"what happened?"

"Not only is the Ye family empty, it seems that even the entire Renjia Town is deserted?"

Ye Yan felt very strange, as if Renjia Town had suddenly turned into a ghost town.

He had just traveled back from a time travel.

Where did his wife and children go?

Ye Yan quickly opened up his spiritual sense with all his strength, trying to find the presence of living people in Renjia Town.


"Why are they all here?"

Ye Yan quickly sensed that there were many barrels of gunpowder buried outside the entrance of Renjia Town. In the darkened houses nearby, many young and strong townspeople and security guards were ambushed.

The townspeople were holding kitchen knives, hoes, and various farm tools as weapons.

The security guards were holding standard firearms of the era, and they were ready to guard against foreign enemies.

The leaders were Wencai Qiusheng and the security captain.

There was also a mustache uncle who Ye Yan was very familiar with - Maoshan Ming, who had two little ghosts.

"Hey! Could this be the beginning of"Mr. Spiritual 193"?"

"But why are only Wencai Qiusheng and his group there? Where are Uncle Jiu and Ren Susu and the others?"

If Ye Yan guessed correctly.

Wencai Qiusheng and the others should be ambushing the sorcerer horse thieves in this plot.

A group of horse thieves who burned, killed and looted appeared in the nearby villages.

Each of them was ruthless and extremely cruel. They would kill and eat the meat directly when they saw the rare ones.

The women were directly raped on the spot.

What is a headache is that these horse thieves practiced strange and evil magic, and each of them was invulnerable to swords and guns, and had infinite strength.

Even if the security team used all kinds of firearms, they could not hurt them at all.

Instead, they were hacked to death by them as soon as they met.

Wherever they passed, corpses were scattered all over the field, and broken limbs were scattered all over the ground.

Moreover, the reason why the horse thieves are called horse thieves is that they are good at riding.

The marching speed is very fast. After burning, killing and looting in this village, it may take less than ten minutes for them to run to the next village to continue burning, killing and looting.

It is hard to guard against, and we can only ambush in the villages they may reach.

So there is the current situation

"Wencai Qiusheng, don't be so nervous"

"Let everyone go away!"

"Didn’t Ade send the news that the horse thieves have already fled to the next village?"

"Uncle Jiu has already brought a large number of people to rescue. Why don't we need to be so prepared tonight?"

"That's right, we have been guarding for three days and three nights, and everyone is tired."

"Otherwise, let's take a rest!"

Captain Awei and several exhausted townspeople with black eyes persuaded

"That's a good idea."

"We both fought with each other all night."

"But we can't all go back."

"How many nights should I stay?"

"My master said that although the bandits ran towards the next village"

"But it is still possible to send scattered bandits to burn, kill and loot."

"Aren’t you afraid that you might be suddenly attacked by bandits and slaughtered like pigs while you’re sleeping?"

"And set fire to your house and burned it to ashes?"

Wencai Qiusheng had seen how powerful these horse thieves were, so they didn't dare to act like they usually did.

"That makes sense, but who should stay behind to keep watch?"

Mao Shanming spoke subconsciously, looking at the townspeople around him.

"of course?"

"Of course, Wencai, Awei and I will take a rest first."

"We are dealing with the main force of the bandits."

"Only when we have a good rest can we better protect Renjia Town"

"Wencai Qiusheng, this is a good idea."

"Uncle Ming, you are still strong and healthy, and you have just joined our Renjia Town family. Now is a good opportunity for you to show your abilities."

"You just stay here with a few people to guard it."

"If bandits come, you can wake us up."

Captain Awei immediately showed his authority.

"What? You want me to lead people to guard it?"

Mao Shanming was stunned for a moment.

He just passed by Renjia Town and heard that there were bandits coming to burn, kill and rob, so he hid in with everyone.

When did he say that he wanted to join the big family of Renjia Town?

However, Captain Awei didn't care about that. He immediately played with the gun in his hand and said with an attitude that he was sure of Mao Shanming:

"What? You have an opinion?"

"Aren’t you here to join our big family of Renjia Town?"

"Then get out"

"We don't welcome you in Renjia Town."

After saying that, Captain Awei took advantage of his power and immediately had Mao Shanming thrown out.

"No, no, no, I'll guard it, okay?"

Mao Shanming looked aggrieved, but he could only swallow his loss.

Who told him to just come to Renjia Town and ask for help from Wencai Qiu Sheng and Captain Awei?

No one helped him at all.

If he was thrown out now, if the bandits really came, he would be the first one to be killed.

Instead of this, it would be better to hide here safely.

"Well! You are smart."

"But don't worry, we won't treat you unfairly."

"As long as we can get through tonight safely, I will definitely treat you to breakfast tomorrow morning"

"It's a welcome for you, a foreigner."

"Welcome to join us...……"

"Oh no, the bandits are really here."

Before Captain Awei finished speaking, a short young man with a mustache on his chin ran over in a hurry....

"The bandits are almost at the town entrance."

"Get ready, get ready."

Ade was anxious and whispered as he ran.

"What? Uncle Jiu was right?"

"Uncle Ming, I'll give you this hoe. Please follow my instructions."

"The others prepared to light the gunpowder barrel."

Although Captain Awei is not very reliable, he has managed to develop some ability to be a captain after becoming the captain.

Although nervous, he still prepared to go all out.

Mao Shanming looked at the rusty hoe in his hand, with the iron block on the top almost falling out, and was instantly numb.

Can this thing hit people?

Wencai Qiu Sheng and others were on full alert.

Click, click...

Soon the sound of horse hooves came.

Captain Awei and his group looked through the crack in the door and immediately saw five men with hideous faces, fierce expressions, tendons, and murderous beards riding on horses with scarlet eyes rushing into the gate of Renjia Town.


With Captain Awei's order.

The gunpowder barrel was instantly ignited.

The shocking explosion sounded like a thunder.

The raging fire instantly swallowed up the five fierce horse thieves.

The earth cracked and nearby houses collapsed.

With such a terrifying explosion power, even a tiger or a ferocious beast would be instantly blasted into slag.

"Great, blast them to death."

"They were really blown to death."

Wencai Qiusheng and his group were instantly overjoyed.

Seeing the raging flames and shockwaves of the explosion engulfing the five bandits, they immediately thought that they had been blown to death.

Everyone was excited and ran out of the house.

"Tsk, I thought these horse thieves were so scary, but they’re just like this!"

"It is 0.7. No matter how powerful they are, they will die in front of our ancestors' gunpowder."

"Captain Awei is right."

"If you hadn't set up this trap, how could it be possible to kill them so easily?"

All the security team members and townspeople praised Captain Awei, after all, it was he who came up with the trap.


"Kill, kill, kill~"

The fire dissipated, and the dust had not yet settled.

In the raging fire, there were fierce shouts of killing that sounded like neither human nor beast.

The next moment, five ferocious horse thieves riding strange horses rushed out of the fire without any injuries.

Chi Chi Chi~

In a moment, they killed more than a dozen unlucky villagers standing in front of them.

"Oh my god! Run!"


Captain Awei and Wencai Qiusheng were both shocked. Seeing this ,

Ye Yan raised his eyebrows. The body protection magic of these horse thieves is not simple!

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