Ye Yan:"Is your cousin Lin Shiyin by your side now?"

"Could it be that he has returned to the Demonic Knife Sect?"

"You send people to gather information to see whether Lord Zhuge has gathered the so-called famous and upright sects to prepare for an attack on the Demon Knife Sect."

The memories of"Little Li Flying Dagger" in Ye Yan's mind quickly flashed by.

He suddenly remembered that before Lin Shiyin met Long Xiaoyun, her whole family was killed.

Even Lin Shiyin herself was captured by the so-called famous and upright sects led by Zhuge Shenjun as a prize for the knife-testing conference.

It can be said that these famous and upright sects are full of benevolence and morality, but what they do is quite shameless.

Moreover, when Zhuge Shenjun learned that Li Xunhuan was going to rescue Lin Shiyin, he immediately ordered these so-called famous and upright sects to surround and kill Li Xunhuan.

Although Li Xunhuan rescued Lin Shiyin in the end, he was completely at war with Zhuge Shenjun.

This is why Zhuge Shenjun and Long Xiaoyun came up with the idea of joining forces to snatch Lin Shiyin away.

So if Li Xunhuan"960" was not with Lin Shiyin now, and the two parties were planning to get married.

It is very likely that Li Xunhuan's lifelong misery would begin in these few days. Sure enough, things were just as Ye Yan thought.

Li Xunhuan:"What? Boss Ye, you said that Zhuge Shenjun is going to attack the Demon Knife Sect?"

"Oh no, Shiyin did return to the Demon Sword Sect six days ago."

"Doesn't that mean Shiyin will be in danger?"

Li Xunhuan trusted Ye Yan's words 100%.

Hearing Ye Yan's words, he was shocked.

However, this is not the end.

"Oh no, the Demon Sword Sect just sent a pigeon message saying that Lord Zhuge has led the four major sects to gather near the Wuyi Demon Sword Sect."

"We will attack the Demon Knife Sect soon."

婠婠:"What? Brother Ye Yan actually got it right?""

"Li Xunhuan, why are you still standing there?"

"Why don't you hurry to the Demon Knife Sect to save your wife?"

Mu Nianci:"That's right, and remember what Brother Ye Yan said. If you meet that Long Xiaoyun, don't care what he says and don't believe him."

Green Man King:"You don't have to remind Li Xunhuan like this."

"He's not a fool."

"If you get so much information from Boss Ye and are fooled by Long Xiaoyun, then there is no hope at all, and there is no need to worry about him."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Li Xun Huan, if you really live up to your original fate, you will have to give your wife and money, and give your house to your brothers."

"Don't forget to treat me as your brother too"

"Even if you treat me as your son, I can still laugh when I call you godfather."

Green Man King:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, you really deserve a beating"

"You are still taking advantage of Li Xun Huan at this time."

Li Xun Huan:"Lao Lu, Zhi Qiu Yi Ye should be reminding me this time"

"Don't worry, I will never let you down."

"Today, I, Li Tanhua, will not only kill Long Xiaoyun, but also kill Zhuge Shenjun and all the so-called famous and upright people he leads."

"I will never let my cousin's family encounter any disaster."

After saying this, Li Xunhuan immediately used his unique Qinggong skills to rush out, preparing to rush towards the Wuyi Demon Knife Sect, which was dozens of kilometers away.

【Ding, at the request of most of the members, Li Xunhuan opens the chat group live broadcast. 】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I was just about to ask Li Xunhuan to open the live broadcast room, I want to see Sister Shiyin... Bah! That's not right."

"I want to see how Li Xunhuan rescues Shiyin's wife."

The Green Man King:"Zhiqiu Yiye, no need to explain, everyone knows who you are."

Yue Buqun:"Zhiqiu Yiye, everyone knows who you are.""

"I despise Zhiqiu Yiye."

Mu Nianci:"Disdain +1."

Li Mochou:"Disdain +1."

