Bang , bang, bang~

After the eighteen dragon shadows disappeared, within a radius of three thousand meters, trees collapsed and flowers and plants turned into ashes.


"Ouch, my old waist!"

Hong Qigong fell directly from the three-meter tree canopy. He subconsciously wanted to perform Qinggong, but suddenly felt a violent shock in his five internal organs, and he couldn't raise his breath of true energy, causing his old waist to fall firmly on the stone on the ground. He almost broke his bones. He was originally standing ten feet away, in a dense tree canopy, wanting to see if the two silly girls Huang Rong and Mu Nianci would be deceived by Ye Yan again.

But he didn't expect that his body had just been hidden in the tree canopy, and this tree that three people could hug together was broken.

Family members, who understands???

Hong Qigong said that he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

But when he reacted at this time, he was extremely shocked. He looked at Ye Yan with disbelief, and his aura was like a stormy sea, and he was surrounded by eighteen dragon-shaped phantoms.

"How can this be?"

"This kid actually watched it once and then performed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"No, how could my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms be so powerful?"

Hong Qigong was completely numb.

He really wanted to ask, family members, who knows what's going on?

However, before Hong Qigong could react,

Ye Yan actually started to practice the second move of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms again.

""Flying dragon in the sky~"

Ye Yan roared~

The spiritual energy around him flowed, as if there were dragon shadows following him. He slammed his legs on the ground, and his body flew down from a height of 300 meters.

Then his hands changed their spells, and his body turned his head downward.

Rumble, bang, bang, bang~

Wherever he passed, there was a sonic boom in the void.

It seemed that there were terrifying real dragons exploding in the void.

Fierce and domineering, shaking the world.


Finally, Ye Yan's palms landed on the ground, the ground cracked, and the terrifying dragon shadow poured directly into the ground.

Shattering the ground within a radius of 300 feet, the power was extremely terrifying.

"What the hell?"

"Am I really not dreaming?"

"You call this move"Flying Dragon in the Sky?"

Hong Qigong's cloudy old eyes widened with disbelief.

He had been a beggar all his life, but he was shocked by this scene and couldn't help but swear.

"Oh my God!"

"Could it be that what Nianci and the others said was true?"

"Is this kid really the legendary immortal cultivator?"

"Can it also instantly transform other people's martial arts secrets? ? ?"

"Opportunity! It's really my chance, old beggar!"

At this moment, Hong Qigong no longer had the original attitude of a hermit, as if nothing in the world could interest him except food.

After realizing that Ye Yan was really the legendary immortal cultivator, the hand holding the green jade bamboo stick could not help but tremble.

You know, although in the original book, he seemed to have no interest in any martial arts or anything that could improve his strength.


Are you kidding!

He is one of the five great masters of today. Even if he is a genius, a genius who does not work hard can only reach the upper level at most. It is absolutely impossible to reach his current peak.

If Hong Qigong really said, I have no interest in martial arts.

Just It is equivalent to the richest man saying, I am not interested in money.

Either he doesn't care about those trivial things. Or he is pretending to be cool.

In the original novel, Hong Qigong is obviously the former.

But now seeing Ye Yan's immortal version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, how can he hold it back?

If it weren't for the pain in his waist and the fact that Ye Yan was still demonstrating the remaining sixteen moves.

Hong Qigong would definitely run over immediately, kneel down and ask Ye Yan to become his disciple.

Yes, it is so exaggerated.

After all, no matter in which world, age is not the only factor in everything. The master is the one who has achieved success.

It's just like in later generations, would you call the young boss who pays you salary - Xiaolin - because you are old?

……(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Yan became more and more excited, and used all his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at once.

"Two dragons go out to sea, fighting dragons in the field、……Descendants of the Dragon, Dragon and Phoenix, Dragon and Horse Spirit, Hope for Husband, Dragon Wagging Tail... Finish the fight!"

Bang, bang, bang~

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the grass and trees turned to slag.

