"How can it be?"

"Li Xunhuan is the legendary immortal?".

Long Xiaoyun's face changed drastically.

If Li Xunhuan is really the legendary immortal, then what's the point?

Five hundred people here are not enough for Li Xunhuan to kill.

But the next moment,

Long Xiaoyun's panic disappeared directly.

Because Li Xunhuan did not land slowly in the"Flying Boat Magical Instrument" like Ye Yan.

Instead, he was ten meters high in the air, performing light skills and stepping down step by step.

He recognized at a glance that these were just the ways of martial arts.

"Humph! You are playing tricks on me. What am I?"

"So it was flying with something like a kite?"

Long Xiaoyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in the martial arts world, there are also people who use something like a kite to achieve the same effect as gliding.

But even so, Long Xiaoyun didn't dare to run out at this time to do anything heroic.

Because at this moment.

Chi Chi Chi~

Li Xunhuan had already thrown out more than a dozen flying knives in mid-air, easily killing more than a dozen Dongying villains.

If he went out at this time, Li Xunhuan would definitely regard him as an accomplice even if he didn't know that all this was done by him.

He must now find another opportunity to get close to Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin.

"Cousin, is it really you?"

"Great, my father is saved."

Lin Shiyin was puzzled as to why Li Xunhuan appeared so quickly, but her father was in danger now.

The entire Demon Blade Sect had less than a hundred disciples, and they were no match for Zhuge Shenjun and the four major sects.

When she escaped just now, many of the disciples had been killed or injured.

"Let's go, your father won't die as long as I'm here."

Li Xunhuan's expression turned cold, and he led Lin Shiyin and the dozen or so Demon Sword Sect members and maids who had just escaped, and charged back in.

Yue Buqun:"Hey! These people's attire and Japanese swords seem to be those of the Dongying bastards!"

"Asshole, this Zhuge Shenjun actually colluded with these Japanese pirates?"

婠婠:"Japanese pirates? The bastards from Dongying?""

"It's the eastern island, those dwarves?"

"They are just trash, nothing to be surprised about."

Yue Buqun:"In your era, these people were indeed trash, but they have already shown great ambitions."

"Wanted to invade my Central Plains, but your later emperors easily crushed them"

"After that, seeing that the men in the Central Plains were strong, they sent many beauties to seduce the strong men to borrow their seeds."

"By my time, the bad people in Dongying had grown taller and often invaded the people along the coast."

婠婠:"What? There is such a thing?""

"When my Yinkui Sect is free, I will definitely cross the sea to the east to eliminate these filthy rats."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Support~"

Green Man King:"Support +1, when I have points, I will definitely cross over and kill them all.""

"Turn the entire island into an extremely cold frozen land"


In the woods, Long Xiaoyun saw Li Xunhuan rushing in as if he were in an empty space, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ha! Li Xunhuan, you are destined to fail and be captured this time if you bring Lin Shiyin, a burden, back with you."

In Long Xiaoyun's opinion, no matter how powerful Li Xunhuan is, he can't beat more than 500 people alone.

What's more, Lin Shiyin doesn't know martial arts, and anyone who comes to poison her will be able to make her fall. She is definitely a burden.

Moreover, in order to catch Li Xunhuan, they specially made steel wire tendon nets and various poisons.

As long as you are caught in this steel wire tendon net, unless Li Xunhuan forcibly breaks it with his internal force, it will be impossible to get rid of it.

But if this is done, Lin Shiyin and the people around Li Xunhuan will definitely be injured and killed by Li Xunhuan's powerful internal force.

It can be said that this is absolutely a complete conspiracy.

Of course, in order to prevent Li Xunhuan from jumping off the wall and ignoring Lin Shiyin's life or death.

Long Xiaoyun must come out as a hero to save the beauty at this time, so that he can gain the favor of Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin.

Then he can implement his next move of snatching Lin Shiyin away without bloodshed and destroying Li Xunhuan.

What Long Xiaoyun didn't know was

"What? Long Xiaoyun is such a despicable guy, cousin, you must not let him go."

At this time, Li Xunhuan was easily dealing with the enemies around him, while telling Lin Shiyin that everything was the work of Long Xiaoyun and Zhuge Shenjun.

Lin Shiyin's hatred for Long Xiaoyun had reached its peak at this time. Her beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent and she gritted her teeth.

If she didn't know martial arts, she would definitely kill this bastard Long Xiaoyun easily.

So if Long Xiaoyun really came to"save the beauty" at this time, he would definitely not be favored, but would be killed directly by Li Xunhuan.