Kanan:"Disdain +1"


Zhao Linger:"Contempt +1."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No, how come even Zhao Linger misunderstood me?"

"I really didn't mean that."

Ye Yan was a little amused when he saw this.

Zhiqiu Yiye's reputation in this chat group has long been bad, so it would be strange if his explanation was useful.

Li Xunhuan was concerned about the safety of his cousin Lin Shiyin at this time, and he had no time to care about Zhiqiu Yiye's little thoughts. He went out immediately.

He just opened the lacquered door.


A large number of poisonous arrows and poisonous smoke balls rushed over.

In an instant, Li Xunhuan was directly attacked.

Li Xunhuan was shocked and jumped back to the roof easily, avoiding all arrows.

But the colorful smoke filled the air and instantly enveloped the entire Li Garden.

Although Li Xunhuan held his breath at the first time, the colorful poisonous smoke could actually penetrate the skin.

Li Xunhuan immediately felt dizzy.

However, under the influence of powerful spiritual power, he quickly suppressed the toxicity.

His eyes were clear.

In front of him were a large number of disciples holding swords, claiming to be a famous and upright sect, and full of benevolence and morality.


"Li Xunhuan must be going to rescue those demons from the Demon Knife Sect"

"He is a relative of the Demon Knife Sect and is also the leader of the Demon Knife Sect."

"Today I am waiting to enforce justice on behalf of the heavens"

"Release the arrows and continue in the room. He must be poisoned by the smoke now. He won't be able to hold on for long......... "

""Everyone, come together and kill him."

A white-haired old man in the lead shouted fiercely, encouraging everyone to take action.

But he stood in the crowd, letting all the disciples from the surrounding sects rush out from his left and right sides, without any intention of rushing forward.

Are you kidding!

Although the white-haired old man did not believe that Li Xunhuan was poisoned, he could still defeat hundreds of people here alone.

But he also knew how powerful Li Xunhuan was.

If he counterattacked before his death, he would definitely not get any benefit.

It is better to let these cannon fodders from the several major sects who were incited to die first.


Li Xunhuan insisted with an eyebrow He frowned , summoned the spiritual power in his body, and waved his right hand.

A strong wind suddenly arose, instantly blowing away a leaf of a peach tree directly in front of him.

The leaf broke through the air, seemingly soft and fragile, but in front of the powerful force of Xiao Li's Flying Dagger, it instantly turned into a sharp blade, instantly cutting dozens of people in front of him.

The hands holding the knife were bleeding, and they cried out in pain.

But they were all masters of the martial arts world, how could they be scared by such a superficial injury.

On the contrary, because Li Xunhuan showed mercy, they became even more unscrupulous.

"Hahaha! Li Xunhuan is no better than this"

"Kill him, as long as you kill him, you can all become famous."


The crowd was not afraid of Li Xunhuan who showed mercy, and they became even more excited after being encouraged by the white-haired old man who was leading the group.

They rushed towards Li Xunhuan as if they were not afraid of their lives.

婠5.7婠:"Li Xunhuan! Are you still merciful at this time?"

"Use your unique flying knife skill that blew up the river and kill everyone."

Li Mochou:"That's right, Li Xunhuan, are you considered a man?"

"You are still merciful at this time. If I meet these people who are seeking fame and reputation, I will kill them all in one move of Ice Soul Silver Needle."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my! Women are so scary."

Li Xun Huan heard this, and his eyes turned cold, and he immediately sacrificed the Little Li Flying Dagger in his hand.

Originally, he didn't want to start a massacre, because what Ye Yan said just now was right, the world he lived in was easy to dodge open spears but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. If he was labeled as a demon, there would definitely be endless so-called famous and upright sects, who would deal with his family in the name of acting for the heaven.

But now he saw that these people were like crazy, and they were all seeking fame and reputation, so he didn't plan to show mercy anymore.


I said: Hieu Baocot

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