"Master Ye, you don't have to worry too much."

"Cousin Tingting and her friends have been moved to the ancestral hall in the next village."

"That’s right!"

"Uncle Jiu said that the incense in the ancestral hall in the next village is the most prosperous in the surrounding area, and it has gathered the power of the righteous incense.".

"These warlocks and horse thieves are evil cultivators. I dare not go anywhere."

"So transfer all the old, young, women and children in the surrounding area to that place."

When Captain Awei and his men said this, Ye Yan was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly remembered the scene in the original book where the warlocks and horse thieves came to kill the villagers, and Uncle Jiu asked the villagers to take the ancestral tablets for protection.

But in the original book, weren't the ancestral tablets of the neighboring village used to deal with the souls of the warlocks and horse thieves?

Could they also resist evil cultivators ?

Ye Yan was skeptical.

But since Uncle Jiu did this, he must have his reasons.

At the same time, Ye Yan was relieved to hear that Ren Susu and the others were just transferred and nothing happened.

But the next moment.

Something that made Ye Yan's heart tighten happened.

Buzz buzz buzz ~

Within a radius of a thousand feet, the wind was surging, and the cold wind was raging.

A mixture of poisonous insects and poisonous gases within a radius of a thousand feet, and the yin energy, resentment, evil spirits and other horrible negative auras of the mass graves outside the town, gathered together.

It poured continuously into the bodies of the five warlocks and horse thieves who had just been killed by Ye Yan with thunder and lightning.

The next At that moment, something that made everyone feel extremely horrified happened.

Five translucent shadows flew out of the five corpses of the warlock horse thieves.

They were the souls of the five warlock horse thieves, with hideous faces and fierce looks.

The moment the souls left, the surface of the five corpses of the warlock horse thieves began to rot rapidly, revealing bloody muscle tissue.

At the same time, countless large white bugs appeared on the five corpses of the warlock horse thieves, which looked particularly creepy.


The five translucent souls of the warlock horse thieves immediately roared to the sky, frantically devouring the negative auras such as poisonous gas, yin energy, and evil spirits that gathered.

Before Ye Yan could react.

The five souls of the warlock horse thieves had begun to become extremely solid, hum~

The next moment, after the five souls of the warlock horse thieves devoured all the negative and violent auras.

The souls actually drilled back into the ground, and the five corpses that began to rot and were covered with white bugs

"Roar.¨ ~"

The eyes of the five warlock horse thieves suddenly opened, and the corpses stood up.

The demonic energy rolled around them, and the evil spirit was rising.

The terrifying power was more than ten times stronger than before or before.

All the cultivation broke through from the Qi training realm to the late stage of foundation building, or even the peak of foundation building.


The negative and weird auras of evil spirits and evil spirits around the few people swept all around, directly causing the temperature in the area of thousand feet to drop suddenly, the vitality was lost, and the grass and trees were weirdly dry.

Even Wencai Qiusheng and his party seemed to be poisoned, their faces were pale, and their bodies collapsed on the ground.

It can be said that the moment these five warlock horse thieves turned into corpses, it was as if a disaster star had descended, causing harm to thousands of miles away.

At this time, their eyelids had disappeared, and they looked even more weird and creepy.

Coupled with the white worms wriggling all over their bodies, they looked even more creepy.

At this time, not to mention Wencai Qiusheng and a group of townspeople, they felt terrified.

Even if Uncle Jiu appeared here at this time, he would definitely feel a tingling scalp.

Ye Yan frowned when he saw this.

It feels like the methods of these warlocks and horse thieves are countless times more bizarre.

You know, in the original book, because they are warlocks and have evil magic, they can be resurrected in less than seven days, and they can even directly become evil ghosts.

But now, it seems that they are not just as simple as turning into evil ghosts, but into demons, similar to corpse demons.

This may be the result of their special training.

Practicing evil magic all their lives, just to become a demon that is neither human nor ghost after death?

How crazy are these people?

And these few are just minions.

Ye Yan still remembers that in the original book, there is also the big boss Wang Po and her capable subordinates - wild boars and mountain dogs.

Their strength is definitely stronger than the people in front of them.

Uncle Jiu may be able to kill the living Wang Po, wild boars and mountain dogs, these warlocks and horse thieves, but if they also directly improve their cultivation to a higher realm after death.

Then Uncle Jiu can't afford it.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan prepared to get rid of these warlocks and horse thieves, and then rush to the next village immediately.

"Master Ye, they are so scary!"

"What should we do now?"

"My body felt like it was filled with lead. I couldn't move. I couldn't even run."

"Master Ye, you can't abandon us!"

Wencai Qiusheng cried.

The others were also filled with fear and despair.


"You bastard, how dare you destroy our bodies in advance?"

"I can't evolve perfectly."

"I'm going to tear you apart."

The leading eagle head shouted, and his strange body shook violently.

All the white worms flew out immediately, and frantically devoured a large amount of poisonous gas, evil spirit, yin energy and other negative gases in the air.

In less than a blink of an eye, they turned into countless palm-sized moths. At first glance, each one is no different from an ordinary moth.

But if you look closely, you will find that these moths are not only covered with purple-black venom all over their bodies, but also have a row of creepy fangs on their heads, which is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, Wencai Qiu Sheng and the others have poor eyesight and can't see these, otherwise they will definitely be scared to pee.

Ye Yan regretted that his eyesight was so good, but he saw so many disgusting things that he shouldn't see. He was stunned for a second.

And this second, in the eyes of the warlocks and horse thieves like Eagle Head, was the performance of Ye Yan being scared silly.

Everyone's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sneer of revenge.

It seems that they have foreseen the scene of Ye Yan, the guy who ruined their Taoism, being torn apart by these weird moths.

But the next moment

".¨ Die to me"

"《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》——《Kirin Beast Fire》~"

Ye Yan really couldn't stand these disgusting guys.

He linked the magic formulas in his hands, and countless strange symbols condensed in the void.


The flames burned the sky, and instantly turned into a mighty Kirin-shaped flame that was about ten feet long, and blasted towards the warlock horse thief.

Bang bang bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded.

When these seemingly ferocious and strange moths encountered the Kirin-shaped flames, they immediately perfectly demonstrated what it means to fly into a flame.

All turned into ashes.

And the Kirin-shaped flames were still as powerful as ever, breaking through the void, (getting money Zhao) burning the earth, and blasting towards the five warlock horse thieves who had turned into corpse demons.



Although the warlock horse thieves were confident that they had an indestructible body, they felt an unprecedented life-and-death crisis when facing the unicorn-shaped flames.

Their body instincts told them that the indestructible body was completely useless in the face of such a terrifying magic. Sure enough, the next moment.

Boom~ the unicorn devoured, and the sea of fire extinguished the devil.

The bodies of the five warlock horse thieves exploded instantly.

Only a wisp of residual soul flew out. Seeing this, Ye Yan immediately grabbed it and performed the"Shuangquan Hand" to search the soul.

Ye Yan wanted to know what was the difference between them and the original.

What kind of evil method did they practice to become such a terrifying skill?

But the next moment, when Ye Yan saw their memories, his face changed instantly.

"What? There is such a magic?"


Nine demons and one nightmare, a thousand poisons turn into nightmares? ? ?".

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