
Li Xun Huan shouted angrily, and threw the Little Li Flying Dagger in his hand.


The flying knife was sharp, and the cold light was revealed.

It tore through the void and instantly went to the white-haired old man who was hiding in the crowd and inciting everyone's emotions.


"Stop him quickly, stop him quickly."

The white-haired old man's face changed drastically, and he quickly hid behind several lackeys around him.

But is it useful?


The palm-long Xiao Li Feidao burst out with a flying knife aura of more than ten feet, breaking through the air.

Bang bang bang~

A shocking explosion sounded.

The white-haired old man and several lackeys around him in the crowd, their flying knives were instantly blasted into blood mist.


The palm-long sharp flying knife fell to the ground.

Instantly a three-foot-large pit was blasted out on the bluestone paved street.

The blood mist scattered, and it seemed as if there had never been any trace of the white-haired old man and several lackeys in the world.

Such a horrific scene.

Instantly scared the people who were originally shouting and killing at the scene.

One by one, they widened their eyes and looked at Li Xunhuan, who was still standing on the roof with a white robe fluttering. They were so scared that they peed their pants and dared not move at all.

Where is the courage to kill Li Xunhuan with the momentum just now?

Zhi18 Qiu Yiye:"Oh my! Are all the martial arts modified by Boss Ye so awesome?"

"With one strike, the martial arts masters were wiped out."

"It's so terrifying!"

Qianqian:"Calm down, isn't this normal?"

Huang Rong:"That's right, our martial arts are the best in our respective worlds."

"Before being modified into a martial art by Brother Ye Yan, it was already able to sweep the world."

"Now it has been modified into a martial art for cultivating immortals, and its power is much stronger."

"In addition, we have recently refined the second-level elixir given by Brother Ye Yan, and the internal force in the dantian has long been replaced by spiritual power."

"Now our martial arts have both the fierceness and sharpness of martial arts moves, and the mighty power of immortal martial arts, how can it not be awesome?"

Li Mochou:"Really?"

"If sister Rong'er hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that brother Ye Yan's modified martial arts were so awesome?"

"No wonder they encountered a group of so-called famous and upright people looking for trouble just now."

"He only used one Ice Soul Silver Needle to turn more than a dozen third-rate masters into ice slag."

"So it's because after our internal energy is converted into spiritual energy, the power of the immortal martial arts can be fully exerted?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my god! Is the immortal martial arts really that powerful?"

"Is it too late for me to give up Taoism and switch to martial arts? Waiting online, very urgent."

Yue Buqun:"Of course it's too late for you, do you think martial arts is easy?"

"How many years does it take to train in the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter? Do you think it's easy?"

"Now that you see that we martial artists can achieve such achievements, you can’t envy them anymore, haha!"

"Now I just need to convert the internal force in my body into spiritual power"

"I will become invincible in this world."

"My Huashan is destined to become the strongest sect in"Swordsman World", hahahaha."

Green Man King:"@Yue Buqun, are you sure?"

""If Master Ye Yan doesn't give you a way to remove the excess medicinal power, are you sure you can transform the internal force in your body into spiritual power?"

Yue Buqun just remembered this and the smile on his face froze instantly, and his original laughter also stopped abruptly.

Looking at the elixir in his hand that he couldn't eat, his heart was in agony!

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Hahaha! Mr. Yue, you deserve it! I told you to show off."

Yue Buqun:"Huh! You are better than me?"

"I still have the second-level elixir in my hand, but you don’t even have any."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"……"

"@Ye Yan, please give me some pills. I can't practice martial arts, I can only dream of forming pills as soon as possible. The demon world I'm in is too dangerous, woo woo woo~"

Zhiqiu Yiye was begging for mercy.

Ye Yan didn't plan to give me the pills yet.

However, although Huang Rong was right, their martial arts secrets did have the dual power of martial arts secrets and immortal cultivation skills after being modified by themselves.

But the modified immortal cultivation martial arts did not reach the point where it was definitely better than immortal cultivation skills.

It can only be said that it is the same. It mainly depends on the grade and whether it is suitable for your physique.

It's like, you let the Green Man King's wife, Yan Ying, who has a fire spirit root, practice the"Immortal Cultivation Edition""Six Secrets of Ao Han" can never be cultivated.

