More than 20 warlocks and horse thieves, led by Wang Po, rushed to the village entrance in an instant.

Before they even entered the village, some of the minions could not help but shout for killing.

"Everyone, get ready and deal with this group of sorcerers and horse thieves according to the original plan."

Uncle Jiu and his group were still hiding in the house.

Seeing Wang Po and her group of sorcerers and horse thieves rushing towards the trap, they immediately became nervous.

They were ready to activate the trap formation immediately.

The battle was about to start.

But at this moment

"Chief, the atmosphere in this village is not right"

"Too quiet"

"There may be an ambush"

"I'll go and explore the way."

A strong bearded man stood beside Wang Po. His wolf-like eyes seemed to see something and he immediately stopped his horse and waved his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

""Shan Gou, come back."

Wang Po had dark skin and black lips, and her pair of vertical eyes looked very strange.

After Shan Gou's reminder, she"Sanyiqi" also discovered something. She immediately performed a spell, and the two sheeptail braids beside her ears burst into a strange evil light. The next moment.

Chi Chi~

The two sheeptail braids actually broke through the air like a spirit snake coming out of a hole, sweeping towards the front of the village entrance.

""Not good~"

Uncle Jiu's face changed drastically when he saw this scene.

But it was too late to stop it now.

Boom boom~

Several gunpowder barrels and kerosene barrels buried underground were instantly blown up.

At the same time, the purple thunder talisman and the fire explosion talisman were stimulated by the evil spirit on the pigtails and exploded instantly.

The broken gunpowder barrels and kerosene barrels were instantly ignited.

The flames shot up into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud and burning the void.

The villagers who were originally ambushed in the houses at the entrance of the village were directly frightened.

"They are in those houses."

The leader, Wang Po, immediately sensed the villagers' subconscious exclamations and the noises they made.

She immediately knew the location of Uncle Jiu and his group and ordered them to charge and kill them.


Twenty or sorcerers and horse thieves immediately rushed into the sky, galloping on their horses, holding axes and machetes, and rushed over fiercely.

""Oh no, we've been discovered."

Many villagers were shocked by the oppression from these warlocks and horse thieves.

They felt like sheep in a sheepfold, seeing a dozen hungry wolves rushing in. They were panicked and confused, and many of them were ready to turn around and run away.

"Everyone, stay calm and follow the previous arrangements."

"If you all run away, not only will you die, but your friends will also die."

"Fei Bao, Ah Hai, get ready."

Uncle Jiu looked solemn. He didn't expect that this group of warlock horse thieves would be more difficult to deal with than he thought. They found their trap right away.

But it's not time to despair yet.

After all, the array talisman given by Ye Yan has not been used yet, and they still have a chance to stop them.

""Get up~"

Uncle Jiu immediately took out a Jindan stage defense array talisman, poured spiritual power into it, and instantly soared into the sky.

It turned into a bowl-shaped defense light shield, directly covering the area of 100 meters around the village entrance.

After the array talisman was activated, Uncle Jiu immediately withdrew his spiritual power output and prepared to rush out at full strength.

"Madam Ye, the spiritual power supply of this array talisman is now in your hands."Uncle

Jiu spoke at the right time.

But Ren Susu, the mistress of Ye Yan's backyard, had already prepared.

She immediately poured her own spiritual power into the array talisman.


In an instant, the defense light shield, which originally only emitted a faint halo, instantly burst into brilliant golden light.

It was like a copper wall and iron wall, indestructible.


Twenty or so horse thieves threw out their swords and axes, but they all made a sound of metal clashing and were directly blown away.

They couldn't break the defense light shield at all.

"Great! Master Ye's array talisman is so powerful!"

"Oh my god! Master Ye left behind a formation talisman that was so powerful. If he could come here"

"Killing these warlocks and horse thieves is no different from cutting melons and vegetables."

All the villagers knew that this was the array talisman left by Ye Yan, and they immediately realized how powerful Ye Yan, the young master of the Ye family, was.

No wonder he could marry such beautiful and capable wives and concubines as Ren Susu?

But Uncle Jiu felt bitter when he heard this.

After all, if he had not refused Ye Yan's apprenticeship before, now that Ye Yan is so awesome, these villagers would definitely say that it was his master who taught him well.

But now, it's gone.

Such a thing will never happen in this life.

Every time Uncle Jiu thought of this, he wanted to slap himself a few times.


Just as Uncle Jiu was stunned, the leader Wang Po shouted angrily.

The next moment, the third-level Jindan aura burst out.

A giant bat figure condensed behind the whole person, carrying her into the sky.

The claws were like hooks, carrying a terrifying force and instantly hitting the defense shield.


The defense shield that was originally indestructible actually had a crack.

"What, this Wang Po is actually an evil cultivator at the 4th level of Jindan?"

"Middle stage of Jindan?"

Uncle Jiu's heart tightened.......

He originally thought that Wang Po was at most at the first or second level of Jindan.

But now she has this level of cultivation. Even though Uncle Jiu is confident that he is a true Xuanmen and can definitely restrain Wang Po, he still feels a little pressured.

After all, Uncle Jiu is not Ye Yan, a heaven-defying monster.

Although he has the aura of a protagonist, he is just an ordinary cultivator who practices yellow-level exercises.

It is rare to fight one or two small realms above the level.

Now he is not sure to fight against a middle-stage Jindan cultivator.

But even so, he can only bite the bullet and go up.

"Shangqing decree, Fire God Zhurong grants magic,... Explode~"

Uncle Jiu immediately sacrificed the fire explosion talisman.


A giant fireball broke through the air and blasted towards Wang Po who was still attacking.

Boom boom~

The giant fireball exploded, and Wang Po's body was directly knocked back 30 feet, and directly crashed into the towering tree behind her.

However, Wang Po practiced the"Ten Thousand Poisons and Nightmares Evil Art", which was indestructible.

Although Uncle Jiu's attack was powerful, it still couldn't hit Wang Po at all.


Wang Po was enraged and screamed. The giant bat behind her flapped its wings.

Wang Po's body instantly soared into the sky. Her right hand stretched out like a claw, and a giant bat claw appeared, breaking through the air.

If this attack hit, the defensive array talismans activated by Ren Susu and other Qigong cultivators would definitely be broken.

"Asshole, if you don’t show your power as a tiger, do you really think you can run wild in Renjia Town?"

"Shangqing decree,...disciple kowtows to the giant spirit Vajra to possess the body and grant the law, hurry up as the law commands~"

Uncle Jiu shouted, and sacrificed the 3.0 Ye Yan modified spirit talisman, burning to tell the heaven.

The magic formula of both hands moved in unison, and he muttered something.

The next moment, as Uncle Jiu's right foot suddenly dragged the ground.

Bang~ a huge force shook the ground, and the earth trembled slightly.

It was as if a god really came to the world and stepped on the ground.

Everyone seemed to see a giant spirit Vajra phantom more than ten feet tall appearing behind Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu's tiger eyes opened instantly, and a terrifying might burst out from his body.

His muscles bulged and his posture lifted.

His arms seemed to have the strength of ten thousand pounds.

His right hand blasted out with great force and directly hit a terrifying sonic boom, and went to meet the phantom of Wang Po's bat claw.

That's right, this is the"Spell of Summoning Gods" that Ye Yan had modified for Taoist Simu before.

Whether it is mighty power or visual effects, it is completely better than Taoist Simu's original"Spell of Summoning Gods". hieubaocot

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