"Zombie, he is a zombie"

"Kill him quickly, don't let him get close to the Seventy-first Prince."

The sissy Wu Shilang looked at Ye Yan with horror.

In his opinion, only zombies could have such a terrifying defense.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes the scene of the royal zombies being captured. They were made of iron and steel, invulnerable to swords and guns. A burly man like the guard in front of him chopped at them with a steel knife.

The steel knife was broken directly.

That scene was exactly the same as what he saw before.

"Ha! Have you really seen zombies?"

"Minister Wu, what is your purpose in bringing the royal zombies to the capital this time?"

"Is it that your emperor, seeing the situation is not going well, is desperate and is preparing to use the royal zombies to refine corpses, so as to turn the tide and regain the lost territory?"

Ye Yan could see that Minister Wu was just an ordinary person.

But he had definitely seen zombies, otherwise he would never have mistaken his body refinement for zombies.

"How dare you say that His Majesty is a dog?"

"No matter whether you are a human or a zombie, you should be killed."

""Seventy-first Prince, don't you think what I said is right?"

Minister Wu knelt down and licked the little boy beside him with a flattering look on his face.

The little boy just frowned, but did not show that he would let Ye Yan go.

Minister Wu understood and immediately waved the handkerchief in his hand and gave an order

"What are you still standing there for?"

"Kill him at 110"

"Qianhe, why are you still standing there? If you take the money, you must protect the seventy-first prince!"

"This guy is so weird, if he's not a zombie, he's definitely not a good person, kill him quickly"


A dozen guards immediately rushed towards Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan had shown his terrifying physical strength, in their opinion, as long as Ye Yan was not a zombie, he could not escape their order to kill him.

"Humph! Minister Wu, I am not a running dog of your court."

"It is true that I received money, but I am only responsible for suppressing zombies."

"Now you are oppressing the good people, I won't tolerate you"

"East, west, south, north, take action, stop them"

""My friend, I am here to help you."

Taoist Master Qianhe looked at Ye Yan with admiration.

He did not expect that a body-refining cultivator like Ye Yan would appear in this small Renjia Town.

And he is so young?

If it were not for the fact that they did not have the method of body-refining in Maoshan, he would have thought that Ye Yan was the disciple of his senior brother, Uncle Jiu.

No, it was absolutely impossible that he was the disciple of his senior brother.

After all, the whole Maoshan knew very well what kind of vision his senior brother had when accepting disciples.

Of course, although he praised Ye Yan for being a hero in his youth, he did not think that Ye Yan could fight against fifteen masters of the inner palace alone.

After all, even he, a foundation-building cultivator in the zombie world, could not fight against fifteen masters of the inner palace alone.

You know, whether it is the cultivators of this zombie world or the cultivators of Zhiqiu Yiye's demon world, their methods are generally used to deal with demons and monsters.

Dealing with people, especially the existence of masters of the inner palace, is not enough.

But he was confident that as long as they went together, even if they could not beat these fifteen masters of the inner palace, they would definitely be invincible and prevent Ye Yan from getting hurt.

But the next moment

"Taoist Qianhe, there is no need to go to such trouble. It is only a dozen flies."

"Just send him away."

Ye Yan still had a good impression of Taoist Qianhe as always.

Whether it was watching movies in the previous life or now.

Especially now, he would actually refute the employer, Minister Wu.

You should know that in the original book, Taoist Qianhe had been suppressing and oppressing Minister Wu all the time.

Even when it was pouring rain and the inkstone net was washed away by the rain, Taoist Qianhe did not pull the copper-horned golden coffin into the tent to avoid the rain because of Minister Wu's objection.

It can be said that if Taoist Qianhe in the original book was tougher, he would directly grab the tent regardless of the employment relationship.

The inkstone net would not be broken, and the corpse gas would not trigger the bombardment of thunder.

The royal zombies in the original book would not be able to break the inkstone net. They will not be resurrected.


While speaking, Ye Yan performed the"Wind God Instant Shadow Step", changing positions fifteen times in a row in an instant.

His arms were like diamond hammers, indestructible, powerful and heavy, easily blasting the weapons in the hands of fifteen palace guards.

At the same time, a light clap of his right hand blasted out a terrifying force, knocking fifteen palace guards away.

Bang bang bang~

The bodies of the fifteen palace guards fell heavily to the ground like broken sacks.

Not only did they vomit blood, but some of them also smashed a lot of stalls.

The unlucky guards even bumped into the mutton offal soup pot.

They screamed from the burns and jumped on the spot.

Where was the arrogant attitude just now that was high above and controlled the life and death of the townspeople?

"What? How can the body-refining skills be so fast?"

"Even my eyes are dazzled."

Master Qianhe was shocked by Ye Yan's operation again.

You know, the speed of physical training is generally very slow.

In addition to the fact that physical training requires a lot of time to strengthen the body.

Another reason is that they are naturally resistant to beatings, just like meat shields, so why do they need to practice physical skills?

Physical skills are just a little bit of practice.

But the young man in front of him seems to be an all-round player.

How can he have such achievements at such a young age?

How did he practice it?

Master Qianhe felt that he could not see through Ye Yan in front of him more and more.

At this moment, he no longer dared to praise Ye Yan for his youth and potential.

Instead, he admired him.

That's right, at this moment, Master Qianhe has regarded Ye Yan as his peer.

Even though Ye Yan is at least ten or twenty years younger than him, he dare not despise Ye Yan for his strength.

At this moment, Master Qianhe has an impulse to sit down and have a chat with Ye Yan. He shared his cultivation experience.

He taught Ye Yan the method of Qi training.

He believed that people like Ye Yan definitely had a strong talent for Qi training. He could completely achieve"physical and method dual cultivation".

Of course, Taoist Qianhe didn't know that Ye Yan's Qi training was at the stage of Jindan, with the combat power of Yuanying period.

Otherwise, it would be strange for him to dare to teach Ye Yan the method of Qi training now?

Just kidding!

Taoist Qianhe was only at the 5th level of foundation building, and his cultivation was much weaker than Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu.

He wanted to teach Ye Yan the method of Qi training?

Isn't this just showing off in front of Guan Gong?

But at this moment.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The copper-horned golden coffin was shaking violently.


The heavy vibration force like a mountain instantly shattered the solid wood coffin cart.

The copper-horned golden coffin fell to the ground, and the granite ground was directly cracked.

The strong corpse gas rushed into the sky, dark clouds rolled, and lightning and thunder roared.

The originally sunny day turned into night in an instant, and a suffocating cold breath swept across the world.

"what happened?"

"No one touched the copper-horned golden coffin, so why did the zombie inside suddenly run away?" Master

Qianhe's face changed drastically.

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