婠婠:"Sister Huang Rong is so beautiful and cool"

"No, I also want to shoot a short video"

【Ding, Qianqian sent a private video to Ye Yan. 】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! It's not"

"Why can’t I click on your video?"

Li Xunhuan:"Aren’t you talking nonsense?".

"They all said it was a private video for Mr. Ye, it would be strange if you clicked it."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"No way! Forget about sending private photos to Mr. Ye before."

"Now you're still posting private videos?"

"Could it be something that children can't watch?"


Ye Yan subconsciously clicked on the video. He almost had a nosebleed because of Kankan.

Damn! Isn't this a short video about developing Kung Fu? Why the hell is Kankan showing me this??? Well! But to be honest, it is indeed very exciting. I didn't expect Kankan to be so good at Kung Fu? A thin gauze dress... these legs... these



No, no, I can't watch it anymore.

After watching it several times by himself, Ye Yan still had the heart to close it, and then he clicked on the collection on the short video. Don't get me wrong, this is indeed a short video showing the martial arts of the Yinkui School.

It's just that Kankan's clothes have always been thin.

Now Kankan's internal strength has been completely replaced by spiritual power.

With every move of her hands and feet, the silk ribbons fluttered, seemingly gentle, but when they fell on the rocks and trees, they could easily blow them up.

According to Ye Yan's estimation, Kankan's current strength can definitely beat the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan.

Even the head of Cihang Jingzhai - Fan Qinghui can be easily suppressed.

It is really possible that one person can challenge the entire Cihang Jingzhai alone, and then bring Shi Feixuan back.

【Ding, Li Mochou sent a private video to Ye Yan. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my god! Li Mochou, pay attention, you are known as a fairy"

"Why did you start sending private videos to Boss Ye?"

"I envy Mr. Ye. I hope that in the future, there will be a female group member who will fall in love with this handsome guy right away."

"Also sent a private video to this handsome guy."

Yue Buqun:"As you wish, next time we will have a middle-aged female group member"

"I fell in love with you right away and sent you a private video of my wrinkled skin, hahahaha!"

Li Xunhuan:"Pay attention, Yue Buqun, you are the leader of a sect."

"How can you say such a thing?"

"But since it is Zhiqiu Yiye's wish, I also hope to fulfill Zhiqiu Yiye's wish."

Green Man King:"As Zhiqiu Yiye wishes +1."

Mu Nianci:"……+1."

Li Mochou:"……+1."


Yutsugu Miko:"……+1."

Zhao Linger:"……+1."

Nangong Ping'er:"……+1."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Ugly rejection, ugly rejection"

"Who else is posting videos? Don't post private videos."

"Post it so everyone can see it."

Li Xun Huan:"I am also showing my ugliness."

"Now all my internal energy has been replaced with spiritual energy."

"Xiao Li's flying knife is more powerful than ever before"

"Although I am not talented, I am confident that my current strength will definitely allow me to rank first on the weapons list."

【Ding, Li Xunhuan sent a short video of the explosive flying knife.

Bang, bang, bang~

In the video.

Li Xunhuan walked on the lake.

With every step, the lake surface exploded.

With his long hair flowing, he looked quite pretentious.

Soon he came to the other side of the lake a hundred feet away. He turned around the moment he landed. He swung his right hand towards the lake surface.


The palm-length Xiao Li Feidao broke through the air.

The knife energy was several feet wide. Bang, bang, bang~

Wherever it passed, it actually cut the hundred-foot wide water surface directly.

The air hissed, and the water surface made bursts of explosions.

Many big carps were directly blown up.

If this scene is put in any martial arts world, it would be quite shocking. It can already be compared with many late-stage Qi training monks.

This flying knife is not like the original book, which easily penetrates the human body and the wound is only the size of a thumb.

Instead, it can directly cut the whole row of people in half from head to tail.

The power is so terrifying.

It completely exceeds the upper limit of the attack power in the martial arts world where Li Xunhuan is.

Of course, in the eyes of the chat group members who are used to seeing Ye Yan show off with all kinds of lightning and fire spells, sword energy spells, this power is just so-so.

After all, now apart from Gao Yao and Si Gu Jianzi, many people in the group can do this.

So in the eyes of everyone, Li Xunhuan's video is full of two words:"show off".

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Old Li, you are too good at pretending!"

"Just trying out the power of Mr. Ye's modified flying knife"

"Can't you just stand where you are and throw it to him?"

"Do you still need to walk on the water and fly to the other side of the river?"

The Green Man King:"Knowing the Autumn Leaf is right."

"And you turned around and threw the knife again?"

