aura around the Moon Worshiper.

At the same time.


Under Ye Yan's sword control technique, the giant sword that had originally flown backwards attacked again.

The sword energy was sharp and unstoppable.

The giant sword energy exploded.

The Moon Worshiper's protective aura was instantly broken.

The three-foot sword blade wrapped in the giant sword energy pierced through in an instant, and the Moon Worshiper was instantly seriously injured.

This scene shocked everyone at the scene.

Are you kidding!

Even the Drunken Sword Immortal, who was in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, was not sure to break the Moon Worshiper's defense.

Ye Yan not only did , and directly injured the Moon Worshiper with the three-foot sword?

Li Xiaoyao once again realized how big the gap was between himself and Ye Yan.

You know, he didn't even have a chance to fight back in front of the Moon Worshiper.

Not to mention injuring the Moon Worshiper.

The Moon Worshipers were also unbelievable at this time.

They felt their faith collapsed.

You know, although the Moon Worshiper at this period had not yet reached the level of a god in their hearts.

But it was almost the same.

He was equally invincible and no one could invade him.

But now he was stabbed by Ye Yan with a sword.

This completely subverted the imagination of these Moon Worshipers.

In addition, Ye Yan just used"Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar" to break the confusing sound of the Moon Worshiper. Now these Moon Worshipers' faith in the Moon Worshiper has definitely decreased.

This made the Moon Worshiper furious.

But before he could do anything to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan had already taken action again

"Fire Qilin, go~"

Ye Yan sensed that the Fire Qilin was about to break out of its shell and advance.

Without saying anything, he opened the spirit beast bag.

A flash of fire appeared.

The five-meter-long flaming giant egg immediately rushed towards the Moon Cult Master.

"Hmm? What is this?"

The Moon Worshiper's face changed instantly, and he swung his right hand violently.


A violent wind blew violently, and a violent tornado came out of nowhere, heading towards the Flame Giant Egg.

The Moon Worshiper finally had a bad feeling, and he could sense a sense of crisis from the Flame Giant Egg.

If he let the Flame Giant Egg get close to him, he would definitely be seriously injured.

However, the result was the opposite of what he wanted. As soon as the raging wind touched the Flame Giant Egg, the wind helped the fire to grow.

The Flame Giant Egg actually swallowed the power of the raging wind, and the flames all over the body surged.


A violent explosion sounded.

The flames scattered and the flames steamed.


The next moment.

The earth trembled, and a 5-meter-tall, hideous head and horns, with flames steaming all over the body, A giant beast covered with red-gold scales, with sharp claws and fangs, appeared out of thin air.

Wherever he stepped, the ground cracked and turned black.

A scorching heat and terrifying Nascent Soul aura swept through the entire Nanzhao Palace, like a beast from the legendary Hell of Fire, which was heart-shaking.

That's right, this is the Fire Kirin that just swallowed the"Fire Spirit Pearl" and the Kirin Horn, successfully enhanced the power of the Kirin bloodline, and broke through the shackles of its own bloodline.

At this time, not only has its cultivation broken through the Nascent Soul boundary.

The originally fiery red scales on its body have a faint golden luster, making it look even more indestructible.

The flames also emitted a golden glow, and the temperature was even higher.

It seems that any wisp of flame can melt gold and silver in an instant, which is extremely terrifying.

"What? Fire Qilin?"

"How could such a mythical beast suddenly appear?"

The Moon Worshiper's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief.

He knew that the descendants of Nuwa in this world had the ability to summon such mythical beasts.

But it was also necessary to perform various secret techniques, communicate with the legendary God Realm, and open the transmission channel to the God Realm before it was possible to summon the mythical beast to help.

But now, Ye Yan just threw out a bag and summoned such a mythical beast.

Although the cultivation of this mythical beast was not as good as his own, the Moon Worshiper had been seriously injured by Ye Yan.

And he did not have the kind of heaven-defying ability to instantly recover from injuries ten years later.

Now, facing the sudden appearance of the Fire Kirin, the face of the Moon Worshiper changed instantly.


Fire Kirin roared, opened his mouth and condensed red-gold flames, and the"Fire Spirit Pearl" condensed in it, instantly turning into a sea of fire, bombarding the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader.


A violent explosion sounded

《The Fire Spirit Pearl and the sea of fire hit the Moon Worshiper.

The Moon Worshiper was actually blown away by the golden flames.


"This"Fire Spirit Pearl" actually has such power."

The Moon Worshiper was injured on top of his injury.

He could feel a strange flame force burning rapidly in his body. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Even with his strength, it was difficult to extinguish it.

He immediately realized that this was the blood flame power of the"Fire Spirit Pearl" and the Fire Kirin.

