"《Thunder Refining Vajra》~"

Seeing that the royal zombies"did not object", Ye Yan used all his strength to activate the"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra" to snatch and devour the power of the rolling thunder.

That's right, Ye Yan wanted to use the power of thunder and lightning to temper his body.

Since Ye Yan obtained the"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra", he used his hands to connect the wires in his home, wanting to use electricity to practice.

But he found that industrial electricity seemed to have no spiritual energy or other reasons, and it was not helpful for the"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra" at all.

Instead, he was paralyzed by the electric shock and felt extremely uncomfortable.

It also caused the circuit of the Ye Mansion, one of the few homes in Renjia Town, to short-circuit, and the lights could not be used for several days.

Later, Ye Yan figured it out. The word"thunder refining" in the"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra" is not a casual remark.

Perhaps only the real power of thunder and lightning can be used for practice.

Ye Yan had no chance to come into contact with the power of thunder before.

Now that he encountered this opportunity, he naturally could not miss it.

Sure enough, the next moment.

As Ye Yan used all his strength to encourage the"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra".


The power that had been bombarding the royal zombies continuously to temper their bodies���The power of electricity was actually drawn by the energy of Ye Yan's body and blasted into Ye Yan's body.

The sound of thunder striking metal was deafening.

Taoist Qianhe was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat.

He was worried that Ye Yan would be struck to death directly.

However, what shocked Taoist Qianhe was that this lightning strike on Ye Yan was actually the same as the strike on the royal zombie.

It was actually blocked by Ye Yan's body-protecting thunder suit, and countless arcs of electricity were blasted out.

Then it was absorbed by every piece of Ye Yan's skin.

Every time a ray of lightning arc power entered Ye Yan's body, the metal texture on the surface of his body did not change much..

But the 48,000 lightning arcs transformed by this lightning were completely absorbed, and the metal texture on the surface of Ye Yan's body became brighter and more indestructible.

Bang~ Ye Yan's whole body shook violently, and the blood and energy around him became stronger.

His muscles bulged, and a terrifying blood pressure burst out from his body.

Ye Yan felt that after taking the True Essence Pill, he had to refine it for five days to reach a breakthrough in his physical cultivation.

If he could refine a few more lightning powers, the Thunder Refining Vajra Art would definitely be able to break through to the fourth level of foundation building.

Even if he swallowed all the lightning powers, wouldn't his physical cultivation level increase dramatically? How many"cultivation points" would be left? Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel excited.

"Come again."

Ye Yan shouted loudly, and directly activated the"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" to attract thunder. He directly snatched three of the thunders that fell from the sky and were about to strike the royal zombies.

Bang, bang, bang~

3 consecutive thunders changed direction and bombarded Ye Yan.

The terrifying destructive power shocked Ye Yan and he secretly said that it was a big deal.

However, Ye Yan was not panicked at all, and immediately activated the"Nine Absolute Return to Yuan Qi".

But Ye Yan still underestimated the power of these thunders.

《The Nine Absolutes Return to the Original Qi was directly blown up by the first two consecutive thunderbolts.

The third one directly broke through Ye Yan's Dan body protection thunder robe, and hit Ye Yan's heart.

The heart-wrenching pain made Ye Yan grit his teeth.

But what surprised Ye Yan was that after these three thunderbolts were swallowed,

《The Thunder Refining Vajra Art actually broke through to the 4th level of foundation building, and the injuries were visibly healed.

The defense, blood power, and strength of the body at least doubled.


"Being struck by lightning 4 times is equivalent to taking the True Essence Pill for several days of hard training. Isn't this Thunder Refining Vajra Art too amazing?"

Although it is only an improvement to a small realm now.

But it is enough to make Ye Yan happy.

After all, this is equivalent to 40"cultivation points".

Taoist Qianhe, who was far away, saw this scene and said that this Thunder Refining Vajra Art was simply amazing.

