"Wencai Qiusheng, you continue to look forward to Renjia Town"

"I'll go to the next village to help Uncle Jiu."

Ye Yan looked at Wencai Qiu Sheng and Captain Awei.

Wencai Qiu Sheng was delighted.

After all, this place has been visited by warlock horse thieves, and there shouldn't be other warlock horse thieves coming here.

Captain Awei didn't understand why Ye Yan asked him to stay, and he became nervous.

After all, in his opinion, he was the captain of the security team and had a gun.

If they needed help, they would definitely ask him to help.

He quickly said,"Okay, Master Ye, I will definitely be with Wencai Qiu Sheng to guard Renjia Town well~"

"You can go with peace of mind!"

"I support you mentally"

"That's right, we all support you spiritually."

But to Ye Yan's surprise, Mao Shanming seemed to be scared by Captain Awei and his men, and quickly pulled a horse over and said to Ye Yan:

"Young Master Ye, right?"

"Although I have practiced cultivation, I was unable to help in the past."

"But I won't support you mentally, this horse is my support for you"

"I will definitely get you to the next village as soon as possible."

Mao Shanming had a worried look on his face, worried that he would be drafted by Ye Yan.

Ye Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard that. They thought too highly of themselves.

He had to deal with the warlock horse thief boss, and bringing them would only be a burden.

As for Mao Shanming's horse, who was he looking down on?

He was riding a fire unicorn, okay?

"No need, I have other means of transportation."

After saying that, Ye Yan immediately rushed towards the next village.

His speed was as fast as the wind and lightning, and he ran a hundred meters away in an instant.

Mao Shanming was instantly shocked by Ye Yan's speed.

"Oh my god! How fast is Master Ye? What kind of means of transportation does he need?"

Although Mao Shanming has also stepped into the world of cultivation, he has never seen such speed.

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

But the next moment.


A thunderous roar resounded through the world.

At the same time, the earth trembled, as if an ancient mythical beast had descended.

Everyone looked closely and was shocked to find that a giant unicorn beast about two meters tall appeared under Ye Yan in the distance.

Its head and horns were ferocious, and its body was covered with red gold scales. The flames were steaming, and its power was extremely terrifying.

Ye Yan rode on it, his body bathed in fire, like a fire god controlling the unicorn beast. Such a scene made Mao Shanming and everyone's eyes widen.

Their faces were full of disbelief, and they thought they were seeing things.

"Oh my god, is that a Qilin?"

"Young Master Ye actually rode away on a Qilin?"

"Is this the means of transportation he mentioned???"

"I am not dreaming???"


The village next to Renjia Town.

Just as Ye Yan expected.

At this time, the leader of the warlock horse thieves, Wang Po, and her twenty men were less than a mile away from the village entrance.

According to their forward speed, they could kill in less than half a minute. With so many warlock horse thieves, even Uncle Jiu was a little overwhelmed.

Because half a month ago, someone came to ask Taoist Simu to help drive the corpse out.

He has been in Renjia Town for almost half a year, and he must go back to the Taoist temple to see Jiale, so he took this job.

By the way, he can go out to help Ye Yan find the exercises.

While looking for what he needs to break through the Jindan stage.

So now there is only Uncle Jiu, a Jindan level 1 cultivator, and his two newly registered disciples, Feibao and Xiaohai, who can deal with these twenty or so warlock horse thieves.

As for the hundreds of young and strong men in Renjia Town and the village, although they all came to help defend the enemy.

But in front of the warlock horse thieves, they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

Uncle Jiu could only ask them to get some bullets, arrows and stones stained with black dog blood, boy's urine, etc., and attack from a distance.

Fortunately, just now, the head mistress of the Ye family, Ren Susu, realized that something was wrong.

She ignored her status as a woman and said that they had all become cultivators of the fourth and fifth levels of Qi training under the nourishment of Ye Yan's elixir.

They all had the ability to help. They immediately stood up and prepared to resist the warlock horse thief together.

This scene made all the young and middle-aged men in Renjia Town admire and shock.

They didn't expect that the first beauty in Renjia Town, Ren Susu, was not a vase or a weak woman.

At this time, she didn't hide in the back, but stood up to resist the foreign enemy with them.

You know, even these young and middle-aged people, after hearing the horror of the warlock horse thief, a group of people dared to come out with courage.

If someone now said that they didn't need to come out, at least half of the people here would give in and not come out.

Compared with the seemingly weak Ren Susu and the other women, the gap is not ordinary.

At the same time, everyone was envious. Ye Yan was so lucky to marry such a beautiful woman who was"capable of both being a lady in the living room and a housewife" and could even go to the battlefield.

The most infuriating thing was that he married one, two, three, four, five, and six at once, and none of them were weak and delicate vases.

