Bang, bang, bang~

Lightning broke through the air, instantly passing through dozens of trees and boulders, and hit Ouyang Ke who was hundreds of meters away.

But this was actually normal. After all, no matter how amazing Ouyang Ke's Qinggong was, it was only amazing in this martial arts world.

Facing a Jindan cultivator like Ye Yan, it was nothing.

Any spell could directly injure Ouyang Ke, one of the best masters in the world.

"Ah! My hand!"

There was a thumb-sized hole in Ouyang Ke's right shoulder, and the wound was charred black.

It was shocking.

Ouyang Ke's face was full of pain, cold sweat all over his body, and his heart was full of fear.

He quickly endured the piercing pain in his shoulder and used all his strength to escape.

If he had seen a lightning arc breaking through the air just now, he would still suspect it was a trick.

Now that this lightning had penetrated his shoulder, he was extremely sure that all this was true.

He actually provoked a terrifying existence that might not belong to this world.


Must run quickly, otherwise I will definitely die here today

"Why are you still standing there?"

"Kill Huang Rong and Mu Nianci immediately."

Ouyang Ke knew that it would be easy for such a terrifying existence as Ye Yan to catch up with him.

In order to escape more smoothly, he immediately ordered the concubines who had surrounded Huang Rong and Mu Nianci to kill Huang Rong and Mu Nianci who had no power to fight back.

This would definitely delay such a terrifying existence as Ye Yan.

Even if it was only delayed for one or two seconds, with his light skill of"Instant Renli", he would definitely be able to escape a long distance.

By then, Ye Yan would have to treat Mu Nianci and Huang Rong, and would definitely not have time to take care of himself. Huang Rong's face changed instantly, and she felt desperate.

After all, she was now acupunctured and poisoned by love. Facing the five concubines' sword-killing moves, she had no power to fight back at all.

On the contrary, Mu Nianci looked indifferent, because she saw that Ye Yan had crossed over.

Then she would be absolutely fine.

Sure enough, the next moment


Ye Yan had just emerged from the void ripples.

Although Ouyang Ke's five concubines were dressed in white and beautiful, they were holding swords and killing Mu Nianci and Huang Rong.

Ye Yan would not show mercy and would never show mercy.

Crack, crack, boom, boom, five arcs of lightning shot out of the air and pierced through the abdomens of the five concubines.

The five concubines instantly lost their fighting power, fell to the ground wailing, their faces pale, and their bodies dripping with sweat.

"Ye...Brother Yan, are you Brother Ye Yan?"

"Is it really you?"

"Great, Rong'er finally...finally sees you."

Huang Rong burst into tears of joy when she saw Ye Yan appear.

After all, she had always wanted to see Ye Yan since she saw him killing people everywhere and madly killing Jin soldiers in the imperial city last time.

This is also one of the reasons why she has been with Mu Nianci all the time.

So now seeing Ye Yan really appear, she is naturally happy.

Especially when she is most desperate.

This made Huang Rong suddenly feel a full sense of security in Ye Yan.

The moment Ye Yan saw Huang Rong, he was also happy.

At the same time, he was also amazed by Huang Rong's beautiful face.

Her beautiful eyes are like stars, her facial features are delicate, her long hair is draped over her shoulders, she is wearing a waisted white dress, her figure is outstanding, and when the sun shines, her whole body is shining, like a fairy descending to the earth, which makes Ye Yan's eyes light up.

She is completely different from the little beggar in the crowd before.

She is worthy of being called"Pretty Huang Rong".

In addition, Huang Rong was poisoned by love at this time, her pretty face was flushed, her beautiful eyes were blurred, and her charm was fully revealed, which made Ye Yan's heart restless.

"Brother Ye Yan, do you know that Rong'er has dreamed of you every night since that day?"

"Brother Ye Yan, Rong'er wants... you to hold me……"

The love poison in Huang Rong began to take effect, and her beautiful eyes began to blur.

She began to show her true feelings and did things that she couldn't do in normal times.

When the people in the chat room saw this scene, they were instantly shocked.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Love poison again?"

"Why does this plot feel so familiar to me?"

"But I can’t participate?"

"I envy Big Boss Ye for another day."

Li Xunhuan:"I envy Big Boss Ye +1." (To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yue Buqun:"I envy Big Boss Ye +1."

Green Man King:"……+1."

Xianxian:"It's over, it's over. My position in Brother Ye Yan's heart has doubled.……"

Li Mochou:"It's over, it's over. My status has dropped again."……"

Yotsuya Miko:"When the price of flax drops, my status also drops by 1, woo woo woo……"

Zhao Linger:"Xianxian, sister, what is love poison?"

"Why would your status be reduced by one?"

"If your status decreases by one, does that mean that the status of Sister Huang Rong, who is poisoned by love, increases by one?"

"'If that's the case, then isn't this love poison a good thing?"

"Then I also want to be poisoned by love, how can I be poisoned by love?


Once again, Qianqian was confused by the words of Zhao Linger, a half-grown girl who seemed to understand something but didn't quite understand.

Even though she was a witch and had no sense of shame, she couldn't teach a child to be bad!

Li Mochou said,"Sister Linger, love poison is not a good thing. You can't touch it carelessly."

"Even if you want to touch it, you have to wait until you grow up and then touch it in front of your husband, do you understand?"[]

Nangong Ping'er:"Mochou is right, Sister Ling'er, you should practice quickly now and strive to improve your cultivation as soon as possible to save your mother."

"Practice requires a combination of work and rest"

"So today you have to watch this live broadcast. I will let you watch other live broadcasts in a few days."

Li Xunhuan:"Agree +1, the rest is not suitable for children to watch, go do your homework... No, go practice."

Green Man King:"Agree +1……"

Yotsugu Jianzi: (King Zhao) Agree +1……"

Yue Buqun:"Agree +1……"

【Ding, Zhao Linger exited the live broadcast room obediently. 】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Great, the little brat is offline. I look forward to seeing Boss Ye defeat Huang Rong... Bah, no, it's the scene of helping Huang Rong detoxify."

Zhiqiu Yiye was looking forward to it.

The others were instantly full of black lines on their faces.

What on earth is Zhiqiu Yiye thinking about?

Everyone despised him.

However, after hearing what Zhiqiu Yiye said, Yue Buqun became a little bit excited.

Even Gao Yao, who had been depressed and lurking, couldn't help but enter the live broadcast room when he saw the chat content of the chat group.

But... the next second

【Ding, Mu Nianci closes the live broadcast room. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Crap, I knew it... Lu" Gao Yao was almost depressed. He just opened the live broadcast room, and it was closed? ? ?

What the hell does it mean?.

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