"Look, that's Sister Phoenix"

"Is it my mother who came to pick me up?"

Zhao Linger was instantly overjoyed when she saw the golden-winged phoenix.

Everyone in the chat group was shocked when they saw this scene.

Yotsuya Miko:"Oh my God! It turns out that each of these legendary mysterious creatures in the East actually exists."

"Dear brothers and sisters, you in the East are so mysterious"

"I will definitely go over to your place to have a good look if I have a chance."

Mu Nianci:"You can come to the East, but if you want to see the Phoenix and Qilin behind them, you should still look for Brother Ye Yan or Xiao Ling'er."

"Because it’s the first time we’ve seen one."

Li Xiaoyao:"That’s right. If I hadn’t communicated with this chat group, I would have thought that these mythical beasts were just legends."

Nangong Ping’er:"Even in the world I live in, there are only legends about the phoenix.""

"As for the Vermillion Bird Ring in my hand, it is said to contain the blood of the Vermillion Bird, but that is only a legend."

The Green Man King:"Me too."

09"I originally thought that being able to see the Qilin was already a rare opportunity."

"I didn't expect that even Phoenix has"

"And from Xiao Ling'er's tone, it seems that she is very familiar with this golden-winged phoenix."

"Where are they taking Xiao Ling'er?"

Li Mochou:"Could it be that the Golden Winged Phoenix is here to take Xiao Ling'er and Brother Ye Yan away?"

"I'm so envious, I want to fly with Brother Ye Yan too."

婠婠:"It seems that I will be even nicer to Xiao Ling'er"

"This golden-winged phoenix is very familiar with Xiao Ling'er."

Yue Buqun:"It seems that although Xiao Ling'er is young, she is also one of the most powerful people in this chat group."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Zhao Ling'er, hello, please take me on a phoenix ride if you have the chance."


Compared to everyone's expectations.

Ye Yan was full of doubts at this time.

There was a strong demonic aura on this golden-winged phoenix.

Logically speaking, this golden-winged phoenix should be the guardian spirit beast of the Nuwa clan, and it should be a sacred existence.

However, Ye Yan could feel that this golden-winged phoenix had no ill intentions.

It was indeed the divine beast in the original book that was summoned by Qing'er to take Zhao Linger away from the Nanzhao Kingdom.

He immediately took Zhao Linger, her grandmother, and the Drunken Sword Immortal to fly on the back of the golden-winged phoenix.

Prepare to figure out the situation along the way.

After all, although the Moon Worshiper was seriously injured by himself, the Moon Worshiper had so many means that he could come up with some formation at any time, and the blood crow monster would come out to attack them.

And Ye Yan now had less than a day left before he was forcibly teleported back to zombie time by the chat group..

There was not much time left for Ye Yan to protect Zhao Linger.

He had to leave here first.


The golden phoenix spread its wings and soared up to 90,000 meters.

Ye Yan and his group left the territory of Nanzhao in a few breaths of time, under the shocked gaze of the entire Nanzhao people.

Zhao Linger cried for a long time after learning that her mother, Qing'er, had turned into a statue to suppress the water monster.

She wanted to go back to her mother.

Neither grandma nor sister Fenghuang could do anything.

"Ling'er, be good. Your mother is fine."

"She turned into a statue, but she is not dead."

"Your mother turned into a statue for the sake of the people of Nanzhao, for her own way, and to suppress the water monster."

"So if you want your mother to turn back from a statue, you have to leave Nanzhao with us." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Find a place where no one can disturb you and practice hard."

"As long as your cultivation reaches a level that allows you to deal with the Moon Worshiper and kill the Water Monster, we can return to Nanzhao, kill the Moon Worshiper, and kill the Water Monster."

"At that time, your mother can turn back from a statue."

When Ye Yan said this, both Zhao Linger and the Golden Winged Phoenix were stunned.

After all, in their view, turning into a statue is already a sacrifice, isn't it?

How can it be resurrected?

But Ye Yan's words have a basis, and he is definitely not coaxing a child.

You know, the reason why Li Xiaoyao was teleported back to this era in the Nuwa Temple was not because of Nuwa's appearance.

It was Qing'er.

Qing'er has admitted this.

So since Qing'er can still talk to Li Xiaoyao ten years later, and still has powerful spiritual power to teleport Li Xiaoyao back to this era, she is naturally not dead.

Even if she is really dead, her soul is definitely not extinguished.

In the eyes of immortal cultivators like Ye Yan, this is equivalent to not dying.

After all, the immortal cultivation world has secret methods to take over the body, reshape the body, and even directly become a ghost cultivator.

So as long as the water monster and the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader are destroyed, and Qing'er's soul is taken out, he will definitely be able to resurrect.[]

At that time, at most, I could find a younger body for Qing'er, or use a magic medicine to make Qing'er grow a body directly, returning to her youthful and beautiful appearance in her teens.

If so, she would be a perfect virgin.

Ten years later, Zhao Ling'er could call her mother or sister.


"That's great, Brother Ye Yan, Ling'er will practice hard and defeat the big bad guys like the Moon Worshiper and the Water Monster."

Zhao Ling'er found her target, her big round eyes were full of fighting spirit, and her little face was full of expectation.

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much."

The look in grandma's eyes when she looked at Ye Yan changed again.

Full of gratitude and admiration.

Originally, grandma saw Ye Yan suddenly appear, and he immediately killed the Moon Worshipers and defeated the Moon Worshiper.

Although grandma was grateful to Ye Yan, she was still a little wary of Ye Yan.

After all, Ye Yan's origins were unknown, and he seemed to be very familiar with Zhao Linger.

Too mysterious, how could grandma not be alert?

But now seeing that Ye Yan could actually appease Zhao Linger with just a few words.

Obviously, Zhao Linger trusted him very much, grandma immediately figured it out.

No matter who Ye Yan is, he should not have any ulterior motives towards them.

This is enough.

The Golden Winged Phoenix couldn't help but look at Ye Yan at this time.

Originally, in the eyes of the Golden Winged Phoenix, Ye Yan was just a small second-level Jindan cultivator.

Not to mention that he couldn't compare with this divine beast, even the Drunken Sword Immortal and Li Xiaoyao couldn't compare with him.

But now it seems that Ye Yan can appease Zhao Linger so easily, and also set goals and fighting spirit for Zhao Linger.

He is definitely a person Zhao Linger trusts very much.

But the next moment, something even more unexpected happened to the Golden Winged Phoenix

"Golden Winged Phoenix, why do you have such a strong demonic aura?" Ye Yan's words immediately made the

Golden Winged Phoenix look angry.

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