Soon, Li Xunhuan had already killed his way back to the inner hall.

He immediately saw countless casualties on the ground.

And his future father-in-law, Lin Guozhi, had also been besieged by Zhuge Shenjun, Bai Xiaosheng and the four great masters, and was seriously injured.

"Hahaha! Lin Guozhi, today is the day you die."

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

"Prepare to die!"

The four masters knocked the sword out of Lin Guozhi's hand, and immediately seized the opportunity to chop at Lin Guozhi's back.

The blade was sharp and powerful.

This chop would definitely chop off Lin Guozhi's head.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! This old man is Zhuge Shenjun?"

"How despicable."

Huang Rong:"Six people fighting one person is fine."

"He even ran to the back to attack?"

The Green Man King:"A real man should fight head-on with real swords and guns."

"Such a shameless little thief, Li Xunhuan, kill him."

It was the first time that Ye Yan saw such a despicable and shameless person.

"Dad, be careful."

Lin Shiyin was naturally terrified when she saw this.

Li Xunhuan also frowned, grabbed 6 flying knives and broke through the air.

Instantly pierced through the six knife-holding right hands


"my hand"

"Li Xunhuan?"

"How can this be?"

"When did you come?"

The evil smile on Zhuge Shenjun's face disappeared, and his face turned into a look of pain.

When he saw that the person coming was Li Xunhuan, he was instantly frightened to death.

"Hurry up, everyone, kill Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin together.

Zhuge Shenjun and the four masters quickly retreated....

Let his men act as cannon fodder.

Li Xunhuan naturally killed everyone in the hall.

In the hall, no matter it was the broken swords and weapons on the ground, the rotten tables, or even the wooden thorns, they were all thrown out like flying knives, killing many people instantly.

After seeing the mercy shown by Li Yuan just now and seeing the viciousness of human nature, he would never show mercy now.

Especially those who wanted to put him to death, it was even more impossible to forgive them.

This scene directly scared Zhuge Shenjun and the four leaders silly.

They quickly asked people to release poisonous smoke, which instantly enveloped the entire hall.

At the same time, a steel wire and cow tendon net that could cover most of the hall fell, and immediately caught Li Xunhuan, Lin Shiyin, and many people from the Demon Knife Sect.

"Hahaha! Li Xunhuan, you can't fly today even if you have wings"

"If you are not afraid of accidentally hurting Lin Shiyin, you can forcefully use your inner strength to break this wire and tendon net!"

Zhuge Shenjun endured the pain from his bloody palm and couldn't help laughing.

However, he knew that Long Xiaoyun was about to bring people to rescue the beauty, so he immediately retreated behind many disciples.

After all, if Long Xiaoyun succeeded in saving the beauty and lifted the wire and tendon net, then even if Li Xunhuan sent a flying knife before leaving, he would suffer.

The other four masters did the same and retreated immediately.

Li Xunhuan, however, had a calm face, because he was already cultivating immortals at this time.

There were many ways to break free from this wire and tendon net, and there was no need to force it to break open.

He didn't break it open now, just to see what they were up to.

Is it the same as Ye Yan said, Long Xiaoyun is about to appear.

This is indeed the case.

Neigh~ At the gate, there were suddenly more than a dozen horse neighs.

The young man held a long sword, rode on a steed, and led 18 riders to kill wildly.

In an instant, he cut a passage through the crowd and came to the hall where Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin were.

This man had an upright posture, a dignified appearance, and gorgeous clothes. There was a bit of gloom between his eyebrows. He was definitely the prince charming of many women.

It was none other than Long Xiaoyun who came out after dressing up.

To be honest, although Long Xiaoyun's appearance was slightly inferior to Li Xunhuan, he could definitely capture the hearts of many women. At the very least, he could win the favor of many women.

This was the effect that Long Xiaoyun wanted.

With a pretentious look, he directly killed several minions who were tightening the steel wire tendon net, and then lifted the steel wire tendon net, reaching out to pull Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin onto the horse.

"Li Tanhua, Miss Lin, I, Long Xiaoyun, admire you for what you do, and I have come to rescue you today."

"Please mount your horse and follow me to fight……"

Long Xiaoyun thought he had won the favor of Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin.

""Long Xiaoyun, I've been waiting for you for a long time, prepare to die!"

Li Xunhuan suddenly attacked, the cold light of the Little Li Flying Dagger in his hand burst out, the terrifying knife energy tore through the void, and directly blasted towards Long Xiaoyun.


Long Xiaoyun was shocked.���Big eyes, the whole person is dumbfounded.

What's going on? I shouldn't be a good person in your heart???.

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