""Mother and child become nightmares~"

When the corpses of Wang Po and a group of sorcerers and horse thieves fell to the ground, they all showed a hideous sneer.

Even though Uncle Jiu didn't know about the evil art of"Ten Thousand Poisons Turning Nightmares". He immediately realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment.

The eighteen corpses burst out with a strange traction, instantly covering the area within a radius of 100 miles.

Buzz buzz buzz~

Suddenly, within a radius of 100 miles, the sky and the earth changed color, dark clouds covered the moon, and thunder rolled.

A mixture of all the poisonous insects and poisonous gases within a radius of a thousand miles, the corpse gas of the mass grave, the yin gas, the resentment and the evil gas, and other horrible negative auras gathered together.

It continuously poured into the corpses of Wang Po and other sorcerers and horse thieves.

The surface of all the horse thieves' corpses began to rot instantly, turning into gurgling and smelly corpse water, rushing towards Wang Po's corpse.


Wang Po's body stood up, but her body was rotten and her left eye had fallen out. She looked horrible.

Wang Po opened her eyes and the evil spirit exploded into the void.

At the same time, something even weirder happened.

""Wow... Wow~"

As the corpse water of the eighteen warlocks and horse thieves entered Wang Po's body, eighteen hideous human heads the size of fists grew out of Wang Po's hands, feet, and torso.

Each of them made a sound similar to the crying of a baby.

But it contained endless resentment and murderous intent, which made people feel numb.

At the same time, her aura rose steadily.

In less than a short moment, she broke through from the original fourth level of Jindan to the Yuanying realm.

The golden elixir in her body flew out of her head and madly devoured the evil spirits from all directions. Finally, the elixir broke through and turned into a baby.

A terrifying Yuanying with 18 heads on its torso.

The main head with the same face as Wang Po showed a strange smile.

The other 18 faces also showed strange smiles.

The reason returned to the body.

Wang Po's body aura surged again.

Yuanying level 2, Yuanying level 3, level 4, level 5... and finally stopped at Yuanying level 6.

Demonic energy rolled around her body, and every move had the ability to blast the void.

At this time, Fei Bao and other villagers who were said to be at the Qi training level, even Jiu Shu, who was transformed into Wang Po by the nightmare, were suppressed by the aura of Wang Po.

"This...what kind of evil method is this?"

"How could she be able to improve her cultivation to this level?"

Uncle Jiu said that this was the most powerful ghost he had ever encountered in his life.

He felt a little desperate at this moment.

Are you kidding me!

This is a sixth-level Nascent Soul.

And although his body looks rotten, it is actually invulnerable to swords and guns.

Even if he uses the Thunder and Fire Talisman with all his strength now, he may not be able to hurt Wang Po at all.

As for Ye Yan, although Uncle Jiu knew that he was very strong.

But in the end, he was only at the fourth level of Jindan.

Although Huo Qilin was already at the first level of Nascent Soul, he was still a big gap from Wang Po at the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

"Hahahaha! Be afraid! Tremble!"

"You actually caused our brothers to turn into nightmares so quickly. Brothers, eat that Qilin first, and then make up for us with the blood of the villages within a radius of ten thousand miles."

Wang Po and the eighteen faces on her body said in unison, full of excitement as they looked at the speeding Fire Qilin and Ye Yan, looking very strange.

The evil energy in her body burst out with all her strength, rolling and surging, like a huge wave rushing into the sky, hitting the sky hundreds of feet high, and blasting the grass and trees within a radius of a thousand feet.

With such a terrifying power, even an ordinary late Nascent Soul would have to avoid its edge.

However, the next moment.


The Fire Qilin was obviously provoked. The rolling fierce power burst out with a bang, and flames rose all over its body.

The raging fire swept across, like a raging sea of fire, high temperature and scorching, extremely strong and yang.

Instantly detonated the cold evil energy that Wang Po burst out.

It was not affected at all by Wang Po. The evil spirit that Wang Po erupted from was not a threat at all.

Are you kidding!

You know, although Wang Po is powerful, she is still a ghost, a demon, and an evil creature after all.

What she fears most is the extremely strong and yang aura, not to mention that after the Fire Kirin bloodline has advanced, the flames around her body are even more dignified and upright, just like the scorching sun.

The evil spirit of Wang Po must be completely killed.


The Fire Kirin flew a hundred feet in an instant, rushed in front of Wang Po, jumped up, and the Kirin claws with sharp blades directly tore through the evil spirit defense of Wang Po's heart.

Although it failed to hurt Wang Po's body, it still shook her body directly and smashed more than a dozen huggable trees behind her before stopping.


The smile on Wang Po's face disappeared instantly.

She didn't expect that this Fire Kirin would be so difficult to deal with?

"Kill him~"

At this moment, a face on Wang Po's body stared at Ye Yan on the back of the Fire Kirin.

It seemed that it felt that Ye Yan's cultivation was weaker than that of the Fire Kirin.

It also knew that the Fire Kirin was controlled by Ye Yan, and immediately reminded Wang Po to kill Ye Yan first.

Wang Po also felt that this made sense, and her body shook violently.

Her body shook violently.

Eighteen human faces actually broke through the air and turned into eighteen evil nightmares, each of which was rotten all over, with hideous faces and extremely ferocious.

Among them, nine evil nightmares at the foundation-building level rushed towards Uncle Jiu and his group behind them.

The remaining nine evil nightmares at the Jindan level were ready to cooperate with Wang Po to attack the Fire Kirin.

That's right, they were playing the game of Wei to save Zhao again.

Although Ye Yan's cultivation was not as good as that of the Fire Kirin, , but it was with the Fire Kirin and could not attack Ye Yan simply.

So the nine foundation-building evil nightmares immediately rushed towards Uncle Jiu.

In such a situation, how could Ye Yan, a Jindan-level cultivator, not have the nerve to take action? Sure enough, the next moment.

Ye Yan jumped up from behind the Fire Kirin.

The eyes of Wang Po and the eighteen evil nightmares lit up instantly.

Except for Wang Po who involved the Fire Kirin, the eighteen evil nightmares all changed direction and rushed towards Ye Yan.

Each of them had a hideous and mocking look on their faces, as if they had foreseen the scene of Ye Yan being torn into pieces by themselves.

Even Uncle Jiu was shocked.

Among the eighteen evil nightmares, nine were at the fifth or sixth level of Jindan.

Even if Ye Yan didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

But the next moment

"Oh! You came just in time."

"If you really separate, I will have to go through some trouble to kill you."

"Go die now!"

"《Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms》——"The arrogant dragon will regret it~"


The dragon roared and shook the sky.

Boom boom boom~

Eighteen giant dragon shadows raged wildly, and the void was sonic boom.

In an instant, the protective evil spirits of the eighteen evil nightmares that came to kill them were directly blasted away.

The bodies of the eighteen evil nightmares were directly blasted into the ground

""Immortal Fengyun Body Art, Control the Sword to Subdue Demons~"

Ye Yan took advantage of the victory and immediately took out the sword from the Drunken Sword Immortal.

Suddenly, the sword energy spread and enveloped the Eighteen Evil Nightmares.

Bang bang bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded.

The Eighteen Evil Nightmares were actually directly blasted by the terrifying sword energy.


"《Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms》???"

"Filming a martial arts film?" Uncle

Jiu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

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