Green Man King:"Master Yue Buqun, don't be so surprised, calm down, calm down".

"But flying a boat in the martial arts world is just normal operation."

Yue Buqun:"What? Normal operation?"

"I suspect you are pretending, but I have no evidence."

Green Man King:"Do you think we are the kind of people who like to pretend?"

"It is indeed normal operation. If you don't believe me,"

【Ding, the Green Man King sent a video of him controlling a flying boat.

In the video, the Green Man King controls the"Maple Leaf Flying Boat". Yan Ying stands at the front of the flying boat, her dress fluttering in the wind, her jade hands spread out, her beautiful eyes closed, feeling the soft night breeze blowing over her.

Behind Yan Ying, the Green Man King's strong arms are holding Yan Ying's slender waist.

Seeing this scene, don't say Yue Buqun is numb.

Zhiqiu Yiye's defense is instantly broken.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Dog food, Green Man King, you still say you don't like to pretend?"

"You are so fucking pretentious"

"He even posted a picture of him hugging his sister-in-law???"

"Have you ever thought about the feelings of the singles in the group?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb.

Not only was he being forced to eat dog food, but he also had to endure the pain of being the only one without"Maple Leaf Flying Boat".

This made him really want to slap himself a few more times.

Why did he say such a mean thing before and offend Nangong Ping'er.

Otherwise, now that he had a"Maple Leaf Flying Boat", he could at least show off in front of Yue Buqun and other new group members.

Li Mochou:"Wow! No wonder the Green Man King looks like this, and he can marry such a beautiful woman like Sister Yan Ying."

"You understand romance"

"@Brother Ye Yan, I also want to complete this pose with you."

Kanan:"@Brother Ye Yan, I have other more fun poses, waiting for you!"

Ye Yan also felt that this pose was very enjoyable.

Just kidding!

This is one of the most classic poses of the male and female protagonists in"Titanic". It was once popular all over the world.

How can it not be romantic?

Ye Yan also wanted to go to Li Mochou now and complete this pose, but in order to prevent Li Mochou from encountering danger in the future, the time-travel world was cooling down, so he could only endure it for now.

In fact, Kanan was the same. Ye Yan had wanted to go there a long time ago.

After all, Kanan's various weird clothes, which man could refuse?

The Green Man King's face froze, and he felt offended.

Li Mochou is Are you bragging about yourself?

Why does it feel wrong?

What does"You, the Green Man King, look like this" mean? ? ?

I'm handsome too, okay?

Yue Buqun also felt offended.

Because at this time, not only did the Green Man King send a short video of flying the"Maple Leaf Flying Boat".

Even Mu Nianci, Qian Qian and Li Mochou each had a"Maple Leaf Flying Boat" and flew in the sky.

Yue Buqun was instantly numb.

Nima! You call this a martial arts world? ? ?

Then what am I?

Li Xunhuan:"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I, Li, would really have a day to fly freely in the sky."

"At this speed, it will take about a quarter of an hour (15 minutes) to reach the Demon Knife Gate."

"Cousin, I'm saved."

"Thanks to Mr. Ye for reminding me, and to Fairy Nangong for giving me the treasure."

Green Man King:"What? You can fly more than 30 kilometers in a quarter of an hour?"

"I pushed the Maple Leaf Flying Boat with all my strength, and it could fly more than 20 kilometers in a quarter of an hour."

"Did Master Ye give Li Xunhuan some special flying secrets?"

Ye Yan:"The secrets I gave you are all the same. Li Xunhuan's spiritual power is weaker than yours, and his flying speed is actually not as fast as yours."

"He now said that he could fly more than 30 kilometers in 15 minutes. Now he doesn't need to worry about mountains, rivers, lakes, or detours."

"Fly straight to the Demon Sword Sect, at most 20 kilometers."

Li Xunhuan:"That's right, in about a quarter of an hour, no matter how powerful Zhuge Shenjun is, he can't destroy the Demon Sword Sect."

"I am going to refine the spirit stone now and hurry on my way."

"Everyone, just wait and watch me, Li, kill that bastard Zhuge Shenjun!"

Li Xunhuan felt that his spiritual power was about to run out, so he stopped in mid-air, took out a spiritual stone, refined it, and then accelerated his flight at full speed, crossing the night sky.

This confused Zhuge Shenjun and the disciples of the four major sects who were originally ambushing in another forest and preparing to attack Li Xunhuan.

"Look, is that Li Xunhuan?"

