"Immortal Master, are you serious?"

"Are you really going to pass on such a powerful"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" to the old beggar?"

"Great! After learning this immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing", the old beggar can be freer in the future."

"Live a few more years, eat more delicious food in the world."

Hong Qigong was overjoyed and wanted to kneel down to Ye Yan.

"Close your eyes, I will use the secret method to imprint the immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" in your mind."

Ye Yan originally did not want to use"Shuangquan Hand" on Hong Qigong.

But this immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" has too much more content than the original"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing".

If he demonstrates it to Hong Qigong bit by bit, one or two days will not be enough.

Hong Qigong did not join the chat group, and he could not send a red envelope to Hong Qigong. He could only use"Shuangquan Hand" and get Hong Qigong's other martial arts by the way.

After all, Ye Yan's time in this world is running out.

Hong Qigong was stunned when he heard this.

Imprint the martial arts in his mind?

There is such a method?

Hong Qigong was surprised.

But the next moment, he saw a scene that subverted his three views.

Ye Yan's hands were shining with red and blue light, as agile as tentacles. 940 Before I could wait When he reacted, a blue light enveloped the top of his head.

A red light enveloped his whole body.


The next moment, Hong Qigong felt as if a bomb filled with mysterious runes exploded in his mind. A large number of runes were like a flood, sweeping across his entire mind.

It made Hong Qigong feel dizzy.

When he reacted, he found that the large number of mysterious runes had condensed into eighteen real dragons at some point, shaking the heavens and the earth, and stirring up the four seas.

The arrogant dragon will regret.

A real dragon swept across the heaven and earth with unstoppable force, invincible. A flying dragon in the sky.

A real dragon was suspended in the sky, rushing down from above, and the earth and the sky trembled wherever it passed.

When it fell to the ground, it caused the mountains to collapse and the earth to crack, and the sky and the earth changed color.


Move after move.

Every move, when practiced to the highest level, has the power to destroy the world.

This shocked Hong Qigong.

He felt that his entire worldview was shattering.

"Oh my god! It turns out that the"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" can be performed like this?"

"Mysterious, too mysterious."

I don't know how long it took, it seemed as short as a few seconds, but also as long as a few years.

Hong Qigong's consciousness returned to his body.

Although he did not master the immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" at this time, he was still very excited to see such a mysterious"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing". He was eager to try this new"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" as soon as possible.》

""The arrogant dragon will regret~"

Hong Qigong shouted, and the internal force in his body was running in a new way.

The next moment.


A terrifying internal force dragon shadow swept across the world, instantly blasting the ground within a radius of ten feet.

Although this power was less than one percent of Ye Yan's.

But it was already three times the power of his full-strength attack just now.

If there was another Huashan Sword Contest with this power, Hong Qigong might be the number one in the world.


"I didn't expect that an old beggar like me could have such good fortune."

"Immortal Master, please accept this old beggar's greeting."

Hong Qigong was so excited that he could not help kneeling down to Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan was young, he was definitely qualified in Hong Qigong's opinion.

Just kidding!

This was a legendary immortal cultivator, a god in the eyes of mortals.

Not to mention that Ye Yan was just a young man in his early twenties, even if he was an eight-year-old kid, Hong Qigong would not feel aggrieved when he knelt down.

This was no exaggeration.

After all, if Ye Yan was asked to help Ouyang Feng modify his martial arts into an immortal version, and let Ouyang Feng be Ye Yan's dog, he might agree.

And (bbac) At this moment, Hong Qigong suddenly felt something, and checked his body with an unbelievable look on his face. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"what happened?"

"Didn’t I just break my waist?"

"And all my old injuries and hidden illnesses have healed?"

"Is everything really fine?"

"Is he also a fairy master?……?"

Although Hong Qigong didn't know what his body had just experienced, he knew that all the miraculous changes that had happened to him were definitely related to the handsome young man in front of him.

However, Ye Yan only helped him up and didn't admit it.

Mu Nianci and Huang Rong on the side spoke first, one of them took Ye Yan's hand, and said happily:

"That's right, Qigong, the secret technique that Brother Ye Yan used just now is called"Shuangquanshou"》"

"The blue light on the right hand represents the soul, which can write the secret techniques directly into other people's minds."

"The red light on the left hand represents the physical body, which can repair all injuries of the body."

"What? There is such a magical thing?"

"These are the methods used by immortals. They are truly the methods used by immortals!"

"Old beggar, I suddenly felt today that I have lived in vain for so many years."[]

"What martial arts are the best nowadays? There is no pursuit anymore. You can only play in the martial arts world. It's all a joke."

"Today I met the immortal master and got the immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing". It makes me, an old beggar, feel like I have returned to my youth."

"I have a goal again. Master, you have really given me, an old beggar , a second life!"

Hong Qigong was grateful to Ye Yan from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he was full of fighting spirit and felt that he had found his life goal again.

He was so excited.

After all, the reason why he could act like a hermit before was because he was already invincible and had no pursuit.

For him, this state was no different from a salted fish.

But now he found that if he let go of the high mountain in front of him, he could actually break into the legendary world of cultivation, and there were still the other four masters who were as famous as him, the old poisonous man Ouyang Feng, the self-righteous Huang Yaoshi, and the one who saw through everything.


How could he not be excited about the immortal mountain that the master could not reach ?

At this moment, Hong Qigong suddenly felt a little excited. When he cultivated the immortal version of"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing", he would directly defeat the old poisonous man Ouyang Feng.

Then suppress the scene of Huang Yaoshi who thought he was Huang Yaoshi.

Just thinking about it makes me feel that the fun comes all of a sudden.

However, it would be okay for Hong Qigong to go to the old poisonous man Ouyang Feng to show off.

But if he goes to Huang Yaoshi, he might be directly defeated.

What a joke!

Ye Yan is now with Huang Rong. It is normal for him to help turn all the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island into the immortal version in the future. If he is given a few more"One Turn Golden Marrow Pills", Huang Yaoshi's cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

Hong Qigong is definitely looking for abuse by looking for him to show off. Who let Huang Yaoshi have a beautiful and gentle daughter like Huang Rong, a pretty cook, but Hong Qigong doesn't?.

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