Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Huang Rong, why did they only get five or six pills?"

"Huang Rong actually managed to grab more than ten?"

"I don’t have even one!!!"

"It's not fair!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was so envious.

It could be said that if Huang Rong hadn't snatched four doses of pills alone, he would have been able to get at least five or six pills.

At this moment, Zhiqiu Yiye really had an urge to find Huang Rong to argue.

But he didn't dare!

If he really did that, he would definitely be killed by Ye Yan. He wouldn't even be able to get Ye Yan's pill subsidy in the future, which would definitely not be worth it.

Huang Rong:"I don't know!"

"This is my first time grabbing a red envelope, and I don’t know why I got so much???"

"Uh! Indeed, I did take a bit too much. Here, I’ll give you a few."

This was Huang Rong’s first time to"participate in a large-scale group event", and she felt a bit overwhelmed as a newbie.

She thought that this was something that was to be shared equally by every group member, but now that she saw that Zhiqiu Yiye did not get any, and yet she took so many, she felt a bit embarrassed.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Really?"

"Fairy Huang Rong, worthy of being Mr. Ye's woman, a good sister-in-law"

"Sister-in-law, I don't need more, not even half the pills."

"Just give me six or seven pills, the best pure"Qi Gathering Pill"》,《"Zhen Yuan Dan" is useless to me."

Zhi Qiu Yiye was looking forward to it.

He didn't expect Huang Rong to be so easy to fool. She actually wanted to give him the elixir.

If that's the case, wouldn't he be able to get more benefits from Huang Rong in the future?

Suddenly, Zhi Qiu Yiye couldn't suppress his desire to take advantage of Huang Rong, and he had evil thoughts about Huang Rong.

Yue Buqun:"Mrs. Huang Rong is so generous."

"I'm in great need of Zhenyuan Pills, could you give me a few?"

Yue Buqun saw that there was something good to be gained, and he didn't care about anything else. He immediately stood up to ask for a few.

After all, how much is face worth?

If he could get a few Zhenyuan Pills, his strength would definitely be improved again.

By then, even if Zuo Lengchan held a meeting of the Five Mountains Sword Sects, as long as he was strong enough to crush Zuo Lengchan, why would he worry that the position of the Sect Leader would not be his?

Why would he worry about the Huashan Sect not prospering?

When he thought of this, Yue Buqun felt a surge of anticipation.

But Zhiqiu Yiye and Yue Buqun wanted to take advantage of Huang Rong?

What the hell were they dreaming about?

Even if Ye Yan agreed, no one else would agree. Sure enough, the next moment.

Kankan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, Yue Buqun, you two guys are bullying newcomers, aren't you? ?"

"Do you have any shame?"

"Are you bullying Huang Rong for not knowing the rules of grabbing red envelopes?"

Li Mochou:"That's right, grabbing red envelopes depends on luck and hand speed."

"Zhiqiu Yiye, you talk too much and didn’t grab the red envelope first. Who can you blame for not getting one now?"

"Sister Rong'er, don't listen to them. Don't give them any pills.〃〃 "

Mu Nianci:"That's right, Sister Rong'er, these two guys are not good people."

"A hypocrite, a man who only knows how to take advantage"

"You even dared to take advantage of Brother Ye Yan before, and now you dare to come here to hurt me, aren’t you afraid that my Yang family spear will stab you to death?"

Li Xunhuan:"That’s right, you two actually dared to bully my sister-in-law and don’t know the rules of the group?"

"Do you want Boss Ye to kick you out of the group?"

The Green Man King:"My sister-in-law is kind-hearted and wants to give you some elixirs, but you actually asked for too much."

"You need six or seven of them right away, where is your face?"

"@Yue Buqun, you old man, aren’t you a hypocrite?"

"When did you become a real villain?"

"He also asked for a few"Zhen Yuan Dan"》?"

"Isn't this shameless?"

Zhao Linger:"Uncle Zhiqiu Yiye, Uncle Yue, I didn't expect you two to be such bad guys."

"Ling'er hates you"


Zhiqiu Yiye:"What a misunderstanding!"

"I just can't wait to try Boss Ye's new medicine."

"I didn't expect to bully my sister-in-law!"

"@"Ye Yan, @Huang Rong, I really don't dare to have the intention of bullying my sister-in-law!"

Zhiqiu Yiye wanted to cry but had no tears.

He didn't expect that he was just a little greedy and wanted to ask for a few more pills, but he would anger everyone again.

If he had known it would be like this, he would only ask for three or four.

It was indeed a bit too much to ask for six or seven at once. He could only quickly ask for forgiveness.

But what he didn't know was that even if he only asked for three or four, he would definitely be criticized by everyone.

After all, Kanan was right, grabbing red envelopes means grabbing as many as you want.

If you can't grab it, you can only blame your hand speed. If someone grabs more in the future, let others allow some, then why grab red envelopes?

Just give out red envelopes directly.

Yue Buqun:"None of my business! I'm a newcomer too, I thought I could really ask for red envelopes from others?"

