Huang Rong :"Oh my god! These bats are scarier than the Western zombies before.""

"Even through the video, I feel like my eardrums are about to be pierced."

Green Man King:"I hope Li Xunhuan doesn't get dizzy from the noise.""

"Otherwise, if I die at the hands of a"child", I will lose all my face."


Chirp, chirp, chirp~

Just as everyone expected, the bat sound waves were sharp and piercing, as if hundreds of loudspeakers were blaring at one's ears.

Even Li Xunhuan felt dizzy.

He couldn't tell for a moment that there was someone on the tree crown.

Li Xunhuan's face changed.

Ye Yan:"Li Xunhuan, be careful, these should be the poisonous bats raised by the Five Poison Boys."

"If you get bitten, you will be poisoned and injured even with your current strength, and it will be almost impossible to save Lin Shiyin in time."

"If you want to leave here now, you must find the whereabouts of the Five Poison Boys."

Ye Yan was actually quite surprised at this time.

Because in the original novel, the Five Poison Boys were supposed to be invited by Long Xiaoyun ten years later to deal with Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan:"But Boss Ye, the bats are too noisy, I can't use the sound to locate them."

"Unable to locate the location where the Five Poison Boys are hiding."

Li Xunhuan saw the bats flying all over the sky, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Boss Ye, think of a way quickly, otherwise Li Xunhuan will be finished."

In Zhiqiu Yiye's opinion, Ye Yan should have directly crossed over at this time.


【Ding, Ye Yan sent an exclusive red envelope. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Great, Li Xun Huan, Boss Ye must have sent you some heaven-defying treasure, accept it quickly"

"Killing all around."

Yue Buqun:"A heaven-defying treasure? I'm so jealous. I want to face danger just to get the treasure of Master Ye."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Same jealousy."

Green Man King:"Curious"


Everyone knew that if Ye Yan took action, Li Xunhuan would definitely be saved.

Li Xunhuan was also looking forward to it.

However, when he opened the exclusive red envelope, he was dumbfounded the next moment.

【Ding, Li Xunhuan gets a bucket of fresh pig blood. 】

Li Xunhuan:"What a fool? Pig blood???"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Did Boss Ye get the wrong one?"

"Why give Li Xunhuan pig blood?"

"Isn't it the black dog blood that can drive away evil spirits?"

"No, these bats are not evil spirits."

Everyone was confused.

Ye Yan:"Listen to me, throw the pig blood to the crown of the big tree three feet to your right."

Li Xunhuan:"Okay, I believe in Boss Ye."

Although Li Xunhuan didn't know what Ye Yan was up to, he knew that Ye Yan would not cheat him. He did as Ye Yan said.

However, the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone happened. The pig blood was like raindrops all over the sky, covering the entire crown of the tree.

"What? Pig blood, where did you get this stuff?"

The Five Poison Boys, who had just hidden and were waiting for an opportunity, were splashed with pig blood and ran out in fear.

Because at this moment.

Chirp, chirp~

The group of bats that were about to pounce on Li Xunhuan, unexpectedly, like sharks that smelled blood, went crazy and pounced on the Five Poison Boys.

"No, don't come over here, I am your master...ah!"

The Five Poison Boy just took out a ceramic piccolo, trying to forcibly control the swarm of bats.

But it was too late.

The swarm of bats not only killed him, but also bit his right hand holding the piccolo.

The piccolo fell to the ground and broke.

The Five Poison Boy was also bitten by the bats and his flesh and blood was blurred, and he soon died of the poison.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye is awesome, this is also possible!"

"A bucket of pig blood can actually help Li Xunhuan defend against the enemy?"

Green Man King:"I can actually find the location of the Five Poison Boys through the live broadcast room."

"Boss Ye is awesome."

Mu Nianci:"Brother Ye Yan is really amazing, he won the battle without bloodshed."

"The Five Poison Boys deserved it. Evil deeds will be punished."

婠婠:"The Five Poison Boys reaped what they sowed."

"Brother Ye Yan is awesome"

"Brother Ye Yan, how did you know that pig blood can attract these bats?"

Nangong Ping'er:"Curious."

Yue Buqun:"Curious +1."

Si Gu Jianzi:"Curious +1"


Li Xun Huan:"I am also curious."

Ye Yan:"Isn't this simple? These poisonous bats are vampire bats."

"Most sensitive to the smell of blood"

"And they like the smell of fresh blood, and they want large quantities."

Ye Yan actually didn't know that these were vampire bats.

But he remembered that in the original work, Li Xunhuan in the timeline ten years later was almost killed by these bats.

It happened that the monk next to Li Xunhuan was injured and vomited a large jar of blood, attracting bats.

Li Xunhuan:"So that's how it is, you are worthy of being Mr. Ye, you can tell the species of these bats across the live broadcast room."

Mu Nianci:"Brother Ye Yan is really awesome, Brother Ye Yan is awesome, I admire Brother Ye Yan."

Li Mochou:"Admiration +1."

Wan Wan:"……+1."

The Green King":"……+1"


Nangong Ping'er:"……+1."

Ye Yan:"It's just normal operation."

"But Li Xunhuan, there may be many people waiting for you in front."

"At your current speed, the flowers of the Demon Sword Sect will all wither."

Li Xunhuan:"Does Boss Ye have any good ideas?"

Ye Yan:"This is natural."

"Have you forgotten the Maple Leaf Boat that Ping'er gave you?》?"

Green Man King:"Yes! Li Xun Huan, now your inner strength has been converted into spiritual power, you can give it a try."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Yes! My"Maple Leaf Flying Boat" is still not found?"

"@Nangong Ping'er, Nangong Boss, please give me"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"》"

Green Man King:"@知秋一叶, don't interrupt me"

"Now my sister-in-law is in danger, and you still have the nerve to think about"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"》"

"Why is Li Xunhuan still standing there?���It's not that I don't have enough spirit stones. I have one left. I'll give it to you."

【Ding, the Green Man King sent an exclusive red packet - 1 Spirit Stone. 】

Li Xunhuan:"Green Man King, you are so kind, but I haven't used up all the Spirit Stones in my hand."

"Thank you"

"Thank you for the reminder, Boss Ye. I'll fly over right away."

Li Xunhuan actually thought about flying the Maple Leaf Flying Boat at first.

But flying the Maple Leaf Flying Boat consumes a lot of spiritual energy. He forgot that his Dantian internal energy has been converted into spiritual energy with the help of Ye Yan's Juyuan Pill.

So now he definitely has the ability to fly over these dozens of kilometers at a high speed.

Yue Buqun:"Curious, what is the Maple Leaf Flying Boat you are talking about?"

"Isn’t a boat a tool for sailing on the river?"

"Li Xunhuan is surrounded by mountains now, what's the use of this boat?"

Sigu Jianzi:"Curiosity +1."

Zhao Linger:"Curiosity +1."

Yue Buqun and the other three had just joined the group not long ago, and they didn't know that Nangong Ping'er had already given them the"Maple Leaf Flying Boat".

So they had few doubts now.

Until the next moment, something happened that shocked Yue Buqun and Sigu Jianzi.

Yue Buqun:"Oh my gosh! Flying in the air???"


Li Xunhuan , is this something that can be done in the martial arts world? ? ?".

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