"Qingqing, we are not going to play outdoors today."

"You guys can go wander around by yourselves, I'll be back later"

"Brother Ye Yan, is there something wrong with the copper-horned golden coffin?"

Ren Qingqing was relieved but also a little disappointed when she heard that Ye Yan would not take them to play outdoors.

After all, they were both looking forward to and afraid of going outdoors.

At the same time, they also guessed that Ye Yan must have canceled today's interesting outdoor activities because he found that there was something wrong with the copper-horned golden coffin at the entrance of the market in the distance.

"That's right, the copper-horned golden coffin is wrapped with an ink fountain net, and there must be a zombie inside"

"Still a pretty awesome zombie."

"The level is at least the peak of Jindan"

"Many times more powerful than your grandfather."

Although Ye Yan made the royal zombies sound very powerful, he looked calm and fearless.

After all, although zombies have iron skin and bones, their strength is far beyond that of the same realm.

Even ordinary Yuanying cultivators may not be able to subdue a zombie at the peak of Jindan.

But Ye Yan is not an ordinary cultivator.

Even though Ye Yan's cultivation is only at the 5th level of Jindan, his strength has reached the early stage of Yuanying.

In addition, he has the help of the Fire Kirin, a pure-blooded beast at the 1.5th level of Yuanying. If he still cannot kill a zombie at the peak of Jindan, it will be a disgrace.

But now, no matter what, It was in the busy market.

If the coffin was opened forcibly to awaken the royal zombie, the townspeople who were going to the market would definitely be injured by mistake.

So Ye Yan planned to wait until they left Renjia Town before taking action.

Burn the royal zombie directly.

As for the saying that the royal zombie should be transported to the capital to be dealt with by the emperor?

What is the imperial order that cannot be disobeyed? ? ?

You are kidding!

In this era, it’s over early in the morning.

Show off the emperor’s power.

At this time, wouldn’t the emperor have been unable to protect himself?

How could he care about a frontier royal corpse that turned into a zombie after death?

Unless the emperor wanted to use this frontier royal zombie

"Hey! This is really possible.々 "

"If the emperor at this time was bewitched by someone and wanted to use powerful zombies to practice evil magic in order to turn the tide, it might be possible."

The more Ye Yan thought about it, the more he felt that there were some unspeakable secrets in it.

After all, let's not talk about how much it would cost to transport a corpse from the border back to the capital?

How much would it cost to hire Taoist Qianhe and his group for their remuneration and travel expenses?

Just based on this copper-horned gold coffin, if it is made of pure gold as described in the original book, then the cost would be at least hundreds of thousands of taels of gold.

Even in the heyday of the feudal dynasty, they might not use such luxurious coffins, let alone now? Something must be wrong when things are abnormal.

Now if you tell Ye Yan that this impoverished emperor has no other ideas about this zombie, Ye Yan will not believe it.

But if this is the case, then Ye Yan must kill this royal zombie before the conspiracy succeeds.

Otherwise, whether there is a problem on the road, like the original book, the royal zombie runs out to kill.

Or let the impoverished emperor get this royal zombie to achieve some ulterior purpose, it will cause a river of blood and a large number of people to become zombies.

Ye Yan doesn't want this to happen


"Oh my! As expected of a royal family, so generous"

"The coffins are made of pure gold!"

"What a waste! I have never seen so much gold in my life, and they use it to bury corpses?"

"Hey! Judging from their tone, the child in the sedan chair is the legendary prince."

"I've never seen anything like this before. I didn't expect that after the Qing Dynasty fell, there would still be so-called princes?"

Many townspeople saw the copper-horned golden coffin with their eyes shining, and came up to take a closer look as if they had never seen the world. They had never expected that there was a corpse lying inside.

At the same time, they were also very curious about the group of people.

After all, it was the Republic of China now, and seeing this so-called prince was no different from modern people seeing ancient people.

"Get out of here, all of you, get out of here!"

"Are you, lowly, low-class people, planning to rebel?"

"What qualifications do you have to get close to our Seventy-first Prince?"

"Guards on both sides, listen to my orders, kill these low-class people for treason."

The sissy Wu Shilang waved his handkerchief and said the most vicious words in the most gentle tone.


A dozen guards were so fierce that they actually drew their swords and prepared to kill the townspeople when they heard Minister Wu's order.

"They are going to kill people, run!"

Renjia Town is a rural town with simple folk customs. They have never seen such a scene before. They were so scared that they turned around and ran away.

Who would care about the golden coffin?

However, the dozen or so ferocious guards had no intention of stopping, but continued to kill the townspeople.

"Stop, they are just ordinary townspeople?"

"What are you rebelling against?"

"You want to bring the copper-horned golden coffin into the town, are you afraid of others seeing it?"

Taoist Qianhe immediately stepped forward to stop the guards.

"¨. Get out of here, you stinky Taoist priest"

"We gave you money, so you should stand on our side"

"Is there any case where a worker takes money and then disobeys his employer?"

"These low-class people offended the 71st prince and coveted the copper-horned golden coffin, so they should be killed."

Minister Wu shouted, as if I had given you money, so I am the most important.

The guards were also very skilled. They spread out to avoid Taoist Qianhe and killed many townspeople.

Taoist Qianhe was instantly furious, but he and his four disciples could not stop so many guards with high martial arts skills for a while.

There would definitely be casualties in the end.

Especially at this time, a handsome young man seemed to be scared silly. Everyone else ran away. But he was still stunned.

Seeing this, the leading guard immediately swung his knife and chopped.

Taoist Qianhe was shocked, as if he had foreseen the scene of the young man being chopped to death.

But the next moment.

A scene that shocked everyone happened.




Metal clashed, sparks flew.

Sharp���The knife fell, but it didn't hurt the young man at all.

Instead, it was like it hit a piece of iron, and a gap appeared directly.


The guards stared with their eyes wide open, dumbfounded.

Even Taoist Qianhe was stunned by this scene.

A handsome young man who looked like a pretty boy was actually a physical cultivator?

And without any spiritual power fluctuations in his body?

In other words, this young man could block the sword attack of a martial arts master without even practicing the body-refining technique?

If this young man activated the body-refining technique, wouldn't he be able to directly shatter the sword? ? ?

"Monster? ? ?"

The sissy Wu Shilang was frightened and screamed. Where was the arrogant attitude just now?

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