"How can this be?"

"A young man in his early 20s, not only has such a strong body defense, but is also a 6th level Jindan cultivator?"

Master Qianhe sensed from the spiritual power fluctuations that had not yet disappeared around Ye Yan.

Ye Yan was actually a 5th level Jindan cultivator.

This hit Master Qianhe hard.

He felt that his hard work in cultivation over the years was completely in vain.

After all, now he felt that he could not even beat Ye Yan, who only showed the power of body training, let alone the power of the 6th level Jindan.

This was a realm that he dared not even think about in his life.

After all, the technique he was practicing now was still the"Shangqing Qi Training Sutra" that had not been modified by Ye Yan.

It was a middle-grade yellow grade.

Being able to practice to the Jindan stage was considered a natural talent.

But Master Qianhe was obviously not a gifted person. If there were no other opportunities, he was destined to not be able to form a Jindan in this life. It can be seen that when he saw Ye Yan, a young man who was already at the 6th level of Jindan at such a young age, what would he feel at this time? He was absolutely shocked and hit hard, and his Taoist heart almost collapsed.��

"Ah! Help!"

"Zombies are coming"

"Chizuru, what are you still standing there for?"

"Protect the 71st prince!"

The sissy Wu Shilang screamed again.

Although Ye Yan knocked the royal zombie away, if he really killed the royal zombie in one second, then this royal zombie would be too weak. After all, it was at the peak of Jindan. Sure enough, the next moment.


I don't know if Ye Yan did it on purpose.

The direction where the royal zombie fell was exactly where Wu Shilang and his party were.

At this time, Wu Shilang and his party were no different from seeing a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Their faces were full of horror and they were at a loss.

"Not good."

Master Qianhe was very anxious and prepared to rescue people immediately.

But in this situation, even if Ye Yan wanted to save people, it would be too late.

Not to mention Master Qianhe.

The corpse qi of the royal zombies burst out, and the extremely cold tsunami was cold and violent.

Bang bang bang~

Minister Wu, the 71st prince and his dozen or so palace guards were instantly like sand sculptures hit by a tsunami, collapsing.

They turned into blood foam and were directly swallowed by the royal zombies.

"It's a good thing you died. You so-called royals are not allowed to come to our Renjia Town to show off your power!"

"That's right, dog bites dog, none of these royal family members are good people."

Many people were secretly happy when they saw Minister Wu and his group being killed.

After all, Minister Wu was just bullying others, and more than a dozen palace guards were willing to kill people if they disagreed. As for the so-called seventy-first prince, although he is young, he is not a good person either.

He indulged Minister Wu and the palace guards to cause trouble to the people.

Fortunately, the feudal dynasty is now in name only, otherwise if such people were in power in the future, many people would definitely die.

Ye Yan and Taoist Qianhe also thought so.

Taoist Qianhe actually disliked this group of people for a long time.

It's just that when he saw that they were going to bring the royal zombies to Beijing, he was worried that they would ask some unreliable Taoists to escort them.

An accident on the way would definitely lead to the destruction of lives.

Taoist Qianhe took on this task.

However, what Taoist Qianhe didn't expect was that something would happen on the way to Renjia Town.

"Oh no, the 71st prince is a royal zombie blood relative"

"The royal zombies ate his flesh and blood, so they are going to break through, right?"

After Taoist Qianhe reacted, he suddenly realized this and his face changed drastically.

Sure enough, the next moment.


The royal zombies' eyes flashed with blood, and the corpse energy around them burst out, like a tsunami rushing into the sky, rushing straight into the sky.

Crack, crack~

Dark clouds rolled, lightning and thunder.

Countless violent lightning arcs struck the sky.

Wherever they passed, there was a sonic boom in the void, like the sky falling and the earth sinking, with a huge momentum. The terrifying power of thunder and lightning is enough to directly blow the entire Renjia Town into ruins. The magnificent power of heaven scared everyone in the entire Renjia Town, like a flock of chickens in a storm with lightning and thunder, they were terrified and could only snuggle up to each other for a sense of security.

Even Taoist Qianhe, a foundation-building cultivator, was full of fear at this time. Terrified, facing such a terrifying power of thunder, no one had the courage to resist.

But what surprised everyone was that the moment the rolling thunder approached the ground by ten meters, it was pulled by an invisible force and rushed towards the location of the royal zombie.


The sound of metal clashing resounded through the world, and the scene of sparks flying shocked the whole audience.

The originally dry and black body of the royal zombie actually emerged with a dazzling golden copper luster under the tempering of the violent thunder and lightning.

First, the arms and robes were torn, showing a golden copper luster, followed by the palms, and then the heart.

As the area of the royal zombie's body with golden copper luster became larger and larger.

His aura also increased layer by layer.

"What? Gold-copper sheen?"

"Is this using the power of thunder and lightning to advance to the bronze-armored corpse in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul?"

"How is this possible?"

Master Qianhe was in despair.

If it was a royal zombie at the peak of Jindan, he and Ye Yan would still have the strength to fight together....

Then this bronze-armored corpse in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul has absolutely no chance of winning.

"Run, everyone, get out of here, run as far as you can"

"Ye Yan, you are very talented at a young age, ignore the others and run!"

"I and my disciple will cover your retreat, and we will buy you some time."

Although Taoist Qianhe knew that he could not defeat the royal zombies at this time,

""Follow me to conquer demons and monsters, east, south, west, and north."

Taoist Qianhe looked determined, holding the corpse-suppressing peach wood sword. When has he ever been afraid of anything when he is a top-level player?

At worst, he will die.

He just wants Ye Yan, the genius cultivator, to leave here.

But the next moment,

Ye Yan turned into a shadow and rushed towards the royal zombie that was struck by lightning.

"Taoist Qianhe, please stop saying things that will lead to your own death."

"This zombie hasn't really transformed into a complete bronze-armored corpse yet, so there's no need to be so nervous."

"Stay calm, I can handle it."

Ye Yan's calm voice reached Taoist Qianhe's ears.

"Nonsense, come back quickly."

Master Qianhe was anxious instantly.

Not to mention the royal zombies at the Nascent Soul level, Ye Yan, a Jindan cultivator, could not defeat them at all. Just the power of thunder and lightning that was constantly striking the royal zombies was not something Ye Yan could resist.

This was why Master Qianhe did not interrupt the advancement of the royal zombies.

He really did not dare to go over.

Any thunder and lightning force was enough to turn Master Qianhe into ashes.

But the next moment.

Just when Master Qianhe 0.9 thought that Ye Yan was going to be turned into ashes by thunder and lightning.

A scene that shocked Master Qianhe happened. Dangdangdang


The moment Ye Yan approached the thunder and lightning, his body actually made the same sound of metal clashing as the royal zombies.

And as the thunder and lightning struck Ye Yan, Ye Yan's body also appeared with an indestructible metallic luster.

"What the hell?"

"Ye Yan can actually use lightning to refine his body?"

"How is this possible?"

When Taoist Qianhe saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

Even the royal zombie who had been looking up at the sky to receive the baptism of lightning.

When he felt that there was suddenly another person beside him being struck by lightning, he smiled at himself and said:

"Hehe! Royal Zombie, I'd like to borrow some of your lightning power to refine your body, you wouldn't mind, would you?"

Royal Zombie:"??? Who are you?"

Royal Zombie was also confused by Ye Yan's operation!

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