They were all Qigong practitioners. The people in the entire Renjia Town were simply envious.

When Uncle Jiu learned of this result, he was instantly numb.

Damn it!

He had accepted six apprentices and taught them wholeheartedly, and now the strongest one was Qiu Sheng, who had followed him for more than ten years - Qigong level 4.

And Ye Yan married six wives and concubines, and each of them was above level 3 in Qigong, and Ren Susu, the mistress of the house, was even at level 6 in Qigong.

Is this the correct way for Ye Yan to"accept apprentices"?

He should"accept female disciples" and have sex with them...???

No, absolutely not right


Let's get back to the point.

Although Ren Susu and other"heroines" have joined the team, and they have already laid down the talismans and formation talismans sent by Ye Yan at the entrance of the village, it is still a bit overwhelming.

After all, the leader of the warlock horse thieves, Wang Po, is also at the Jindan stage.

The remaining twenty or so warlock horse thieves are at least at the 8th level of Qi training, and there are at least eight at the foundation building stage.

He can deal with Wang Po alone.

But even if the number of the others is more than ten times that of the warlock horse thieves,���They can only be cannon fodder.

But even if they can't win now, Uncle Jiu must fight.

Otherwise, all the men, women, old and young in Renjia Town will definitely be slaughtered by these warlocks and horse thieves.

Even if they abandon the rest of Renjia Town and run away, they may not be able to outrun the warlocks and horse thieves.

· ·····Request flowers·· ·········

Now we can only fight.

Uncle Jiu only hopes that Ye Yan can come back soon.

Or that fellow disciples of Maoshan nearby will hear his news and come to help.

"Look, Master, the horse thieves are coming."

A fat young man with a big head and big ears, a simple face and panic in his eyes looked through the window and saw the warlock horse thief coming aggressively. The purple thunder talisman in his hand was directly wrinkled due to nervousness.

Yes, this is the other disciple of Uncle Jiu in"Ghost Bites Ghost".

However, he and Xiao Hai in this world were accepted as disciples by Uncle Jiu more than a month ago.

Because since Uncle Jiu found out that he missed Ye Yan, this extraordinary disciple. In addition to the pain and regret, it also inspired his confidence to accept new disciples.

It happened that Xiao Hai and Fei Bao came to his house to become his disciples. After careful testing, Uncle Jiu found that although the two did not have Ye Yan's extraordinary qualifications, their qualifications were much better than Wencai Qiu Sheng. Without saying a word, he immediately accepted them as his disciples.

Just kidding!

Uncle Jiu doesn't want to miss any more disciples who come to his house to become his disciples.

............ 0

He was worried that if he rejected Fei Bao and Xiao Hai, they would become as successful as Ye Yan.

Then his mentality would definitely explode.

"Feibao, Xiaohai, today is the first time for you to subdue demons with your master. Remember what your master said just now."

"Just guard the entrance to the village."

"The master has activated the purple thunder and fire blast talismans in your hands.

When you see a warlock or horse thief rushing over, throw out the purple thunder and fire blast talismans in your hands immediately."

"Madam Ye, your cultivation is stronger than Fei Bao and Xiao Hai."

"You guys will help control the defensive array talisman later."

Uncle Jiu prepared to wait for someone to fight Wang Po in the front.

If he could free up his hands, he would kill the lone Qi training stage warlock horse thief.

After all, although the array talisman that Ye Yan gave him was at the Jindan stage, it could not stop Wang Po for long.

Other warlock horse thieves rushed to the village.

They could only rely on Ren Susu and other cultivators at the fifth or sixth level of Qi training to inject spiritual power into the defensive array talisman and set up a defensive light shield.

At the same time, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai, who had already cultivated a little spiritual power, urged these activated purple thunder talismans and explosive talismans.

Let them guard the defense line at the entrance of the village and prevent the lone warlock horse thief from rushing into the village.

Then let hundreds of young and strong men behind the defense line frantically throw"hidden weapons" stained with chicken blood, black dog blood and boy's urine.

In this way, when he kills Wang Po, he can free up his hands to deal with other warlock horse thieves.

Maybe they still have a chance of survival.

"Okay, Uncle Jiu, don't worry, we will definitely be able to guard the village entrance."

"It can definitely drive away these warlock horse thieves"

"I believe that Brother Ye Yan will be back soon."

Ren Susu had a hunch that Ye Yan would come over soon.

"Madam Ye is right. We should defend the village and drive away the warlock horse thieves."

The others saw that Ren Susu, a woman, was not afraid and showed no fear. They were all excited.

If the warlock horse thieves were not ambushing them, they would definitely shout a few times to boost their morale.


At this moment, the warlock horse thieves led by Wang Po had already rushed to the village entrance.

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