"Nianci, has your husband gone insane?"

"What opportunities can a weak scholar like him bring to an old beggar like me?"

Hong Qigong instantly lost all his good impression of Ye Yan, the young man who spoke so arrogantly.

If it weren't for the dishes of Mu Nianci and Huang Rong, Hong Qigong would have turned around and left immediately.

However, what Hong Qigong didn't expect was that after hearing this, Mu Nianci actually agreed and said:

"Qigong, Brother Ye Yan is right!"

"Now you just need to take out the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and Brother Ye Yan can help you perfect it into a method of cultivating immortality."

"This is indeed a great opportunity for you."

"Yes, yes, brother Ye Yan is very good."

"Brother Ye Yan is a cultivator"

"It was not easy for me to come to our world today."

Huang Rong nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! I was right... right... huh? ? ?"

"Nianci, Miss Rong'er, are you guys working together to make fun of me, an old beggar?"

"Immortal cultivation technique?"

"Such an outrageous thing, you also believe it?"

Hong Qigong felt that this was the most outrageous thing he had ever heard in his life.

However, Hong Qigong quickly thought of something, and immediately his eyes turned cold, looking at Ye Yan with the eyes of a scumbag.

"Old beggar, I understand. No wonder you and this girl Rong'er are willing to be with the same person."

"So you used such unrealistic rhetoric to deceive Nianci and Ronger."

""Little thief, it seems that I, an old beggar, must teach you a lesson today."

Hong Qigong was full of indignation.

He believed that Ye Yan was definitely such a scum.

This could also explain why Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, two beautiful ladies, were willing to serve Ye Yan.

It turned out that they were brainwashed.

Thinking of this, Hong Qigong's righteousness was overflowing, and he even wanted to destroy Ye Yan.

"You said I was a scumbag? Do I look like one?"

Ye Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't expect Hong Qigong to have such a rich imagination that he could imagine such a thing.

But it's true.

If Ye Yan wasn't so powerful and handsome, even he himself wouldn't believe that he could get the two heroines of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" at once.

After all, in the original novel, whether it was Huang Rong or Mu Nianci, after misunderstanding that Guo Jing and Yang Kang had an affair, they immediately got angry and left.

Not to mention that now Ye Yan let these two beautiful ladies serve him together.

So Ye Yan didn't get angry because of what Hong Qigong said.

"Ouch! Qigong, stop it, you can't do that to Brother Ye Yan"

"That's right, Qigong, please speak properly!"

Mu Nianci and Huang Rong quickly stopped the two of them.

"Nianci, don't worry, I, the old beggar, just want to teach this brat a lesson."

"I won't hurt his life."

"I want him to admit that he was lying to you all."

Hong Qigong actually knew that Mu Nianci and Huang Rong were in deep trouble, and now they could not leave Ye Yan.

Even if Ye Yan was really a scum who deceived the little girl.

After all, Mu Nianci was pregnant now, and abortion was not popular in this era.

But Hong Qigong was so angry that he wanted to teach Ye Yan a lesson.

However, what Mu Nianci and Huang Rong said next almost made Hong Qigong explode.

"Qigong, you misunderstood. We are not afraid that you will beat Brother Ye Yan to death."

"We are afraid that you will make Brother Ye Yan angry and be beaten to death by him."


Hong Qigong almost vomited blood.

There is no hope. Such two good girls were brainwashed like this?


"I don't care about the old beggar."

"You want to learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, right? I, an old beggar, will show you how to do it."

"Whether you can learn it depends on you."

"Remember, old beggar, I will only hit you once."

"I can't remember it's your business."

"Old beggar, I really can't bear to look at you anymore."

Hong Qigong felt that if he continued to stay here, even if he had the best wine and food, he would be pissed off by the two"silly girls" Huang Rong and Mu Nianci.

However, in order to repay the favor of the table of wine and food, Hong Qigong decided to perform the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

At the same time, he quickly recited the mantra of the mental method. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

This would be considered as repaying the favor.

As for being learned directly by Ye Yan and others, Hong Qigong felt that it was impossible.

You know, even Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng, who are also among the Five Great Masters, can't learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms after just one look.

Otherwise, when Wang Chongyang and Master Yideng exchanged their martial arts, they didn't need to be in seclusion for so long.

As a result, Zhou Botong and Yinggu fell in love with each other over time, and they got pregnant.

"Look at it"

"《The first move of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms——《The Dragon in the Sky Has Regrets》"

Hong Qigong shouted, and his Qi sank into his Dantian, stirring up his internal energy, which flowed through the meridians and acupuncture points throughout his body, and finally gathered his arms.

While practicing, he also explained the mental method

"The arrogant dragon will regret, and the fullness cannot last long."

"Emphasis on the word"regret""

"Use your strong internal strength to output at full power, putting the enemy in a situation where they are full and about to overflow."

"Finally, with absolute strength, the unavoidable enemy is directly knocked down"

"Just like when you want to break a tough bamboo, you first bend it as far as possible, and then hit it with all your strength to break it directly.~[]

As Hong Qigong finished speaking, he used his arms to mobilize all his internal energy, turning into an internal force dragon shadow, instantly filling the area of 30 meters in radius.

Wherever he passed, dust flew and the grass and trees shook wildly.

The next moment.

Boom boom~

The dragon-shaped internal force shook violently, and all the trees within a radius of 30 meters were broken.

It was extremely powerful and invincible.

Such a scene shocked even Huang Rong, one of the daughters of the Five Great Masters.

I didn't expect that the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms would be so powerful and domineering.

On the contrary, Mu Nianci didn't react much.

Just kidding!

He had seen Ye Yan fight Xu Fu and kill the black dragon.

What scene had he not seen?

So now he felt that Hong Qigong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was just like this.

It was just average!

Then, Hong Qigong followed one palm after another.

Soon, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were directly played.

Suddenly, the trees and rocks within a radius of dozens of meters exploded because of Hong Qigong's practice.

The scene was in a mess and shocking.

Huang Rong was surprised when she saw this.

Hong Qigong was very proud when he saw Huang Rong's expression.

But when he saw Ye Yan and Mu Nianci's calm expressions, the pride on his face disappeared immediately.

He thought they couldn't see the trick.

He despised Ye Yan, a guy with high expectations and low skills, even more.

"Humph! It is just like a rotten tree that cannot be carved. The old beggar has already taught me"

"See you later"

"No, it's"We'll never meet again."

After saying this, Hong Qigong immediately used his Qinggong to disappear into the dense forest.

But the next moment, when Hong Qigong heard Ye Yan's loud shout, he was completely frightened.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms - The arrogant dragon will regret."

Boom boom boom ~

Eighteen giant dragon shadows raged, instantly turning the grass and trees within a radius of three thousand meters into ashes.


Hong Qigong was shocked when he saw the lush vegetation around him disappear. His eyes almost popped out.

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