【Ding, you have consumed 60"Practice Points" and successfully promoted to the second-level peak alchemist】

【Ding, you consumed 6"cultivation points" and successfully comprehended the second-level elixir——《Zhen Yuan Dan》Dan Recipe】

【Ding, you...successfully comprehended……《Recipe for the Soul Gathering Pill】.

A large amount of exquisite alchemy information immediately emerged in Ye Yan's mind.

It was perfectly integrated into Ye Yan's memory, allowing Ye Yan's understanding of the second-level alchemy to reach its peak.

At the same time, the spiritual medicines and auxiliary materials needed for the refining of"True Yuan Dan" and"Gathering Spirits Dan".

The order in which the spiritual medicines are put into the alchemy furnace, and the method of how much flame each spiritual medicine needs to be smelted to perfectly extract the medicinal power.

There are also methods for using auxiliary materials.

Finally, a series of essentials such as purification, fusion, and pill formation were all perfectly absorbed by Ye Yan's mind.

Ye Yan instantly felt a burst of enlightenment in his heart.

He immediately obtained 5 copies of the materials required for"True Yuan Dan" and"Gathering Spirits Dan" from Nangong Ping'er.

Then he took out the alchemy furnace, ignited the furnace for more than ten minutes, and threw the materials required for"True Yuan Dan" into the alchemy furnace one by one for refining.

However, when Ye Yan was using the alchemy fire to smelt the main medicine-the five hundred year old blood essence flower, an accident happened.


Ye Yan was a little impatient because he had only melted most of the spiritual medicine and consumed an hour.

When the Dantian Spiritual Fire was about to be reduced, it was slightly increased, and the Gathering Spirit Flower was directly broken, causing the other refined medicine liquids to explode together, resulting in the explosion of the furnace.

An hour of hard work was all wasted.


Ye Yan was a little surprised by this.

He didn't expect that this second-level peak-level elixir would be so much more difficult to refine than the"First-level Golden Marrow Pill".

When he refined the"First-level Golden Marrow Pill" before, he relied on the perfect inherited alchemy experience and alchemy attainments. He was completely at will, and he could refine the elixir at random.

Although a few pills were wasted at the beginning, he basically refined high-quality or even top-quality pills later.

There has never been a furnace explosion.

And this second-level peak-level elixir, just at the last moment, a little increase in the Dantian Spiritual Fire can cause the furnace to explode.

And this is when Ye Yan inherited the attainments of the second-level peak alchemist.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to refine this elixir.

It is even more difficult than controlling a space shuttle and docking with a space station in later generations.

At the critical moment, there is no room for carelessness.

No wonder alchemists are precious in any world of cultivation.

It is said that even if a thousand first-level alchemists work hard for a lifetime, not even one can become a second-level alchemist.

This is why many novel protagonists can show off.

Just spend one or two years to directly advance to a second-level alchemist, a third-level alchemist, or even a ninth-level alchemist.

Of course, Ye Yan is also the protagonist of the novel, otherwise it would be impossible to advance to a second-level peak alchemist so quickly.

As long as you don't rush for success when refining pills, you can definitely refine the"True Yuan Pill" and"Gathering Qi Pill" quickly.

Sure enough, two hours passed.

When the pill furnace was opened.

A refreshing and refreshing spiritual medicine fragrance filled the whole room.

Ye Yan saw ten crystal-like red jade"True Yuan Pills" floating in the air, and he was delighted.

He immediately waved his right hand and took them away. After eating one, he immediately felt the blood in his body surging and boiling.

It was as if the blood in his body had turned into a flood, and the blood in his body was collapsing and running wildly, as if it was about to break through Ye Yan's body and overflow.

Ye Yan was not surprised but happy about this. He immediately used all his strength to activate the"Thunder Refining Vajra Art" he had just obtained, and lightning surrounded him.

A powerful force of lightning and lightning forced the blood and qi to be forcibly injected into Ye Yan's skin, flesh, bones and internal organs.

It was unknown how long it had been.


Ye Yan suddenly shouted, lightning and thunder surrounded him, and his blood and energy burst out.

His muscles swelled, and his skin surface even had a layer of indestructible metal texture, and there were even traces of violent lightning arcs surrounding it.

He casually slapped the thick sandalwood table in the study.

"A loud bang was heard.

The ten-centimeter-thick sandalwood tabletop was directly cracked.

A one-centimeter-thick lightning-burned palm print was left on it.

But Ye Yan's palm was not hurt at all.

In front of the powerful defense, Ye Yan felt that the thick sandalwood table was softer than cotton and there was no chance of any rebound. If this palm hit a person, ten ribs would be broken directly, and the internal organs would be shattered.