After all, without the assistance of pills such as the True Essence Pill, it takes at least one or two months for ordinary people to break through each small realm.

And the later it is, the more time it consumes.

But now Ye Yan was only struck by lightning 4 times, and he broke through in less than a few tens of seconds. It is even faster than the body refining speed of the royal zombie in front of him.

If this technique is seen by all the cultivators in the world, it would be strange if they are not greedy.

"Ye Yan was looking forward to it, and couldn't wait to grab the power of the thunder again."

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

Seeing that there were still countless thunders falling, he immediately increased the intensity of grabbing thunder.

Four, five, six... fifty thunders were constantly being drawn over.

"Ye Yan, are you crazy?"

"How could so many lightning strikes be attracted at once?"

"Do you want to die?"

Master Qianhe was anxious.

Ye Yan's physical strength was indeed strong, but the power of 4 thunderbolts just now had broken his defense.

Now he attracted 50 thunderbolts at once, isn't that courting death? The royal zombies saw that the thunderbolts they had attracted with so much difficulty and at a huge cost were snatched away by Ye Yan, but they were not angry but happy.

Because Ye Yan broke through his physical cultivation, the extremely rich blood power of thunder and lightning made his body full of desire.

He had a hunch that if Ye Yan could strengthen his physical strength a little more and then be blown into blood mist by thunder and lightning.

Then he only needed to swallow the blood mist, and his strength would definitely increase again.

After all, Ye Yan's blood power was something he had never seen before.

In addition, it also had the attribute of thunder and lightning, which was simply a tonic tailor-made for him, a thunder-refined copper-armored corpse.

However, the royal zombies were destined to be disappointed.

Since Ye Yan dared to attract so many thunderbolts at once, he must have been sure to do so.

Sure enough, the next moment,"Yin Yang Extreme Thunderbolt"》、《"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing Immortal Cultivation Edition" Various long-range violent spells were blasted out.

Instantly, the thunders of the sky exploded and turned into dense arcs of lightning that swept over. Suddenly

, Ye Yan's body was covered with dense lightning, which directly turned Ye Yan into a ball of lightning and light, gorgeous and dazzling.

Ye Yan was deep in it, as if he was in a sea of thunder, and his whole body was full of a sense of crisis of being burned by lightning. It seemed that he would be burned to ashes by these dense arcs of electricity in the next moment.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all, and he used all his strength to operate the"Thunder Refining Vajra Art" to frantically devour all the manic arcs.

Buzz buzz buzz~

As the thunder and lightning were swallowed.

Ye Yan's"Thunder Refining Vajra Art" continued to break through.

The sixth and seventh levels of foundation building... until the peak of foundation building, this strength surged, as if the terrifying surge of power of the ancient fierce beast gradually awakened stopped.

But at the same time, Ye Yan's body shook.

A terrifying blood energy that was as hot as the sun and caused the surrounding cold and gloomy air to explode suddenly erupted, sweeping across the world.

The air waves rolled like the sun descending. The terrifying blood energy even made Taoist Qianhe, a living cultivator, feel a burst of heat in his body, as if he was standing next to a large furnace.

Seeing this, Taoist Qianhe was instantly horrified.


"Ye Yan is actually okay?"

"And he broke through 6 small realms in succession?"

"What kind of heaven-defying physical training technique is this?"

"How can it be done this way?"

Taoist Qianhe was dumbfounded. He was completely shocked by Ye Yan's operation.

Even if he had never practiced physical training, he knew that physical training was recognized as the most difficult to practice.

Just like forging steel, it takes a lot of time to polish.

How could it be possible to upgrade like Ye Yan?

And this blood power is a bit exaggerated! It can actually make a living person feel hot?

If he encounters some ghosts of a slightly lower level, wouldn't he be burned to ashes directly?

But Taoist Qianhe guessed wrong.

Ye Yan's hot blood power is even more powerful than the one in front of him. The royal zombies all felt very uncomfortable.

