"No, wild boar~".

Wang Po screamed miserably, unable to accept that her men were killed by Ye Yan like this.

You know, these eighteen warlocks, horse thieves, and evil nightmares are not just her men. They were trained together with her to become the son and mother of the evil nightmare.

When one prospers, all prosper. When one suffers, all suffer.

Sure enough, the next moment...


Wang Po was immediately attacked and vomited blood.

Her aura instantly weakened, and her cultivation became unstable, and began to fall to the 4th level of Nascent Soul.


Fire Kirin took the opportunity to bully

Wang Po, who hadn't reacted yet.

His sharp claws were like hooks, tightly grasping Wang Po's rotten body.


Under the blazing fire claws, the surface of Wang Po's body began to burn, like a piece of meat caught by red-hot iron claws, with evil spirits surging.


At the same time, Fire Kirin entered a violent state.

The flames around his body burst into scorching heat, enough to melt jade into gold in an instant.

The ground deep inside Wang Po was now burning red.

Although Wang Po had an indestructible body, she could hardly bear such a terrifying high temperature!

""Get lost~"

Wang Po screamed, stirring up the evil spirit in her body, condensing a bat shadow to cover her whole body.

With a fierce kick of her legs, she actually kicked the Fire Kirin, which was more than five or six meters tall, directly away.


The bat shadow screamed, flapped its wings, and the wind blew violently. The body immediately soared into the sky, ready to escape.

Her cultivation at this time was like a deflated ball, and it was still declining rapidly.

If she couldn't leave before falling into the Nascent Soul Realm, she would never have a chance to leave again.

"Can you run away?"

"Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Art~"

""Flying swords as one~"

Ye Yan used his hands to perform the magic formula, and his body instantly split into nine.

Each of them directly performed the flying sword as one. The sword in his hand turned one into six.

The sixty-nine fifty-four flying swords merged into one, bursting out 54 times the sword energy, breaking through the air and rushing towards Wang Po who had already flown a hundred meters away.


Wang Po's face was full of horror, saying that she had never seen such a big and sharp sword energy in her life.

But before she could react, the sharp and huge sword energy went straight through her body.

Wang Po's body exploded instantly. The Nascent

Soul flew out, but was hit by Ye Yan's"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder", and was seriously injured again, and was about to extinguish at any time.

Ye Yan rushed up and performed"Shuangquan Hand" to collect the soul

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the evil cultivator Wang Po's memory and obtain the"Ghost Bat Evil Spell"》】

《Ghost Bat Evil Magic: This evil magic uses a large amount of bat blood to condense into a talisman, which contains two secret arts: Ghost Bat Invisibility》,《Ghost Bat Shadow》

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Ghost Bat Evil Art" into the"Taoism Scripture", and the 6th level of foundation building skills have been derived by 20% of the skills.】

【Ding,"Ghost Bat Battle Shadow" advances to"Bloodline Battle Shadow", and the grade is upgraded to the ultimate Xuan grade.】

《Bloodline Battle Shadow: By turning the blood of creatures with bloodlines into talismans and branding them on the body, one can obtain some of the power of creatures with bloodline inheritance without polluting one's own bloodline.

Ye Yan was instantly delighted.

You know, since Ye Yan got the Fire Kirin, he has always wanted to gain some power from the bloodline power of the Fire Kirin.

But as we all know, although the blood of the Fire Kirin contains powerful power, if it enters the human body, it will make people obviously crazy.

Even future generations will inherit this crazy state, which is difficult to control.

So it is also called"Kirin Crazy Blood".

In"Wind and Cloud World", several generations of the Green Man King's family became stronger because of this"Kirin Crazy Blood", but they would fall into a crazy state from time to time.

Do many things that will regret for the rest of their lives.

But now with this"Bloodline Battle Shadow", it's different.

You can use this secret technique to turn the Kirin Crazy Blood into a talisman.

In this way, you can control the power of the Kirin Crazy Blood anytime and anywhere, and you can also stay awake.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't wait to look at Huo Qilin.

This look made Huo Qilin feel creepy.

What does this master want to do by looking at me with such a weird look?

I sell my art but not my body!

However, Ye Yan's next words made Huo Qilin feel that selling his body was not unacceptable.

"Give me a few drops of your blood."

"I just learned a secret technique and want to try it out."

"Roar (huh?)"

· ·····Request flowers··· 0

Fire Kirin's face was instantly filled with panic.

You know, blood essence is not ordinary blood.

It is one of the origins of a cultivator's physical body.

While it contains powerful strength, it is also destined that there will not be too much of this thing.

Every drop is extremely precious, and one drop less will make the body fall into a weak state.

It takes a long time of practice to recover.

Fire Kirin himself only has 8 drops.

Now Ye Yan asked for a few drops.

Isn't this asking for his own life?

Fire Kirin protested immediately, and Ye Yan reacted and finally took two drops of blood essence from Fire Kirin.

In an instant, Fire Kirin fell into weakness, and the flames around it seemed to be extinguished.

It seemed that his realm was about to fall back to the peak of Jindan.


Ye Yan realized how precious the Qilin's blood was, and he immediately spent 1,000 group points to buy a thousand-year-old three-leaf blood ginseng from the"Zhu Tian Mall" to nourish the Fire Qilin. He also gave the Fire Qilin the four fire-attributed"Evil Spirit Crystals" that Yotsuya Miko had obtained a few days ago.

This alleviated its weak state and prevented it from falling into a new realm.

While secretly relieved, Ye Yan looked at the two drops of blood in his hand that were only the size of his thumb but contained a strong breath of fire, and he immediately paid attention to them.

He was also happy.

Ye Yan could sense that although these two drops of blood seemed small, they contained almost a quarter of the power of the Fire Qilin. Putting his consciousness into it felt like entering high-temperature lava.

It seemed that the soul was about to be burned.

If these two drops of blood could be made into talismans, Ye Yan's strength would definitely increase dramatically again.

"Nie Feng and his ancestor only ate a drop of ordinary Qilin blood, and when it came to his generation, I don't know how much the power of the Qilin blood was weakened, but he still had such a strong fighting power."

"I have two blood essences in my hand now. If I can master all the power in them, wouldn't it be even more amazing?"

The more Ye Yan thought about it, the more he expected it. He immediately performed the secret technique of"Bloodline Battle Shadow".

He transformed the two blood essences into two obscure and difficult to understand symbols that looked like a roaring fire unicorn, and branded them on his arms.


The next moment, the beast roared to the sky, resounding through the world.

Even Uncle Jiu, a Jindan cultivator, was shocked by Ye Yan's operation.

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