"What? What kind of monster is this?"

"Fire Kirin?"

"Oh my god? Isn't this the legendary beast?"

"Why is it here?"

A blazing fire burned the sky. A giant fire beast came galloping from the distant forest.

The beast was 5 meters tall, with ferocious horns, blazing flames all over its body, covered with red gold scales, and sharp claws.

Wherever it passed, the ground trembled, the grass and trees burned, and the earth turned into a scorched earth.

The fierce power was extremely terrifying.

Such a terrifying beast, not to mention the young and middle-aged people in the village stared with wide eyes and full of horror.

Even Wang Po and his men, the sorcerers and horse thieves who were just so fierce and violent, were frightened.

They completely forgot to attack Ren Susu and Uncle Jiu.

It can be said that even if the Fire Kirin is now Before it even made a move, its terrifying might was enough to intimidate all the warlocks and horse thieves at the scene.

Are you kidding!

Warlocks and horse thieves are just evil cultivators, not gods.

How could they not be terrified when seeing this unknown creature that suddenly appeared?

Especially the sense of oppression emanating from the giant fire beast, which is at the level of Nascent Soul.

How could Wang Po, a cultivator at the 4th level of Jindan, not feel fear?

Only Uncle Jiu and Ren Susu and their group saw the beast, and their eyes lit up instantly.

They were extremely excited.

That's right, this giant fire beast was none other than Ye Yan's Fire Kirin.

"Look, there is actually a person sitting on the Fire Qilin?"

"Oh my god! It's actually true?"

"Wouldn’t this person be burned to death if he sat on it?"

"Is he a god?"

"Hey! That's not right! Why does this deity look so familiar?"

"Young Master Ye?"

"Oh my god! Am I dazzled? It's really Master Ye?"

"Could this Fire Qilin be Young Master Ye’s mount?"

"Oh my God?"

"Could it be that Young Master Ye is a god?"

"Great, this Fire Kirin is Master Ye's mount々. "

"These warlock horse thieves are doomed"

"We are saved."

"Long live Master Ye."

When all the townspeople saw that the person riding the fire unicorn was Ye Yan, they were shocked at first, and then they were all surprised and admired.

At the same time, they understood more clearly why Ye Yan could go to the seven"fairies" like Ren Susu.

Because Ye Yan was a god.

So majestic, so domineering, so divine.

Even Fei Bao and Xiao Hai, the two new disciples of Uncle Jiu, saw Ye Yan so majestic, and they were yearning in their hearts.

At this time, they really wanted to ask Uncle Jiu, the master who taught them to cultivate immortality.

What are we going to do in the future ? Can't he also ride on the Fire Unicorn like Ye Yan and slay demons?

Fortunately, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai didn't ask at this time.

Otherwise, Uncle Jiu would have died on the spot.

Are you kidding!

Riding on the Fire Unicorn, what are you dreaming about?

Is this something that any cultivator can ride?

If it were that easy, I would want to ride it too!

Uncle Jiu must be regretting it again at this time.

Such a man who can appear on the legendary beast - the Fire Unicorn, once wanted to be his disciple.

If he had"bravely" agreed to Ye Yan at the beginning, he would not be like this now.���A different ending?

He is the master who possesses the talent of divine beasts?

Even if he can't ride the Fire Kirin, it's still impressive!

But now... it's gone. How come the biggest opportunity in his life to show off is gone?

How hateful!

It's all Wencai Qiu Sheng's fault. He caused me to have psychological trauma from accepting an apprentice before.

He didn't even look at Ye Yan, and rejected Ye Yan.

No, I must beat Wencai Qiu Sheng up when I go back to vent my anger.

If Wencai Qiu Sheng knew this, he would definitely be in tears. He came to us too?


"Ah ah……"

""Transform into a nightmare~"

Wang Po saw that her subordinates were all frightened, and immediately roared to the sky, just like she had asked several of her subordinates to self-destruct before.

The sound was hoarse and shrill, and it frightened everyone.

Even Uncle Jiu was shocked and had a bad premonition in his heart.、

"Oh no, run, these warlock horse thieves are going to self-destruct again???"

Uncle Jiu suddenly thought of this, worried that the others were not protected by the defensive light shield and might be directly blown to death.

But the next moment, the action of Wang Po and her group shocked Uncle Jiu.

Wang Po and the remaining men all rushed towards Uncle Jiu like crazy.

Uncle Jiu was shocked, because after the battle just now, his Dantian spiritual power was almost gone. He might be able to resist against Wang Po alone. But it was really difficult to deal with so many people slashing at him together.

But Uncle Jiu quickly drew out the peach wood sword at his waist, and a little spiritual energy stimulated.

The red light was bright, like a red-hot branding iron, and it continuously shot out sword energy at Wang Po and other sorcerers and horse thieves.

Uncle Jiu did not intend to cause any harm to Wang Po and the others with this sword. He just wanted to force Wang Po and the others to retreat.

After all, Ye Yan would be here soon, and the next thing would be left to Ye Yan.

But at this moment, a scene that made Uncle Jiu dumbfounded happened.

Wang Po and the remaining sorcerers and horse thieves had a look of determination and anger on their faces, and they directly removed all the evil spirit defenses on their bodies. As if they were risking their lives, they rushed towards Uncle Jiu's sword energy at various vital points such as the neck and heart.

".〃 What? Are these people crazy?"

Uncle Jiu was dumbfounded.

What kind of mysterious operation is this?

Wasn't it very fierce just now?

Didn't you want to drag me down with you before you die? Why did you come here to die?

Ye Yan saw this scene from a distance and naturally knew what was going on!

This is because Wang Po and the others knew that they couldn't escape today, so they decided to transform the nightmare together.


After all, in front of the Nascent Soul-level giant beast, the Fire Kirin, even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators would have a headache.

Not to mention that the strongest one of Wang Po and his group is only at the 4th level of the Core Formation.

There is no chance to run.

Rather than being beaten to death by the Fire Kirin and having their souls scattered.

It is better to borrow the hand of Uncle Jiu and kill themselves on the spot.

In this way, their bodies have not been destroyed and can be successfully transformed into nightmares.

At that time, Wang Po's cultivation level will be directly upgraded to a major realm - the 4th level of the Nascent Soul. Add to that the other dozen or so foundation-building and Core Formation nightmares, are you afraid that you can't kill a Nascent Soul-level 1 Fire Kirin?

At that time, as long as they eat the blood of a beast like the Fire Kirin, and the Fire Kirin's soul, their cultivation level will definitely be able to go further. Thinking of this, Wang Po and her group felt that Ye Yan didn't bring the Fire Kirin to destroy them?

It was clearly to send them an opportunity.

If they don't die now, when will they die?.

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