"It's all Zhiqiu Yiye's fault, @Ye Yan@all members, I really don't know anything."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Yue Buqun, you hypocrite, you can also blame me for this?"

"Are you new here?"

"Don’t you know the rules of grabbing red envelopes?"

"I bother!"

"You dare to say that you didn't have the intention to take advantage of me just now."

Yue Buqun:"No, I definitely didn't."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"You……"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb.

Facing a shameless guy like Yue Buqun, he really couldn't make Yue Buqun admit his true feelings.

Everyone was also defeated by Yue Buqun's shamelessness.

Everyone could see that Yue Buqun saw Zhiqiu Yiye trying to take advantage, so he came up immediately.

Huang Rong saw these conversations and only then knew the rules of this chat group.

She immediately lost all her good feelings towards Zhiqiu Yiye and Yue Buqun, two guys who loved to take advantage of others.

She planned to find a chance to get back at them later.

Are you kidding!

Huang Rong is known for being eccentric. Although she doesn't like to cause trouble, she is definitely not afraid of trouble.

Since Zhiqiu Yiye and the others wanted to take advantage of her just now, she must be prepared to pay the price.

Ye Yan will naturally help Huang Rong.

【Ding, Ye Yan sent a group red envelope——《Zhen Yuan Dan"*15】

【Ding, Ye Yan sent a group red envelope——《Qi Gathering Pills》*17】

Ye Yan originally saw that Zhiqiu Yiye didn't get any pills, so he wanted to give him a few.

But since he still liked to take advantage of small opportunities, Ye Yan saw that Zhiqiu Yiye and Yue Buqun were still fighting each other.

So he didn't remind him and gave out all the remaining pills in red envelopes.

Sure enough, the next moment

【Mu Nianci obtained"Zhen Yuan Dan"*3】


【Yotsuya Miko obtains"Qi Gathering Pill"*2】


【Nangong Ping'er obtained"Qi Gathering Pill"*5】

【Ding, the group red envelopes have been snatched up, it took 1 second. 】

All group members grabbed a few more pills, except Zhiqiu Yiye and Yue Buqun, who didn't have time to react.

The red envelopes were snatched up.

Zhiqiu Yiye, Yue Buqun:"Fuck! 1 second?"

"You did it on purpose?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was numb instantly.

He knew that Ye Yan definitely did it on purpose.

This was to vent Huang Rong's anger, otherwise he would never have given her a red envelope when he and Yue Buqun were quarreling.

The main purpose was to catch him off guard and make him regret bitterly.

In fact, Zhiqiu Yiye did the same.

He failed to get Ye Yan's new elixir twice, and his cultivation was much slower.

It was all because of his bad mouth and his love of taking advantage of small things.

If Zhiqiu Yiye was not a little afraid of pain, he would really want to slap himself a few times. Why bully Ye Yan's woman when there are so many people to bully? It's really asking for trouble!

The worst thing is that he can't object.

Who made him wrong?

Zhiqiu Yiye did it again... He made up his mind not to be bad next time.

At the same time, he comforted himself.

Ye Yan would definitely give out red envelopes in a few days, and then as long as he performed well, he would definitely get Ye Yan's elixir.

He just had to endure it for a few days.

But the next moment.

Huang Rong:".「 Oh my god! Brother Ye Yan's"Qi Gathering Pill" is so amazing!"

"Rong Er only took one pill and felt a lot of pure spiritual energy appear in her Dantian."

"No, Rong'er is going to retreat now."

"Rong'er will definitely be able to transform all her inner strength into spiritual power this time and become a martial arts cultivator."

Wanwan:"Really! Brother Ye Yan's"Qi Gathering Pill" is even better than the previous"One Turn Golden Marrow Pill""

"People are going to spread out"

"People need to go into seclusion first"

"Love you! Brother Ye Yan."

Li Xunhuan:"Hahahaha (Li Qian Zhao)! Move, move, long-lost feeling"

"I feel like I'm doing it again."

"I am also going to retreat, and this time I will definitely become a true martial arts cultivator."

"What Long Xiaoyun, what Shangguan Jinhong"

"If they dare to come and cause trouble for me, I can kill them all with one strike."

The Green Man King:"Me too, and my Yan Ying actually started to blush."

"It's no good, Feng'er, come here quickly, I'll leave my sister to you to take care of her"

"Your mother and I have some serious business to attend to."


All of a sudden, everyone in the group felt full of energy after taking the pill.���, eager to vent... Uh, no, it should be to dredge the eight extraordinary meridians.

Then break through the cultivation level.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Are you guys going to let me live?"

"I don’t have any elixirs to refine!"

"You guys are still talking so excitedly in the group?"

"I want it too!"

Zhiqiu Yiye felt abandoned again.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

He had originally thought that he could endure his desire for Ye Yan's elixir for a few days.

But now being"teased" by everyone like this, it was just like being hungry for a few days and seeing someone throw the leftover roast chicken dinner to feed the dog. That mood was so tormenting!

And all this was because he"bullied" Huang Rong with his bad mouth.

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