Chat group Mu Nianci live broadcast screen.

In the woods.

Mu Nianci originally used the immortal martial arts spearmanship to brutally abuse Ouyang Ke.

But she was having fun and was careless for a moment, and was sprinkled with love powder by Ouyang Ke and several concubines in white.

Now Mu Nianci's face is flushed, her eyelids are heavy, and her body is trembling. If it weren't for the spear in her hand supporting her body, she would have definitely fallen down.

As for Huang Rong, it was even worse.

Because Ye Yan hadn't helped her to transform her martial arts.

In addition, she was reluctant to take the"One Turn Golden Marrow Pill" given by Mu Nianci, and now Huang Rong's martial arts are not much different from the original period.

Even if Ouyang Ke and several concubines didn't drug her, they were no match for Ouyang Ke. She was pressed on the acupoints by several concubines in a few seconds and couldn't move.

"Hehe! My little beauty, I didn't expect your martial arts skills to be so high, even better than the only daughter of Huang Yaoshi, one of the Five Great Masters."

"If I didn't have this love potion, I really wouldn't be able to take you."

"But this young master likes your style, it's powerful enough."

09" I will feel more accomplished if I can take you down."

Although Ouyang Ke was disheveled and his hair was disheveled, Mu Nianci wanted to torture him just now, so he didn't use his full strength.

So even though Ouyang Ke looked extremely embarrassed, he was still unscathed.

"Ouyang Ke, you'd better let me and Sister Mu go, otherwise my father will not let you go."

"I tell you, my father is Huang Yaoshi, the East Evil"

"If you dare to attack us, you will die."

Huang Rong's pretty face was cold. Although she was known as the female Zhuge Liang, she was helpless in the face of absolute power.

She could only bring up the name of her father Huang Yaoshi.

However, when Ouyang Ke heard Huang Rong's words, he was stunned for a moment.

But soon he laughed even more happily.

"Oh! So you are Uncle Huang’s only daughter—Sister Huang Rong?"

"This young master has admired you for a long time."

"Coincidentally, I have asked my uncle to go to Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage in two days. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"It's fate!"

Ouyang Ke originally just wanted to play with Huang Rong, this pretty beauty, but he didn't expect that she was the target he had already locked on, which made him even more excited.

"Bah! Who is your sister?"

"Who allowed you to come to my Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage?"

"You pervert, let me and Sister Mu go immediately. Let's just forget about this matter today."

"Otherwise, my father will never let you go.

Huang Rong was using a delaying tactic. After all, they were now on the chopping block and could not break up with Ouyang Ke.

However, what Huang Rong did not expect was that when Ouyang Ke heard this, he did not intend to let them go immediately.

Instead, he looked at Huang Rong with more interest.

"Sister Rong'er, this is your fault"

"You and I are both descendants of one of the five great masters of the time. This young master is a perfect match for you."

"Don't worry, your father will definitely agree to my proposal."

"You have been my master's man for a long time, so it is not a bad idea for you and I to perform the Zhougong ceremony first."

"I believe that your father, the East Evil, will not mind it, given his character."

Ouyang Ke raised his lips slightly, looking fearless.

If Ouyang Ke were to meet the descendants of the other Five Supremes, he would never dare to do this.

After all, other people still pay attention to the red tape of this era.

But Huang Yaoshi's name of the East Evil is not for nothing.

He is called the East Evil precisely because he hates red tape the most.

So even if Ouyang Ke really uses force on Huang Rong, it will only slightly anger Huang Yaoshi, but with Ouyang Feng's support, Ouyang Ke is still fearless.

"Rong'er sister, don't be shy, don't you still understand the relationship between men and women?"

"Then I want to demonstrate it to this young lady who has been drugged, and then I will marry you."

"These medicinal powders are good stuff, you should try them first, and when the effect comes, maybe we can be together."

Ouyang Ke smiled evilly, and blew the remaining medicinal powder in his hand directly onto Huang Rong's delicate face.

Suddenly, Huang Rong began to feel a little dizzy.

But the effect of the medicine has not come yet, so Ouyang Ke walked directly towards Mu Nianci.

It's just that although Mu Nianci was poisoned by love at this time, she couldn't use any strength to resist.

But Mu Nianci was not panicked at all, and even looked at Ouyang Ke with an expression as if she was looking at a dead person. She was completely fearless.

There was even a hint of expectation.

Don't get me wrong, Mu Nianci was not looking forward to Ouyang Ke. She was looking forward to Ye Yan.

After all, she is now broadcasting live, and Ye Yan has seen her situation.

In addition, the cooling time for crossing over has ended, and Ye Yan will definitely come.

At that time, not only can Ouyang Ke be easily killed, Mu Nianci can also meet Ye Yan again, and the two can even meet again……

This would definitely make Qianqian and Li Mochou envious again.

However, Ouyang Ke didn't know that a great master from the world of immortal cultivation was about to arrive, and he looked at Mu Nianci with a smug look on his face.

"My little beauty, are you impatient?"

"Don't worry, I will make you very satisfied."

Ouyang Ke saw Mu Nianci's expression and became even more impatient.

"Humph! Yes, I am impatient."

"I can't wait to see how you die."

"Brother Ye Yan, you have to make the decision for me."

Mu Nianci's little face, which was being tortured by the love potion, showed a cold expression.

The next moment, a ripple like water waves appeared in the void around Mu Nianci.

Such a strange scene instantly frightened Ouyang Ke.


"Is this young master dazzled? The void 163 can actually be distorted?"

Although Ouyang Ke didn't know what this void ripple represented.

But he could feel a monstrous killing intent from this void ripple. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Even when facing one of the five great masters in the world today, Ouyang Feng, the killing intent he exuded was not so terrifying.

Combined with Mu Nianci's words"Brother Ye Yan", it is obvious that a"peerless master" is about to descend.

"Not good."

Ouyang Ke instinctively felt that something was wrong and immediately used the unique Qinggong skills passed down from the White Camel Villa.——《"A Thousand Miles in a Moment" and turned and ran.

Using Qinggong, he could cover ten feet in a moment, his figure was erratic and elusive.


"Humph! Can you run away?"

"Bullying my woman, you deserve to die."


Thunder roared in the void, lightning flashed.

A thunderbolt broke through the void ripples.

Although it was only as thick as a thumb, it was invincible.

Wherever it passed, the grass, trees, rocks and rocks that blocked the lightning were instantly pierced, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Even Ouyang Ke, who had already run dozens of feet away and was separated by many huggable trees and boulders, was terrified when he saw this scene.

Can lightning be controlled?

Is this something that should exist in the world of martial arts?

What kind of monster exists in this void? It has used such a terrifying method before seeing anyone?.

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