The next morning, in the woods, the poison of Huang Rong and Mu Nianci was finally solved by Ye Yan's unremitting efforts.

The two women were radiant and in great shape.

Especially Huang Rong, after this transformation, this originally beautiful lady became even more charming.

This is the transformation from a girl to a real woman.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

He wanted to practice with the beautiful lady in front of him again.

But at this moment, Huang Rong suddenly discovered something and couldn't help but exclaimed

"Ah! Brother Ye Yan, what's going on?"

"Why do I feel a strong sense of fullness in my dantian?"

"My inner strength seems to have improved a lot"

"No, this force doesn't seem to be internal force, but some more powerful force."

"It feels so good! I used this power to circulate my internal energy, and I actually felt comfortable all over, as if I had endless energy all of a sudden."

Huang Rong's face was full of surprise and shock.

As she said, she felt a special energy in her dantian.

Her whole body seemed to be full of strength, and her strength seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

If she was no match for Ouyang Ke yesterday, then if she met Ouyang Ke again now, she would definitely be able to tie with him.

This was something Huang Rong couldn't believe at all. After all, the strength of both sides was at least one major realm apart.

Even if Huang Rong put away her playfulness and practiced the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island wholeheartedly, it would take at least two or three years to do it.

But now, she has achieved this in just one night with Ye Yan.

How could Huang Rong not be shocked.

"Could this kind of thing be able to improve internal strength?"


Huang Rong's voice suddenly became softer and softer.

After all, she suddenly thought of the madness of last night, and her little face couldn't help but blush.

She never dreamed that she would do such a thing last night.

But no matter how soft Huang Rong spoke, how could she escape the ears of Ye Yan and Mu Nianci?

Ye Yan felt the same way when he heard it. He didn't expect that the quirky, pure and moving Huang Rong in the TV series would actually have such a side.

If Ye Yan hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't have believed it.

But Huang Rong was right. He practiced the orthodox kung fu (ajba), so naturally both sides could improve their strength.

But before Ye Yan could explain to Huang Rong.

Mu Nianci, as the"sister", actually spoke first:

"Sister Rong'er, of course you can!"

"No, it should be whether other people can improve their strength together, I don't know"

"But with Brother Ye Yan, it's definitely possible."

"Because I was with Brother Ye Yan before, so I was able to advance from a third-rate master to the current Qi training stage."

"If I wasn't pregnant, even Senior Hong Qigong would be able to fight."

Mu Nianci was not talking nonsense.

After all, as long as one has inherited the inheritance of the immortal world, one can perform fireball and wind blade.

Just like Yan Ying in the previous"Wind and Cloud World", who was only at level 4 in Qi training, she could use fireball to defeat Xiong Ba.

So even if Mu Nianci's cultivation aptitude is a little worse and she is only at level 3 in Qi training, she can definitely compete with the five masters in this martial arts world.

"What? How is this possible?"

Huang Rong was shocked when she heard this. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After all, in her opinion, including her father, the five great masters of the time, all of them had practiced for decades to achieve their current invincibility.

But now, Mu Nianci, who was only a few years older than her, actually said that she had the ability to compete with Hong Qigong. It was simply unbelievable.

However, when she thought of Ye Yan, who could fly and kill so many Jin soldiers easily,

Huang Rong had to believe it.

At the same time, she was looking forward to it.

If Ye Ye Yan could also help her modify the secret book into a method for cultivating immortals. Then, wouldn't the strong spiritual power stored in her dantian be able to be fully utilized?

By then, she would definitely be able to become a Qi training stage practitioner like Mu Nianci. What if she meets Ouyang Ke or even Ouyang Feng next time?

Ye Yan was naturally happy to accept this request.

It was just in time to get all the martial arts of Huang Rong from Peach Blossom Island. Maybe she could even deduce the subsequent methods of the"Taoist Scriptures" to the 5th level of Jindan.

But at this moment, something happened that made Ye Yan extremely happy.

【Ding, congratulations, master, Huang Rong is pregnant with her first child.

You will receive a pregnancy gift pack*1. Do you want to open it?】

"Oh my god! Did I really guess it right?"[]

"Are all these female protagonists fertile?"

"Can it be done in just one evening?"

"Could it be that the system has increased the chance of pregnancy because I have to spend 10,000 group points every time I travel through time? ? ?"

Ye Yan began to think wildly.

After all, he had tried it yesterday. No matter how hard the heroines in the zombie world tried, only Ren Susu was pregnant. None of the others had any movement in their stomachs.

But these heroines who traveled through time and space, whether it was Nangong Ping'er, Mu Nianci, or the current Huang Rong, all had children one after another.

Although Ye Yan was confused, he didn't care too much.

What he cared about now was what kind of treasures he could get.

He immediately asked the system Xiaobai to open the pregnancy gift package.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the rare treasure of the God Transformation Stage——《Small Yin Yang Palace》】

《Small Yin-Yang Palace: A residential treasure made from a legendary cave paradise.

It contains the power of yin and yang. A couple can gain double the effect by practicing in it.

If they enter it at the same time, even cultivators at the peak of the Spiritualization Stage or below cannot open it.

"Oh my god! It is worthy of being a divine palace. It actually has such a powerful effect? "

Ye Yan was delighted.

���The treasure was definitely tailor-made for him.

After all, even if he had the"Indestructible Treasure Kidney", Huang Rong and the others didn't!

So every time Ye Yan wanted to practice and improve his cultivation, it was difficult to enjoy it.

But now with this"Small Yin and Yang Divine Mansion", it's different. Every time he gets double the effect, the speed of practice is directly increased by two times.

Even the powerful spirit gathering formation in the world of immortal cultivation may not have such a good effect.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but try it on Huang Rong and Mu Nianci.

But at this moment, Ye Yan and Huang Rong suddenly felt that there were several pairs of eyes staring at them, and they were instantly startled.

"Oh no, how could I forget them?"

I said: Hieu Baocot

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