The earth was devastated, as if it had experienced an unprecedented war in the world of martial arts.

Even Hong Qigong, one of the Five Great Masters of the time, was secretly shocked.

It felt like the seven-day and seven-night battle at Mount Huashan, when the five great masters fought until the sky was dark, but there was no exaggerated movement.

"Great! Great!"

"Brother Ye Yan, I want to learn too. I want to learn too."

"This immortal version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is so awesome"

"What level of skills are you using now?"

Mu Nianci and Huang Rong were so excited that they couldn't help but clap their hands.

They looked at Ye Yan with admiration.

"The foundation of this"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" is not bad. After I modified it, it has the grade of the lower Xuan level."

Ye Yan was also delighted at this time.[]

He was actually quite surprised by this result.

After all, even when the Ao Han Six Secrets were integrated into the Dao Sutra, they could not achieve such a result.

What surprised Ye Yan was that this set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms alone could actually lead to the deduction of the fifth level of Jindan in the Dao Sutra.

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" into the"Taoist Scriptures" and successfully derived the fifth level of the Dan Formation Technique.】

【Ding, the grade of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" has been upgraded to the lower grade of the Xuan level.

This also made Ye Yan very confused.

After all, even Zhiqiu Yiye and Nangong Ping'er's cultivation techniques were only used to deduce several small realm techniques in the Qi training chapter.

In other words, if their techniques of that grade were integrated into the Dao Sutra again, at most they could only derive 40% to 50% progress in the fifth level of the Dan formation. It was not even half as effective as the martial arts technique"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing".

"..Oh, the origin?"

"《The previous introduction to the Daojing said that the subsequent exercises were deduced from the mind method and the origin of the exercises."

"Could it be that the strength of the origin of these mental methods and skills is related to other things besides their own grade?"

Ye Yan felt that this was possible.

Otherwise, it was impossible to explain why a palm method in a martial arts world could have such an effect.

At this moment, the sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai suddenly sounded.

【Ding, friendly reminder: Origin represents the rules of the world】

【Whether it is the world of martial arts, the world of immortal cultivation, or the world of zombies at the end of the law, the rules of the world are the same, and there is not much difference between the strong and the weak.】

【The mental methods and skills of each world are what our predecessors summed up after they comprehended the heaven and earth and understood the rules of the world.】

【Therefore, the closer something is to the current world ceiling, whether it is a top-notch martial arts technique or a heavenly-grade technique, it contains the most origins of the world.】

"So that's how it is?"

"Great, that is to say, even if the five supreme masters of the martial arts world are combined, they cannot defeat a Jindan stage warrior in the world of cultivation."

"But the martial arts of the Five Supremes are the things that carry the most rules in this martial arts world."

"So if you get a copy of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" (good money), after integrating it into the"Taoism Scripture", even if it can't reach the effect of the Heavenly Level, it can at least reach the effect of the Mysterious Level, or even the Earth Level of the Immortal Cultivation Scripture?"

Ye Yan was delighted.

After all, with his current cultivation level, it is not so easy to get a copy of the Mysterious Level, or even the Earth Level of the Immortal Cultivation Scripture, and integrate it into the"Taoism Scripture".

Those are things that only the cultivators above the God Transformation and Mahayana can touch.

But with Ye Yan's current Jindan cultivation level, he can completely sweep the entire martial arts world.

The effect of directly seizing the Five Absolute Martial Arts Mentality is the same as the Mysterious Level, or even the Earth Level, of the Immortal Cultivation World.

What a benefit!

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't wait to get another unique skill from Hong Qigong - the Dog Beating Stick Technique

"Hey! Senior Qigong, why did you fall to the ground?"

"Is he secretly learning my version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing"?》?"

"You don't have to learn secretly. If you want to learn, I can teach you how to do it."

"However, I still want your dog-beating stick technique." Ye Yan's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a warm smile like the sun.

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