"Bells and whistles"

"Look at me, Lao Lu... Bah, my Lao Nie's knife"

"A real man should be like Mr. Ye, making powerful moves"

【Ding, the Green Man King sent a domineering video]

The Green Man King didn't know if he was deliberately comparing.

He also stood on a ten-foot wide river bank.

Beside him were the graceful beauty Yan Ying and the young man Nie Feng and his sister.

"Yan Ying, Feng Er, Lin Er, take a look"

"Look at me, I will retreat for three months and make a sword."

The Green Man King roared domineeringly.

The spiritual power around him burst out crazily, the wind was raging, and the wind and clouds changed color.

Holding the sword with both hands, he swept across the river in front of him.


Thirty feet of cold sword energy slashed across the sky.

The water of the river was directly blown into the air.

The whole river was lifted into the air in an instant.

The cold sword intent swept.

The river water that had not fallen yet turned into ice in an instant, suspended in the air, which looked extremely spectacular.

The next moment.

Bang bang bang~

The frozen river water was completely unable to withstand the terrifying sword intent sweeping, and it exploded instantly, breaking layer by layer.

Turned into countless pieces of ice and fell back into the river.


The upstream was rushing���The water rushed and washed away the cold ice.

Yue Buqun:"How domineering! Lao Lu is indeed a person from the high martial arts world. The icy energy of this sword is definitely better than Zuo Lengchan in our world."

"If I could learn it, wouldn't Zuo Lengchan be scared to death?"

Li Xunhuan:"Master Yue, you should know that you can't chew too much."

· ·······Request flowers····· ·······

"I advise you to think twice"


Mu Nianci:"Hey! I must have seen it wrong!"

"How come the Green Man King’s children are so grown up?"

"Wasn’t Nie Feng only five or six years old not long ago?"

"She looks eight years old now!"

Yotsuya Miko:"Yes! If sister Kanan hadn't told me, how could I not have noticed it?"

"Wasn’t Uncle Green Man King’s daughter just born a while ago?"

"How come now they can run and jump and do some supporting work?"

"Could it be that the hormones in the martial arts world are stronger than those in my era?"

Ye Yan:"It's not taking hormones, it should be the speed of time."

Yotsuya Miko:"Yes! The speed of time in each world of the chat group is different."

"Could it be that two or three years have passed since Uncle Green went offline for retreat?"

Li Mochou:"Wow! The Green King's daughter is so cute!"

Kwan Kwan: "Yes! She looks like Sister Yan Ying.""

"I hope I will be as beautiful as Sister Yan Ying when I grow up!"

"I also want to give Brother Ye Yan a cute baby as soon as possible."


"I wonder if she will be as beautiful as others when she grows up?"

The Green Man King:"Thank you for the compliments, my daughter is naturally beautiful."

"The name is also nice, Nie Lin'er, because Boss Ye gave him the Fire Kirin scales, so he gave him this name."

Li Xunhuan:"Wow! Old Green, you have no martial ethics."

"I said before that I would give birth to a daughter and marry her to Boss Ye. Did you really take it seriously?"

"No, I also want to have a daughter with my cousin Shiyin soon."

"It happens that I will get married next month."

Ye Yan:"Li Xunhuan, are you getting married?"

"Then you should pay attention to the abnormalities around you recently."

Li Xunhuan:"What do you mean?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"You can even forget this?"

"What do you want to ask Boss Ye for help?"

"Have you forgotten what Boss Ye said, that Long Xiaoyun wanted to steal your cousin?"

Li Xunhuan:"Yes! Long Xiaoyun???"

"I almost forgot about this guy."

"But what if he dares to show up now?"

"My Little Li Flying Dagger is already a martial art for cultivating immortals. If he dares to come, I will kill him with one blow!"

Li Xunhuan was actually looking forward to it at this moment.

However, Ye Yan's next words made Li Xunhuan a little overwhelmed.

Ye Yan:"Li Xunhuan, you are right, but you must know that it is easy to dodge an open spear but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark."

"Long Xiaoyun's strength does not lie in his martial arts"

"It's when I meet him again that I know how to play with people's hearts"

"Your wife Lin Shiyin is the daughter of the Demon Sword Sect's leader. If he gives your father-in-law the name of a demon,"

"Instigate those so-called noble families in the world to come and cause trouble for your father-in-law"

"Are you going to kill all the famous and upright people in the world?"

"If you don't take action, you will die."

"But if you kill a famous and upright person, you will be condemned by the whole world."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Is it that serious?"

"The world of Jianghu is still very complicated"

"Or I deal with demons all day long, which is more direct."

"Li Xunhuan, you still have to rely on yourself for the best."

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye, what should we do now?"


Please teach me, Mr. Ye.

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