Conversely, the Green Man King cannot practice the Fireball Technique and other techniques.

But the strength of both can easily defeat Xiong Ba.

However, what surprised Ye Yan was that the originally short, sharp and pointed Xiao Li Feidao could actually blast several people into slag.

Although I knew that there would be such an effect. But when I really saw it, the feeling was different.

Li Xunhuan was also shocked by his own operation at this time. Even when he used Xiao Li Feidao to cut the surface of the river by the river just now, it didn't shock him so much.

After all, the feeling of cutting off trees is definitely different from that of cutting off flesh and blood.

"Li Tanhua, please spare my life!"

"We were bewitched by the old man, we really have no intention of going against you"

"That's right! The mastermind is Zhuge Shenjun, we are just bewitched, please spare our lives, Li Tanhua!"

The martial artists who were shouting for war and killing just now were all scared.

At this time, they only had one thought, which was to survive.

"Humph! A bunch of useless people who are only seeking fame and reputation, get out of here."

Li Xunhuan waved his hand casually.

He slapped down a large piece of leaves and slapped the people holding knives and weapons. He directly crippled their hands before letting them leave.

Li Xunhuan killed all these people, not because he was soft-hearted, but because he could see his own shadow in these people.

You know, becoming famous is not just the patent of these people.

He, Li Xunhuan, had such a desire before.

Besides, these people were already scared and had most of their martial arts crippled by him, which was also a small punishment.

After saying that, Li Xunhuan immediately displayed his Qinggong and rushed towards the direction of Wuyi Demon Knife Sect.��

婠婠:"What a woman’s kindness!"

"Li Xunhuan, what do you mean by just crippling their hands?"

Li Mochou:"That's right! If you want to do it, just kill them all."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Women are so scary!"

"Is this considered a woman's kindness?"

Zhiqiu Yiye once again experienced the"cruel methods" of Kankan and Li Mochou.

However, there are still people standing on the side of Kankan and Li Mochou.

Yue Buqun:"@Zhiqiu Yiye, you have been with demons and monsters for too long, you don't know how treacherous people are."

"Although Li Xunhuan has kindly released them, how many of them do you think will feel Li Xunhuan?"

The Green Man King:"Yes, I just discovered that some of them are obviously the confidants of the white-haired old man.

The moment Li Xunhuan left, their originally frightened eyes were filled with viciousness."

"They will definitely take revenge on Li Xunhuan"

"Even if they can't deal with Li Xunhuan, they will definitely deal with Li Xunhuan's wife and children."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Is your martial arts world so complicated?"

Green Man King:"Nonsense, otherwise why do you think I retired to the mountains before?"

"Isn't it all for the purpose of staying away from the hatred and vengeance in the martial arts world?"

"If I kill you today, your descendants will come looking for me tomorrow. I killed your descendants, and your descendants' descendants, including all your aunts and uncles, may come to kill me."

"If you can't kill them, then use all means to harm my family."

"The world is dangerous, it's not just talk"

"Even if you are kind enough to let the enemy go, you must be able to tell whether the enemy will really cause trouble for you."

"Otherwise, it will harm yourself and your family."

"This is the Jianghu."

Yue Buqun:"If I were Li Xunhuan, I would have at least killed those white-haired old man's confidants before leaving."

Zhao Linger:"The world of Jianghu is so scary, fortunately Linger is in the world of immortals."

Si Gu Jianzi:"Suddenly I feel that the evil spirit world I am in seems to be safer."

Ye Yan also agreed with the words of Yue Buqun and Nie Renwang, two old masters.

Because this time, the reason why Zhuge Shenjun sent people to destroy the entire Demon Knife Sect was because of Lin Guozhi, the father of Lin Shiyin, who lost the previous competition.

Zhuge Shenjun was not grateful to Lin Guozhi for not killing him, but instead hated him.

This led to the extermination of the family.

And just now, Ye Yan discovered that several confidants of the white-haired old man had taken out their pigeons, obviously to spread the news of the failed assassination.

It was not so easy for Li Xunhuan to return to Wuyi Demon Knife Sect smoothly along the way.

Maybe he would be ambushed by others before he ran a few miles. As a result, he could not get to the Demon Knife Sect in time, causing Lin Shiyin's family to be killed as in the original book, and she herself was also captured.

Of course, with Ye Yan here, these things would never happen.

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