Although Ye Yan's physical cultivation had not yet reached the Jindan level.

But this hot and strong blood power had already made the royal zombies feel a little threatened.

It was like a vicious dog encountering a lion cub. Even if its body was bigger than the lion cub, it still felt uneasy.

And the royal zombies realized that they were wrong.

Ye Yan was definitely not the kind of garbage that would be split into pieces by lightning and swallowed by himself.

Instead, he was an existence that could use the power of lightning to continuously break through his cultivation.

If Ye Yan were to swallow more lightning power...

《Wouldn't the Thunder-Refined Vajra Sutra be able to directly break through to the Jindan realm?

Wouldn't he be in danger then?

Although this idea was ridiculous, how could a Nascent Soul zombie like him be defeated by a Jindan cultivator?

But the royal zombie instinctively told him that he must kill Ye Yan now.

At this time, he could still suck Ye Yan's blood dry, but if he was allowed to grow any further, he would definitely not be able to bite him. This was indeed the case.

Now Ye Yan's"Thunder-Refined Vajra Sutra" had not been able to break through to the Jindan realm, and his defense was not comparable to that of the royal zombie, who was a bronze-armored corpse.

If he was bitten by it, he would definitely be bitten to death.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all.

He had many back-ups, and the royal zombie couldn't kill him like this.

Once the Fire Kirin appeared, who could compete with it?

But Taoist Qianhe didn't know this, and was shocked. He immediately sacrificed the corpse-burying peach wood sword.���Flying through the air, he charged towards the royal zombies.

But the result.


The royal zombies didn't need to defend themselves at all. The corpse-hiding peach wood sword that was specially used to attack zombies was actually shattered by the corpse qi.

Such a terrifying corpse qi directly frightened Taoist Qianhe. Such a terrifying zombie

, even his 827th brother - Shi Jian may not be unable to defeat it!

Let such a zombie target him.

Ye Yan will definitely die today.

"《Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms》~"

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》~"

"《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》~"

Ye Yan used all his strength to activate various magical powers and blasted them continuously.

Suddenly, a dragon shadow covered the sky, and thunder and fire exploded wildly. The terrifying explosion power and the mushroom cloud of thunder and fire exploded wildly in the body of the royal zombie.

However, what surprised Ye Yan was that these attacks that had been invincible against zombies and evil spirits before, when they fell on the royal zombie, they only exploded his body-protecting corpse qi.

It couldn't hurt him at all.

"It seems that I really overestimated myself."

As expected of a bronze-armored corpse about to enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, my magic is still a little too weak.

Ye Yan couldn't help but laugh at himself.

But his expression was still indifferent, and he didn't show any panic. He was not prepared to escape.

This made Taoist Qianhe crazy.

Damn it! You are still pretending at this time.

You know that your magic can't hurt him, why don't you run away? Are you waiting to be bitten to death?

Taoist Qianhe really wanted to slap Ye Yan a few times and take him away by force.

But the next moment.

A scene that scared Taoist Qianhe happened.

Ye Yan waved his right hand.

A bag appeared out of thin air, bursting with brilliant light.


A roar that shook the sky, a raging fire. A giant beast about two feet long, with fangs and claws, flames all over its body, and covered with red armor and golden scales appeared out of thin air.


The giant beast landed, the earth trembled, and where it stepped, it was charred.

A breath of fire that was enough to make the Nascent Soul level tremble swept across the entire void

"What…what? Fire Qilin?"

"Are the previous rumors that the Fire Kirin appeared near Renjia Town true?"

"How did this Fire Qilin appear out of nowhere?"

"Is that the bag that Ye Yan threw out?"

"The legendary spirit beast bag?"

"Could it be that this fire unicorn... is the spiritual beast raised by Ye Yan?"

"How is this possible?"

Daoist Qianhe was dumbfounded. His eyes widened and his face was filled with shock , just like when Uncle Jiu first saw Ye Yan riding on the Fire Kirin.

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