"How can this be?"

"The royal zombies didn't make any movement along the way."

"Why did he go berserk right after arriving at Renjia Town?"

When Taoist Qianhe saw the seal was broken and the coffin lid exploded, he was completely numb.

You know, the copper-horned golden coffin had been suppressed by his spells and entangled with the inkstone net along the way.

And it was broad daylight now, so there was no possibility of it going berserk.

Ye Yan was also a little surprised.

After all, in the original book, the copper-horned golden coffin was broken because the inkstone net that sealed the corpse qi failed.

The corpse qi rushed to the sky, attracting the power of heavenly thunder to awaken the royal zombies.

But now the inkstone net is fine, and no one touches the copper-horned golden coffin.

But soon Ye Yan knew what was going on.

""The breath of martial arts practitioners' blood?"

As expected, Ye Yan looked closely and found that the blood vomited by the fifteen masters of the palace exuded a pure and strong blood energy, and had been drawn into the copper-horned golden coffin by a strange force.


The royal zombie devoured the blood energy of the fifteen masters of the palace.

With a roar

, the body of the royal zombie slowly rose amid the thick corpse gas.

""Zombies... Zombies!"

Minister Wu's terrified scream resounded through the heavens and earth.

If it weren't for the fact that there weren't many glass products in this era, all the glass products might have been blown up by this time.

""Hurry, hurry and protect the Seventy-first Prince!"

Minister Wu immediately hugged the little boy beside him. He was quite cunning.

After all, whether it was the Imperial Guards or Taoist Qianhe, the first person they would protect was the Seventy-first Prince, their employer.

He was holding the Seventy-first Prince like a talisman.

Sure enough, the next moment...

"What? The aura of the peak of Jindan stage?"

""Not good, east, south, west, north, corpse locks."

Taoist Qianhe's face changed drastically, and he quickly called on his four disciples to take out their ropes and magic tools to cooperate with each other to tie up the royal zombie that had already stood up.

Taoist Qianhe never dreamed that this would be the result.

You know, when he received this mission, he had seen coffins opened in the border.

The royal zombies were at most at the peak of the foundation building stage, so he dared to take on this business.

But he didn't expect that after more than a month, the royal zombie that had been sealed in the copper-horned golden coffin had actually reached the peak of the Jindan stage.

And he didn't even notice it along the way.

Taoist Qianhe couldn't figure it out.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

The royal zombie must be re-sealed before it wakes up and can't burst out with its strongest strength.

Otherwise, not only will the entire Renjia Town be destroyed, but he himself will also be dead.

"Senior Brother, hurry to the market in Renjia Town to help me."

Master Qianhe knew that this place was not far from Uncle Jiu's charity cemetery, so he quickly took out his eight trigrams mirror and sent a distress message to the sky.

He didn't dare to guarantee that he had the ability to seal this royal zombie.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Bang bang bang~

As soon as the rope magic weapon touched the body of the royal zombie, the corpse gas immediately exploded.

Sparks flew everywhere. The cinnabar and black dog blood on it, which restrained evil spirits, and the runes that suppressed corpses and broke evil were directly broken by the powerful corpse gas.


The royal zombie only felt a pain, but this low-level magic weapon was okay for ordinary zombies at the peak of foundation building.

To deal with him?

It's no different from trapping a tiger with noodles.

It started to break immediately after a shock.

If it weren't for the four disciples in the southeast, northwest, and northeast holding it tightly, and constantly rolling spiritual power into it, this bundle of corpse ropes would definitely have been broken directly at this time.

"You evil creature, take my sword."

Taoist Qianhe was anxious.

He bit his middle finger and smeared the magic weapon, the Fu Shi peach wood sword in his hand with his spiritual blood.


The Fu Shi peach wood sword glowed red, like a red-hot iron stabbing at the royal zombie.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yan was speechless for a moment.

This Taoist Qianhe is really stubborn. He is worthy of being a bronze player who specializes in peak competitions.

Knowing that the opponent is at the peak of the Jindan realm, you don't set up a magic circle, or other means of trapping, but you directly use the Fu Shi peach wood sword to fight?

Isn't this asking for trouble?

Sure enough, the next moment.

Bang bang bang~

The Fu Shi peach wood sword actually broke into pieces under the powerful attack of Taoist Qianhe.

It only broke the skin of this peak Jindan zombie a little.


The royal zombie had just woken up and was in a bad mood.

After being attacked continuously like this, he instantly became furious.

·· ·Request flowers0 ·········

With a violent jerk of his arms, the corpse rope broke completely.

A terrifying corpse aura burst out, knocking Taoist Qianhe and four disciples from the southeast, northwest, and northeast flying away. Then, the beastly nature was unleashed, and at speed as fast as wind and lightning, it instantly pounced on Taoist Qianhe, who was flying backwards towards Ye Yan.

"Not good."

Taoist Qianhe saw the shriveled and scary zombie face that was close at hand, and his face changed instantly.

Now he was flying backwards.

He couldn't use the force in the air.

And the spiritual power in his body was not flowing smoothly because it was eroded by the corpse qi just now. He was completely unable to fight back against the royal zombie that was attacking him.

This made Taoist Qianhe feel very unwilling.

Was he going to die here today?

.... 0

But at this moment

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》~"

Ye Yan certainly couldn't just stand by and watch.

Lightning flashed in his hands, and the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder surrounded his palms, erupting with terrifying Yin-Yang lightning power.

Crack, crack, crack~

Four black and four white Yin-Yang Thunder Dragons burst out of the air.

Wherever they passed, the void boomed, as if the sky was about to collapse and the earth was collapsing, and they blasted towards the royal zombies.

"What? This breath is thunder magic?"

"Could it be that Senior Brother Shi Jian has come to save me?"

Master Qianhe felt the terrifying aura of thunder and lightning coming from behind him.

He thought it was the Maoshan distress message that had just been sent out and was intercepted by his senior brother.

He was pleasantly surprised.

However, when Master Qianhe turned around and saw that such a terrifying aura of thunder and lightning came from Ye Yan, he was instantly shocked.

"what are you?"

"How can this be?"

"Not just a physical cultivator???"

"Are you practicing both physical and magical skills?"

"Holy shit! The aura of a dan formation? A minor success in thunder magic?"

"Hallucination, this must be an illusion."

Ye Yan is only in his early 20s, but he is actually a Jindan cultivator who practices both physical and magical skills?

He is even more awesome than his senior brother, the Lightning King Shi Jian.

This made Taoist Qianhe think that this was an illusion before his death.

However, the next moment.

Boom boom ~

The thunder and lightning were violent and invincible. The royal zombies didn't react at all, and were directly blown away by the violent thunder and lightning.


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