"Li Xunhuan, are you crazy?"

"I came to save you...ah!"

Long Xiaoyun's face was full of horror.

Facing the sudden and terrifying sword energy from Li Xunhuan, even the horse under him was frightened and jumped up.

It threw Long Xiaoyun to the ground.

But this also made Long Xiaoyun dangerous. He avoided the fatal injury of the terrifying sword energy and only had one leg cut off.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Is Long Xiaoyun so lucky?"

"With such a strong sword energy, it only chopped off one leg?"

Yue Buqun:"How can this be called luck?"

"It's bad luck"

"Li Xun Huan would never let him go in the end. If he had killed him instantly with a single blow, it would have been a quick death for him."

"Now he has to experience the pain of a broken leg before he dies. Do you think he is lucky or unlucky?""

Xianxian:"Hehe, Li Xunhuan, well done, it makes you feel better."

"This kind of cruel method should be used to deal with those who want to deal with you"

"Cut off one of his legs first, then remove his limbs and slowly kill him."

Li Mochou:"Yes, if it's not too troublesome, you can just cut him into pieces."

Huang Rong:"That's not good!"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Before Mrs. Huang Rong spoke, I felt that women were so scary."

"Feeling now……"

Huang Rong:"Instead of cutting him into pieces, you should cut off his nose.""


Zhiqiu Yiye , what do you want to say?"……, It's nothing, I just want to say that I can't offend my sisters-in-law."

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb.

He didn't expect that even Huang Rong could be so cruel.

But if his idea was known to the people in the group, they would definitely call him a saint.

Or you would say such sarcastic words if the matter didn't happen to you.

Are you kidding!

Long Xiaoyun not only wanted to kill Li Xunhuan's wife and her family, but also wanted to rob Li Xunhuan's wife. He even wanted to frame Li Xunhuan as a demon, and poison Li Xunhuan, so as to torture Li Xunhuan slowly.

Li Xunhuan would be infamous for the next ten years, homeless, poisoned, depressed. He had no appetite and couldn't sleep, and his life was worse than death.

Now Li Xunhuan would be merciful even if he skinned him and pulled out his tendons.

At least Ye Yan felt that


"Mr. Long Si, how are you?"

"Call a doctor quickly, send a doctor over quickly!"

"Li Xunhuan, you are such a mad man, you are the same as these evil sects."

"The fourth master Long is so kind and righteous that he saw you being surrounded and killed, and he did not hesitate to offend the four major sects to save you."

"It’s fine if you’re not grateful, but you actually start attacking people right away?"

"Fourth Master Long saved the wrong person."

The eighteen riders around Long Xiaoyun were panicked and quickly dismounted to check on Long Xiaoyun's injuries.

At the same time, they frantically questioned Li Xunhuan.

People who didn't know would really think that the eighteen riders really scolded Li Xunhuan because he was ungrateful.

As for Zhuge Shenjun, Dian Cang, and Shendao, everyone in the four major sects was also dumbfounded at this time.

What's going on?

The plot is wrong!

Didn't it agree that everyone would besiege Li Xunhuan and let Long Xiaoyun rescue him?

Why did Li Xunhuan chop Long Xiaoyun right away?

Did Li Xunhuan already know their plan?

Absolutely impossible.

You know, cooperating with Long Xiaoyun in acting was completely a temporary decision they made tonight.

How could Li Xunhuan know???

"Ha! Long Xiaoyun, I didn't expect your subordinate's acting skills are so good."

"If I hadn't heard Boss Ye say more than a year ago that you would set up this game to deal with me"

"I might actually believe what your subordinate said."

Not only Li Xunhuan.

Even the people in the chat group were impressed by the acting skills of the man in front of them.

Just as Li Xunhuan said, if Ye Yan had not heard these things before, they would definitely be deceived by Long Xiaoyun's subordinate.

But when Li Xunhuan said this, everyone was shocked again.

Of course, they actually believed that Li Xunhuan was fooling them.

After all, he knew what happened to them tonight more than a year ago?

Who was he trying to fool?

"Damn it, Li Xunhuan, since you already know everything, then none of you should leave today."

"Give me"

"Focus on dealing with Lin Shiyin."

Long Xiaoyun had been pulled aside by his men to stop the bleeding. He endured the pain and was furious.

Although he was shocked why Li Xunhuan knew all this, now was not the time to think about it.

Li Xunhuan must die.

And Li Xunhuan's weakness was Lin Shiyin.

Soon, Long Xiaoyun, Zhuge Shenjun, Dian Cang, Shen Dao... the leaders of the four major sects all retreated behind the crowd.

Ordered his men to attack Lin Shiyin with all their strength.


Suddenly, a rain of arrows, various poison needles, and poisonous fog all came towards Lin Shiyin.

The people chatting in the crowd felt nervous instantly.

They were worried that Li Xunhuan could not handle it.