And this was only one-tenth of Ye Yan's strength.

If he hit it with all his strength, even the head of a tiger or an elephant would be directly blown up.

It was absolutely terrifying.


"《"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra" builds the third level of foundation?"

"A top-grade"Zhen Yuan Dan" is equivalent to 50"Cultivation Points"》?"

"If he eats all the remaining 9 Zhenyuan Pills, wouldn't his body cultivation be able to advance directly to the Jindan stage?"

"When the time comes, a group of them will be able to instantly kill the Western zombies they encountered before, or the warlocks and horse thieves like Wang Po."

Ye Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

No wonder so many people in the cultivation world like to buy spiritual medicine to assist in cultivation, which is definitely a cultivation artifact.

But at this moment.

Ren Susu, who had been guarding outside the door, heard the noise and came in.

Ye Yan realized that it took him five days to refine this"True Yuan Pill".

Ye Yan instantly felt that this"True Yuan Pill" was not so good.

Are you kidding!

In five days, even if Ye Yan worked from nine to five and went to find a few wives and concubines to practice, the spiritual power he obtained was more than 500"cultivation points"》

"Sure enough, men with systems should still use system upgrades"

"Using the ordinary cultivators' cultivation method is simply as slow as a tortoise's pace."

Ye Yan made up his mind that he would never take elixirs and cultivate himself in the future.

After all, it only takes a few minutes to break through two small realms with"cultivation points".

It is better to leave these"Zhen Yuan Dan" to the members of the chat group. It is really good to break through the cultivation instantly with the"cultivation points" that you can feed back.

If Uncle Jiu knew Ye Yan's idea, he would definitely cry in the toilet.

Damn it!

I was given a pill by my master back then, and I was in seclusion for three months before I refined the second-level pill and broke through two small realms of foundation building.

This made me happy for a long time.

You refined a second-level pill in 5 days and broke through two small realms, but you still complained that it was slow?

Why don't you die?


Ye Yan put away the alchemy furnace and took a break.

He ate some chicken soup with fish maw and noodles fried with sea cucumber that Ren Susu brought.

Then he opened the furnace again.

He refined the remaining 8 pills.

Thanks to the experience of the previous two times, Ye Yan finally turned the knowledge of refining second-level pills in his mind into his muscle memory.

Each furnace refined 12 pills.

A total of 36 medium-grade and above"Zhenyuan Pills".

There are also 60 medium-grade and above"Juling Pills".

The only pity is that after refining so many pills, only 3 top-quality pills were refined.

The others are all medium-grade and high-grade.

This made Ye Yan doubt whether his alchemy talent is really that bad.

Refining so many pills, but he can't make all of them top-grade pills. It

's so embarrassing.

It's so lame.


But if Nangong Ping'er, Jiu Shu and others knew what Ye Yan was thinking, they would definitely think that Ye Yan was pretending again.

Are you kidding!

Even if a 4th-rank alchemist in the world of immortal cultivation refines hundreds of 2nd-rank elixirs, he may not be able to refine one or two 2nd-rank top-grade elixirs.

Are you not satisfied with only 3 top-grade elixirs after 10 furnaces?

Do you want to make all the alchemists in the world vomit blood before you are satisfied?

【Ding, Ye Yan sent a group red envelope——《Zhen Yuan Dan》*45】

【Ding, Ye Yan sent a group red envelope——《Qi Condensation Pill》*40】

This operation once again caused the chat group to explode.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye is awesome. In just a few days, he actually made a second-level pill?"

"《Zhen Yuan Dan》?《Qi Gathering Pill》?"

"You all were robbed by me"

"This"Qi Gathering Pill" is suitable for cultivating immortals, it belongs to me..."

Zhiqiu Yiye was excited.

But the next moment, a long-lost scene that made Zhiqiu Yiye collapse happened.

【Mu Nianci obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*6】

【Wanwan obtains"Zhenyuan Dan"*7】

【Li Mochou obtains"Zhen Yuan Dan"*6】

【Li Xunhuan obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】

【Zhao Linger obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】

【Gao Yao obtains"Zhen Yuan Dan"*6】

【Yue Buqun obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】

【Yotsuya Miko obtains"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】


【Nangong Ping'er obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】

【Ding, the exclusive red envelopes have been snatched up, it took 3 seconds]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! 3 seconds? Are you guys going to let me live?"

"Not leaving any for me?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb. I didn't expect that

I would miss the chance to grab the red envelope because of my bad mouth.

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