Yue Buqun:"Boss Ye, Madam Huang Rong, please forgive me!"

"Just now I was just misled by Zhiqiu Yiye"

"I really didn’t think of taking advantage of Mrs. Huang Rong!"

Yue Buqun’s situation at this time is actually similar to Zhiqiu Yiye’s.

It should even be said that he was even more devastated.

Because although he grabbed a few"Qi Gathering Pills".

But this"Qi Gathering Pill" is not the top-grade pills produced by the system in the past.

Even if the top-grade pills given by the system are too powerful, they will automatically remove the pills that cannot be absorbed after eating.

There will be no harm to oneself at all.

But if he dares to eat the second-level pill refined by Ye Yan now, since he has not yet acquired the cultivation level of Qi training, his meridians will definitely be directly burst by this second-level pill.

As for why others can eat it?

Naturally, Ye Yan gave them the pills to remove. The excess medicinal power of the elixir can preserve one’s own power.

But just now Yue Buqun wanted to take advantage of Huang Rong, so Ye Yan would naturally not give Yue Buqun this method.

So even if Yue Buqun gets the elixir now, he can only stare blankly.

His mood is definitely more tormented than Zhiqiu Yiye.

After all, Zhiqiu Yiye didn’t get it at all.

He got the elixir, but he couldn’t eat it, which made him even more sad.

Ye Yan ignored Yue Buqun.

He was going to leave him alone for a few days.

Who made him ignore the fact that Huang Rong was his woman just now.

Not letting him hand over the elixir now is already very merciful.

But what Ye Yan didn’t know was that because of... Yue Buqun was extremely tormented for some time to come because of his decision to leave Yue Buqun alone for a few days.

He was worried about losing Ye Yan, a great god.

He became more and more determined to sell his daughter Yue Lingshan... No, he should introduce her to Ye Yan.

He brainwashed Yue Lingshan as soon as he went offline, and first showed her the immortal version of Huashan swordsmanship modified by Ye Yan.

Besides, this was a law bestowed by a handsome young immortal.

He also said that it might come to their world in the future, which directly aroused Yue Lingshan's curiosity and Ye Yan's mystery.

If Ye Yan knew the result, he would be speechless.

With you like this... A cheating father?

Huang Rong felt warm in her heart at this moment.

It is really good to have a man like Ye Yan to protect her.

Huang Rong will never regret following Ye Yan in this life.

Huang Rong knew that Ye Yan liked children, and now she has made up her mind to give Ye Yan a few more children.

All of them will be raised by her father, Huang Yaoshi.

After all, if she brings back the immortal version of Peach Blossom Island martial arts,

Huang Rong doesn't believe that Huang Yaoshi, a martial arts fanatic, will not be excited to the point of going crazy and agree to everything?

Then Huang Rong, like everyone else, went offline to refine the elixir she had just obtained.

Soon, something happened that made Ye Yan happy.

A few minutes passed

【Ding, Mu Nianci has refined 2"Zhen Yuan Dan", and you get 14"Cultivation Points" in return.】

【Ding, after you refine 2"Zhen Yuan Dan", you will receive 18"Cultivation Points" in return.】


【Ding, Li Xunhuan has refined 2"Qi Gathering Pills", and you get 16"Practice Points" in return.】

【Ding, Nangong Ping'er has refined 5"Qi Gathering Pills", and you will get 100"Practice Points" in return.

The sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai kept ringing in Ye Yan's mind.

The 12 group members, except for Zhiqiu Yiye, Yue Buqun, and Gao Yao who still couldn't practice, all others had already refined all the spiritual medicines given by Ye Yan.

On average, except for Nangong Ping'er, each of the others gave Ye Yan about 16"Practice Points".

It brought Ye Yan 228"Practice Points".

This made Ye Yan very happy.

After all, they have only refined 2 pills now to get such an effect.

If all the pills are eaten, they can definitely bring themselves more than 500"Practice Points".

In Ye Yan's world, less than five minutes have passed.

Compared with Ye Yan spending five days to refine a"True Yuan Pill", saving 500"Practice Points" in the end is much better.

After all, compared with time, Ye Yan is not short of pills.

According to the speed at which Ye Yan obtains"cultivation points" now, as long as he makes the same amount of pills twice more, he can collect 1500"cultivation points".

At that time, whether it is to break through the body refining cultivation or to refine the Nascent Soul level array talisman, it will be a good choice.

Ye Yan's strength can increase dramatically.

Even if Nangong Ping'er encounters the invasion of the magic path, Ye Yan can go to protect Nangong Ping'er.

There is also the child in Nangong Ping'er's belly.

After all, although there are also cultivators in the God Transformation Stage in the cultivation world of the Southern Heaven region of the human world, they are generally secluded and do not care about worldly affairs.

It can be said that the Nascent Soul level is already the most powerful existence.

As long as Ye Yan can refine a Nascent Soul level array, even if it is an elementary Nascent Soul law, as long as the materials are sufficient.

He can easily make dozens of Nascent Soul elementary array talismans to deal with the existence of the middle or even late Nascent Soul.

It is absolutely impossible for those people from the Demon Sect to bully Nangong Ping'er's sect as in the original work.

How can Ye Yan not be happy about this?

Prepare to let them continue to refine pills and practice hard.

But the main thing is to let Nangong Ping'er refine more pills.

Because according to Ye Yan's estimation, if the medicinal power of each second-level pill is fully refined, it can bring him 20"cultivation points".

This can be seen from the fact that Nangong Ping'er got 100"cultivation points" for 5 pills.

Others, such as Mu Nianci, have a low realm, so they only refine less than one-third of the medicinal power of the"True Yuan Pill".

But Ye Yan didn't care much about this.

Anyway, as long as Nangong Ping'er can get enough alchemy materials and refine it for a few more nights.

Ye Yan can still get 1500"cultivation points" and improve his attainments in formation talismans.

Soon, Huang Rong and his party went online directly after refining 2 pills one after another.

Everyone was extremely excited.

Huang Rong:"Brother Ye Yan, Rong'er's internal force has been completely replaced by spiritual power"

"Rong'er can now be considered a cultivator"

"Great! If she meets that bad guy Ouyang Ke again, Rong'er can just use the Falling Sword Palm to knock her down."

【[Ding, Huang Rong sent an exciting short video]

Ye Yan clicked on the short video.

In the video, Huang Rong's gauze skirt fluttered, her figure was graceful, and her jade hands danced with the"Fallen Flowers Sword Palm".

The whole person was like a fairy in the forest, dancing gracefully, extraordinary and beautiful.

But the next moment.

As the pre-swing ended, Huang Rong's jade hands continuously slapped the void in front of her.

Bang bang bang~

The jade arms waved, and the palm shadows filled all directions, the real and the virtual intertwined, a strong wind blew in the maple forest, and the tree trunks collapsed.

The hundred-foot forest in front was razed to the ground in an instant.

Maple leaves fell, dust flew, it was really terrifying.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! Sister-in-law Huang Rong is awesome"

"How could this palm technique be intended to knock down Ouyang Ke?"

"It's obvious that he wants to beat Ouyang Ke"

"Even if Hong Qigong, one of the Five Great Masters, encountered this palm, he would be beaten into autism!"

Zhiqiu Yiye seized the opportunity and flattered Huang Rong, trying to restore a good impression.

Huang Rong was in a good mood at this time, so naturally she would not bother with him anymore. Huang Rong suddenly had a kind of expectation at this time, if she returned to

Peach Blossom Island to show this palm technique to her father, Huang Yaoshi.

It would definitely scare him silly, who always looked indifferent, neither sad nor happy, and was very pretentious.

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