At the same time, they secretly cursed Long Xiaoyun and Zhuge Shenjun for being shameless bastards. They could not beat Li Xunhuan and yet they treated Lin Shiyin like this. ?

Ye Yan, however, gave a thumbs up to Long Xiaoyun's decisiveness.

He is worthy of being the one who can play Li Xunhuan around, and his moves are ruthless.

But Ye Yan doesn't think that Li Xunhuan can't handle such a situation.

Although Long Xiaoyun and his men are outnumbered, Li Xunhuan now only needs to capture the leader first.

With his Little Li Flying Dagger, he can definitely kill a few leaders easily, and the rest of the people will never be able to attack him.

Sure enough, it was just as Ye Yan expected.

Li Xunhuan was not in a hurry, and took out the last six Little Li Flying Daggers from his arms.

Stirring up the powerful spiritual energy, it was released suddenly.

Boom boom boom~

Each of the six Little Li Flying Daggers burst out a terrifying sword energy that was more than one meter wide.

Wherever it passed, all those who resisted the sword energy were turned into blood mist like dry wood and rotten wood.

"What? No!"

Long Xiaoyun, Zhuge Shenhou and the heads of the four major sects all changed their faces, full of horror.

They had never dreamed that Li Xunhuan's Little Li Flying Dagger would be so terrifying.

Bang bang bang~

But as soon as this thought came to their mind, their bodies turned into blood mist, without even a chance to cry out in pain.

Boom boom boom boom~

The flying knife passed through, and the thick walls of the Demon Knife Gate were directly blasted by the flying knife's knife energy.

Finally, after blasting a lot of rocks and plants, it stopped.

This is a terrifying force that completely surpasses the world of martial arts.

Instantly scared the other people who were not dead.


After a brief moment of shock, the remaining four sects' disciples all showed terrified expressions.

They were so frightened that their souls were about to die, and many of them turned around and tried to run.

At this moment, in their eyes, Li Xunhuan, who could instantly turn people into blood mist, was like a monster.

"Stop right there, anyone who dares to run will be killed without mercy."

Li Xunhuan's eyes turned cold, and everyone was so scared that their legs were shaking and they dared not move.

But before they could shout for mercy.

Li Xunhuan said:"Take me to your sect, I want all your martial arts secrets and half of your gold and silver to offer to Fairy Ye Shangxian and Fairy Nangong."

"Today, this matter is written off."

"Lead the way if you want, or die"

"We are willing. We are willing."

If the people of the four major sects were pardoned, all the martial arts secrets and half of the gold and silver would be given?

Even if Li Xunhuan wanted all the gold and silver, they would give it to him.

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye, if you hadn't taught me the immortal cultivation method and Nangong Fairy's"Maple Leaf Flying Boat" today, my cousin's family would have been killed."

"Even I could be seriously injured."

"So please don't postpone it."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I'll go! Boss Ye, Boss Nangong, you will get good things if you don't travel through time this time."

"I'm so envious!"


Ye Yan nodded with satisfaction when he heard this. Li Xunhuan knows how to behave.

Ye Yan:"Okay, Li Xunhuan, I accept your kindness."

"As for the gold and silver, you and Wan'er can divide them. I only want the martial arts."

Li Xunhuan:"Okay, Boss Ye, I will take people to clean up the treasure houses and secret books of the four major sects."

Soon, a night passed.

Li Xunhuan acted quickly and cleared out a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry from the four major sects in one night.

Even if he only took half of it, Li Xunhuan and Nangong Ping'er both gained more than 3,000 group points.

This made Zhiqiu Yiye and his group envious. They immediately planned to offend some wealthy and evil sects, and then destroy their leaders to obtain their treasure houses.

Ye Yan happily accepted hundreds of martial arts secret books.

Although they were all second-rate secret books, they were better in quantity.

It directly allowed Ye Yan to deduce the sixth-level martial arts method of Jindan.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for integrating a large number of second-rate martial arts secrets into the"Taoism Scripture" and successfully deducing the sixth level of Jindan Gongfa】

【Progress 10 at the seventh level of Jindan%】

Ye Yan was overjoyed

"Great, I got the sixth level of Jindan skills. Unfortunately, it's daytime now and I can't disturb people in Ye Mansion."

"Alas... It seems that I can only take Ren Qingqing and the others to work hard in the wild."

Ye Yan looked helpless, and with a little excitement in his heart, he ordered Ren Qingqing's wives and concubines to prepare to go down to the back mountain.

Anyway, Ye Yan has the magic weapon of the Divine Mansion.

However, Ye Yan and his friends had just arrived on the street.

Suddenly, they saw a convoy escorting a copper-horned golden coffin, coming to the market of Renjia Town to buy buns.

The Taoist priest in the lead was none other than Taoist Master Qianhe who specialized in the peak competition.

Ye Yan was stunned for a moment, and thought he had seen it wrong.

"What? Master Qianhe?"

"Copper-horned golden coffin?"


How did the zombies from the Border Royal Family come to Renjia Town?".

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