"Holy shit! Li Xunhuan can actually fly?"

""Is it fake?"

Li Xunhuan flew like this, and the many ambushes set up by Long Xiaoyun and Zhuge Shenjun at great cost along the way were instantly invalidated.

If they knew this, they would be furious.


Yue Buqun:"I can only say I'm envious!"

"If I had this artifact, I wouldn't need to sell anything to raise money for the trip to Zhenyuan Escort Agency to get the Exorcist Sword Technique."

"Ask Fairy Nangong to grant me treasures."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yue Laodeng, do you want to get there first?"

"What the hell do you want? I don't even have"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"》"


On the other side, at the entrance of the Demon Knife Gate,

Zhuge Shenjun was in high spirits, leading his disciples and the four major sects, a total of 500 people gathered, and blocked the two exits of the Demon Knife Gate with great momentum.

"Hahaha! Lin Guozhi, your Demon Knife Sect is a member of the Demonic Path, and anyone can kill you."

"Now our Lord of God and the four righteous sects have come to attack you, but you are staying indoors. Are you trying to be a coward?"

"Come out and die quickly. We will spare your family's bodies in the name of God's mercy.

Zhuge Shenjun was full of benevolence and morality, as if he was on the moral high ground.

But after talking for a long time, he could not say what evil things the Demon Knife Sect had done.

Zhuge Shenjun looked at the closed door and no one answered. He wanted to say something else.

·· ·Request flowers· ·

"God, stop talking so much."

"Long Xiaoyun was reminding them to act quickly, otherwise it would be troublesome if Li Xunhuan came over."

A disciple beside Zhuge Shenjun whispered a reminder.

Zhuge Shenjun turned around and found that Long Xiaoyun, who was hiding in the distance, was winking at him.

��I urged myself not to talk nonsense.

I felt unhappy instantly.

"Humph! Long Xiaoyun is such a cunning guy. He just made plans behind the scenes and summoned people from the four major sects."

"Now that the situation has been decided, they still refuse to come to the fore"

"With so many people trying to stop Li Xunhuan, it would still take him a long time even if he killed them all."

"By the time he gets here, it will be daybreak and the Demon Sword Sect will have been destroyed."

Zhuge Shenjun complained.

"Master, if Long Xiaoyun wants to pretend to be a hero and save the beauty, deceive Lin Shiyin's feelings, and make Li Xunhuan live a life worse than death, he must hide in the dark."

"The most important thing for us now is to destroy the Demon Knife Sect and kill Lin Guozhi to vent your anger."

........... 0

Young disciple Bai Xiaosheng whispered

"You are right. In that case, let those Dongying bastards go first."

"This Lord God can't wait to kill this old villain Lin Guozhi with my own hands to avenge my previous shame."

Lord Zhuge's eyes turned cold.


Boom boom~

Everyone attacked with all their might, and gunpowder blew open the gate of the Demon Knife Sect.

Everyone filed in, and gunpowder traps were set up inside the Demon Knife Sect. Many of the Dongying bastards and disciples of the four major sects were killed or injured.

But the two sides soon began to fight together.

Swords flashed, blood flowed, and corpses fell to the ground.

Zhuge Shenjun had a large number of people.

The Demon Knife Sect soon suffered countless casualties, and the situation was one-sided.

Long Xiaoyun guarded the back door, waiting for Lin Shiyin and other female relatives to run out.

He could come out to save the beauty.

Sure enough, at this moment.

At the back door.

Shouts and kills suddenly rang out.

Several disciples of the Demon Knife Sect, with several female relatives, rushed out.

In an instant, they fought with a dozen Dongying bastards.

Although one of the female relatives was wearing a maid's clothes, she had bright eyes and white teeth, a face like peaches and plums, and a clear and noble temperament.

There was a bit of sadness and resentment in her beautiful eyes, and her unique temperament made Long Xiaoyun's eyes light up at a distance.

"Lin Shiyin?"

"Ha! I didn't expect Lin Guozhi to be so cunning and let Lin Shiyin wear maid clothes."

"But what does it matter? I can recognize such a gorgeous woman even if she is a maid pretending to be me."

Long Xiaoyun raised his lips slightly, ready to find an opportunity to go out and save the beauty.

But at this moment, a giant maple leaf passed through the void, and on it stood a handsome man with a ramen-like hairstyle.

"What? Flying in the sky? Could it be the legendary immortal?"

"No, this is Li Xunhuan?" Long Xiaoyun widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

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