""Shoot, shoot quickly, kill them."

Captain Awei's face was full of fear.

He quickly ordered his men to shoot and kill the five warlock horse thieves. Bang

, bang, bang~

The rifle fired, and the bullets that could penetrate gold and iron broke through the air.

However, when they fell on the five warlock horse thieves, they only made a"clang, bang, bang" sound of metal clashing.

It couldn't hurt them at all, but instead aroused their ferocity.

"Wencai Qiusheng, what are you waiting for?"

"Purple Thunder Talisman, quickly use the Purple Thunder Talisman given by Young Master Ye!"

Captain A Wei looked at the five warlock horse thieves in front of him with horror.

What a joke!

In Captain A Wei's eyes, the gun is his confidence.

Normally, who wouldn't be scared to death and kneel down to beg for mercy when seeing him draw a gun?

But now these five horse thieves are not even afraid of guns. How can he not put his hope on the Purple Thunder Talisman given by Ye Yan, the god? What else can he do?


"We also have the Purple Thunder Talisman given by Young Master Ye"

"" Wencai, go up~"

Qiu Sheng reacted, as if he saw a life-saving straw, with indescribable joy on his face.

He quickly took out a few talismans from his arms.

Then he used their limited spiritual power to activate them.



5 lightning bolts broke through the air, instantly blasting the 4 warlock horse thieves in front of him away.

This sudden scene startled the leading warlock horse thief.

But the next moment.

He suddenly crossed his arms across his chest.

Bang bang bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded.

The leading warlock horse thief actually used his arms to directly block the violent purple thunder.

His body was only shocked back two steps.

White smoke rose from his arms, and he was actually unharmed. The four warlock horse thieves who were knocked away behind him also stood back unharmed.

Except for the torn clothes on his chest, they were also unharmed.

"What? How is this possible?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng were dumbfounded.

You know, although this purple thunder talisman is only a first-level talisman, its power can directly seriously injure even the second-stage foundation-building ghosts.

But now it can't even break the skin of several of them.

It's simply unimaginable.

If Ye Yan saw this scene, he would also be surprised.

After all, except for the leader who is at the first level of foundation building, the other five warlock horse thieves are at the seventh and eighth levels of Qi training.

Under normal circumstances, let alone one person being hit by a purple thunder talisman, even a purple thunder talisman can injure five evil cultivators at the foundation building stage.

This shows how terrifying these warlock horse thieves are.

"Humph! Trash"

"Go up and eat them."

The leader, the warlock horse thief with two braids and a scruffy beard, Eagle Head, was so angry that he shouted. He jumped off his horse and pounced on a security guard who was still in a daze in front of him like an eagle hunting. With his hands, he tore the unfortunate security guard in half with terrifying force, and blood was dripping.

Eagle Head sucked blood crazily and tore off a piece of meat and swallowed it violently.

The other few people were the same. They were full of strange power and invulnerable to swords and guns. In addition, they were covered in blood at this time. They were basically human-shaped beasts.


"Wencai Qiusheng, what are you still standing there for?"

""Use the Purple Thunder Talisman quickly to repel them!"

Captain Awei and Mao Shanming spoke quickly.

Although the Purple Thunder Talisman could not hurt them, it could repel them.


"We have no spiritual power!"

Wencai Qiusheng almost cried.

That's right, the two of them were useless. They didn't have much spiritual power after just activating two or three purple thunder talismans.

Even if they still had a purple thunder talisman on them, it would be useless.

"What? You two are all young cultivators, why are you so different from Master Ye!"

Captain A Wei really wanted to give Wencai Qiusheng a big fight.

Others practice cultivation, and you practice cultivation.

Why is there such a big gap?

"Stop talking so much, run!"

Mao Shanming and the others were also shocked by this horrific scene.

Even Captain Awei and some of his domineering security guards were scared at this moment and turned around and ran for their lives.

Are you kidding!

Even if these security guards have some lives on their hands, when have they ever seen such a brutal scene?

It would be strange if they didn't run now.

However, the next moment.

Yingtou and his four warlock horse thieves threw the leftovers.

Bang bang bang~

Wencai Qiusheng, who was running in front, and Captain Awei were directly hit. They fell to the ground.

The remaining dozen people behind had no time to react and were tripped by the fallen Wencai Qiusheng and others.

"Humph! You rotten fish and shrimp are left behind, and you want to defend Renjia Town?"

"Go to hell!"

"After we eat you, we will burn down the entire Renjia Town."

"Look at how desperate those children and women you have evacuated are when they return."


The eagle head's eyes were wide open, showing a fierce look. With a tall body of 1.85 meters, it was like a beast standing up, and it pounced directly on Wencai Qiusheng and his group.

They actually knew that the women and children in Renjia Town had been arranged to a relatively safe place by Uncle Jiu and his group.

There were not many people left in Renjia Town.

But they were still sent here to kill the few people left in Renjia Town.

The purpose was to make all people and livestock experience despair, fear, and anxiety before dying, so that the area within a hundred miles would be filled with resentment, and use this resentment to practice evil methods

"No! Master, where are you? We don’t want to be torn into pieces!"

"If I had known this would be the result, I wouldn't have been lazy."

"Master, please come and save us!"

"I promise to practice hard in the future!"

Wencai Qiusheng was instantly frightened by the Eagle Head sorcerers and horse thieves.

He only regretted that he didn't work hard when Uncle Jiu taught him magic.

Otherwise, he could use his spiritual power to activate one or two purple thunder talismans and maybe save his life.


However, while they were wailing, Eagle Head and his group had already���The body was lifted high.

Under the terrifying force,

Wencai and Qiu Sheng could feel the pulling sensation coming from their bodies.

It seemed that they would be torn in half in the next moment.

But just when they thought that they would be torn into pieces like everyone else,

Mao Shanming also grabbed it at this time.

His face was full of resentment.

He didn't expect that he just cheated Tan Baiwan of a little money, and ran to Renjia Town after being exposed, and he would encounter such a result.

What a regret!

But the next moment

"Humph! I'm only away for a few days, and you ignorant people dare to come to Renjia Town and make trouble?"

""Looking for death."

Suddenly, a cold snort resounded through the heavens and earth.

It shook the nine heavens.

Crackling ~

At the same time, thunder rolled and flashed through the heavens and earth.

Five thumb-sized lightning bolts broke through the air and instantly hit the five warlock horse thieves.

"Humph! Here comes another rotten fish and shrimp"

"This lightning attack is useless to us... huh?"

Bang, bang, bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded.

The lightning penetrated and instantly blasted the hearts of the five warlock horse thieves.

The five warlock horse thieves immediately felt a long-lost piercing pain and couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

And an exclamation of disbelief

"How is this possible?"

Five warlock horse thieves fell to the ground.

Wencai Qiusheng was instantly overjoyed.

"Master Ye, it's really you?"

"Great, Renjia Town is saved."

Ye Yan did not look happy at all.

Instead, he asked solemnly:

"Say, where are my wife and children?".

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