With his current ability, he couldn't even extinguish it.

He immediately used the escape technique and turned around to escape.

In an instant, he fled a thousand feet and directly escaped from the palace.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Are you kidding!

Even if the Moon Worshiper is not the god-like existence he will be ten years later, his cultivation strength has at least reached the late Nascent Soul stage, or even the peak of the Nascent Soul.

But now he was defeated by Ye Yan, a 2nd level Jindan cultivator.

Even with the help of the Fire Kirin, this is still a very exaggerated thing.

"What? The Moon Worshiper actually ran away like this?"

"How is this possible?"

Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao were stunned.

They originally thought that as long as Ye Yan could stop the Moon Worshiper for a while and make him afraid of them,[]

It would be good to give them a chance to escape.

But now they were beaten away directly. How could Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao not be shocked?

The faith of tens of thousands of Moon Worshipers at the scene collapsed.

One by one, they began to look a little lost.

After all, the Moon Worshiper was their spiritual pillar. Now that he was defeated by Ye Yan, it was like their spiritual pillar collapsed.

How could they not despair?

However, some were sad while others were extremely happy..........

Just like Zhao Linger at the scene, she was so excited that she started dancing.

"Great, Brother Ye Yan, you are so awesome"

"He defeated the Moon Worshiper so easily?"

Zhao Linger looked at Ye Yan with endless admiration.

Even though she was only ten years old, she would also admire others.

In other words, when I grow up, I must marry someone as amazing as Ye Yan.

The chat group was also excited at this time.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Brother Ye is awesome, he defeated the Yuanying realm with a Jindan?"

"It's simply unimaginable."

Li Mochou:"Although I don't know how big the gap is between Jindan and Yuanying, it doesn't stop me from worshipping Brother Ye Yan."

Kanan:"Brother Ye Yan, you've made me weak in the knees! You're so awesome." Yue Buqun:

"Brother Ye is indeed powerful, but it was a mistake to let the Moon Worshiper go."

"Letting a tiger go back to the mountains will definitely cause trouble in the future."

Si Gu Jianzi:"What Grandpa Yue Buqun said makes sense, but I think Brother Ye Yan is so powerful, even if he lets a tiger go back to the mountains, what will happen?"

"Next time when Brother Ye Yan meets the Moon Worshiper, it might be easier to kill him."

Nangong Ping'er:"Sister Jianzi is right, Ye Yan's growth rate is really too fast."

"I was in the Dan stage when I entered, and I am still in the Dan stage now."

"The next time the Moon Worshiper meets Ye Yan, even if he is at the Spiritualization stage, Ye Yan will definitely be able to easily destroy him."

"On the contrary, Ye Yan's cultivation has not yet come up."

"It is definitely not a wise move to rashly chase after the Moon Worshiper."

The Green Man King:"That's right, even a rabbit bites when it's angry."

"If a tiger attacks before it dies, at least you need to have the power to easily kill it. Otherwise, it would be irrational to chase and kill the Moon Worshiper now."

Nangong Ping'er and the Green Man King's words hit Ye Yan's heart directly.

That's right, Ye Yan has no intention of chasing and killing the Moon Worshiper now.

Although the Moon Worshiper was defeated, there is not much spiritual power left in Ye Yan's body.

Although the Fire Kirin is now much stronger, it can definitely kill the Moon Worshiper.

But the Moon Worshiper is now like a wounded 1.3 tiger beast. If he is forced into a corner and fights back desperately, Ye Yan and the Fire Kirin will definitely pay the price.���price.

Instead of that, it is better to let him slip away first.

When Ye Yan's cultivation level is improved, he will be killed.

And it is also good to obtain his cultivation techniques and various secret techniques.

However, Ye Yan only has one day to stay in this Xianjian world.

Now the Moon Worshiper is only injured, not dead.

Once he leaves the Xianjian world, this palace will not be able to protect Zhao Linger at all.

After all, the people of this country should have been bewitched by the Moon Worshiper, and Qing'er has revealed her snake tail-the appearance of the descendant of Nuwa has been seen.

So even if the Moon Worshiper does not come to catch Zhao Linger now, others will come to catch Zhao Linger.

Even the witch king who can't even protect his wife and children may be led by the nose by everyone to deal with Zhao Linger.

Ye Yan felt that Zhao Linger must be taken away.


Just at this moment, a loud phoenix cry resounded through the world.

Everyone looked closely and found that this was a golden-winged phoenix, with golden light all over its body, exuding a sacred aura, which made people have an impulse to worship it.

But Ye Yan suddenly found that the golden-winged phoenix looked a little wrong


How could there be such a powerful evil spirit?".

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