Li Xun Huan:"No way! Boss Ye, I just spared their lives out of kindness. Will it really lead to so much trouble later?"

"Those people in the underworld will not only not be grateful, but will work harder to deal with me?"

Ye Yan:"You can be a good person, but it's not that easy to be a good person!"

"But not all of those people will hate you."

"There's nothing wrong with you showing mercy and sparing everyone's lives."

"It just costs a little"

"In short, you just need to be careful on the way."

Ye Yan naturally understood Li Xunhuan's mood.

After all, he had seen a lot of such ungrateful things in his previous life.

Not to mention helping an old lady to the hospital, but being blackmailed by the old lady.

There was also a breakfast shop that kindly invited seniors over 70 years old to have breakfast every day, but one day the old man's favorite buns were gone, and the old man actually smashed the shop.

So it's okay to have good intentions, but you have to tell whether this person is worthy of your kindness.

Ye Yan:"The woods ahead are definitely a good place for an ambush."

"Li Xunhuan, you have to���" If you go past here, you must be careful."

Huang Rong:"Yes! It's night now, and the dense forest is pitch black. If a group of people are ambushed in the treetops, it will be very difficult to find them."

Li Xunhuan's heart tightened when he heard this.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Li Xunhuan had just arrived at the deep forest path two miles away.

He was ready to take a shortcut to Wuyi Demon Knife Gate.


Chi Chi Chi~

In the dark woods, dense arrows and five-colored poisonous smoke bombs flew out from the dense treetops on both sides.

Li Xunhuan had been prepared after being reminded by Ye Yan and Huang Rong.

He swung his wide cloak violently.

Under the powerful spiritual power, a strong wind blew up.

No matter whether it was arrows or poisonous smoke bombs, they were directly blown back.


Bursts of shrill screams were heard from the dense and dark treetops.

A large number of people dressed in similar styles to the white-haired old man just now, their bodies like dumplings, fell from the treetops due to poisoning by arrows.

Many of the poisoned people were festered and their skin and flesh were torn apart when they touched the poisonous smoke. It was extremely terrifying.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! These people are getting more and more vicious~」 "

"The poisonous smoke just now seemed to have only a psychedelic effect, but now it has such a strong corrosive effect."

"I take back what I said about feeling sorry for them."

"These people deserve to die."

Huang Rong:"He who kills shall be killed."

"These people actually resorted to such means, Li Xunhuan, no need to be soft-hearted."

Zhao Linger:"The martial arts world is too scary. If it weren't for Brother Ye Yan's reminder, Uncle Li Xunhuan would definitely feel bad even if he was hit by an arrow."

"There is absolutely no way to get to Wuyi Demon Knife Gate as soon as possible"

"Sister Shion and her family are definitely in danger. Yotsuya

Miko:"This is the first time I'm glad that I live in a world of evil spirits."

"The martial arts world is too dangerous."

Li Xunhuan finally understood what Ye Yan and the others had just said.

It was actually the first time that he felt that the martial arts world was dangerous.

In many cases, one must not be soft-hearted.

He immediately prepared to kill everyone here.

Chi Chi Chi~

Li Xunhuan listened to the sound and located the location. He immediately locked onto the sound of many people being choked by the poisonous smoke and making slight coughing sounds.

He casually slapped the ground, and countless fine sand was thrown into the air, piercing through the treetops in all directions.

That's right, these minions were not worth Li Xunhuan's expending a lot of spiritual power to perform the immortal version of Xiao Li Feidao.

"Ahhhh~" A series of shrill screams rang out, and dozens of minions were pierced through the bodies by fine sand and fell directly from the treetops. At the same time, a short figure also fell from the tree. Li Xunhuan's eyes turned cold, and he was ready to kill him. But at this moment

"Uncle, don't kill me, don't kill me"

"I was kidnapped by them."

"Uncle, please save my mother!"

"They saw that my mother is beautiful, but she was locked up in jail by these beasts, and maybe she is still suffering inhuman torture now."

A little boy, about six or seven years old, with dishevelled hair and a wronged face, looked pitiful. He approached Li Xunhuan while begging for mercy.

The child's voice was childish, and his cry was heartbreaking.

Li Xunhuan also hurriedly forced himself to stop, fearing that he would kill the child by mistake.

He was scared, fortunately he stopped quickly.

Even Zhao Linger and Si Gu Jianzi and his group couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Li Xunhuan didn't kill the child.

But Ye Yan felt something was wrong and spoke quickly.

Ye Yan:"Li Xunhuan, be careful of sneak attacks, this is the Five Poison Boy"


Li Xun Huan was shocked.

Sure enough, the next moment, the child was less than two meters away from Li Xun Huan, with a sneer on his face.

He threw poison mist with one hand and shot poison flying needles with the other. Chi

Chi Chi~


Li Xunhuan shouted angrily. With Ye Yan's timely reminder, he immediately summoned up his powerful spiritual power and shot away the poison needles the moment the Five Poison Boy attacked.

The Five Poison Boy's face changed when he saw this.

He rolled flexibly on the ground and instantly slipped into the dense forest.

At this time, the Five Poison Boy couldn't understand even in his dreams. Wasn't Li Xunhuan deceived by him just now?

Why did he suddenly discover his identity and was able to deal with the sneak attack before he attacked?

Mu Nianci:".」 What? Such a cute child? How could he be so vicious?"

Si Gu Jianzi:"Five Poison Boys? This name sounds so evil.""

Yue Buqun:"Fortunately, Master Ye found out in time, otherwise Li Xunhuan would definitely be in trouble again.""

Li Mochou:"It seems that I have to be careful when I meet children in the future.""

"Otherwise, he wouldn’t know why he was attacked."

婠婠:"Do you think he is a child?"

"Maybe he is older than you."

Li Mochou:"No way! He really looks like a child of a few years old!"

Nangong Ping'er:"Don't judge a person by appearance. In our world of immortal cultivation, there are many old monsters who look a few years old, but are actually old monsters who have practiced evil magic for hundreds of years."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! Is the world of immortal cultivation so dangerous?"

"I was originally thinking about going out to see if there was any chance, but it seems that it is the right choice for me to stay in the demon world."

"Today, I watched Li Xunhuan's live broadcast and realized that the other world is so dangerous."


I was so nervous that I almost broke into a cold sweat."……Cold sweat +1."

Li Mochou:"……

Cold sweat +1."……+1."

The Green King":"……+1."

Zhao Linger:"……+1"


Li Xunhuan was so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Is this the consequence of being soft-hearted to his enemy just now?

They actually sent such a weird guy to attack him?

If Ye Yan hadn't reminded him, he would really have been caught.

By then, even if he wasn't seriously injured, he would not be able to get to the Demon Knife Gate in time because of the poison.

Li Xunhuan immediately got ruthless and took out a flying knife. He used the sound to locate the hidden Five Poison Boy.

He was ready to kill him with one knife.

But at this moment, countless black poisonous bats flew out from the dark treetops not far away.

They were so dense that they looked like locusts passing through, and people's scalps tingled.

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