Zhiqiu Yiye:"Okay, Fairy Mochou, don't be polite to them today."

"Kill these hypocritical martial artists."

Huang Rong:"Kill Lu Zhanyuan, the despicable villain."


Everyone in the chat group was furious.

At this moment, no one was a saint, no one advised Li Mochou to show mercy. They even wanted to rush into Li Mochou's world and help kill these hypocritical martial artists..

""Jade Girl Sword Technique~"

Li Mochou gave a delicate cry, and immediately mobilized the surging spiritual power in her body, forcing out three poison needles.

The sword moves were swift and continuous, forming a sword screen and sword energy covering her whole body.

She easily cut off the rain of arrows and poison needles sent by the martial artists.

You know, although Li Mochou used a whisk in the original book.

But that was because she had only learned a little bit of the Jade Girl Sword Technique, so she could only use the whisk.

But now that Ye Yan has modified the sword technique and given Li Mochou the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill", Li Mochou's Jade Girl Sword Technique is definitely better than that of Xiaolongnu.

The reason why she was hit by Lu Zhanyuan's poison needle just now was naturally because Lu Zhanyuan attacked her unexpectedly.

In addition, the distance was too close.

But now that these people have rushed out shouting and killing, Li Mochou is naturally prepared"Three Three Zero"

""Go back~"

Li Mochou's eyes turned cold.

She swept the sword in her hand.

The sword energy was strong, and all the cut arrows and poison needles were directly shaken back.



A series of shrill screams rang out.

The twenty or so martial artists running in the front were hit and fell to the ground.

Except for a few who were lucky enough not to be hit in the vitals, the others died directly.

This time, everyone was shocked.


This Li Mochou is so beautiful, is her method so amazing?

One"counter-injury" directly killed more than a dozen people?

Is she still fighting like this?


"Release the arrows! Release the arrows!"

"Stop this witch."

The many martial artists who were originally aggressive were frightened and immediately stopped charging.

They turned around and tried to escape.

But was that so easy?

"Ha! You run away if you can't kill me?"

"Is that so cheap?"

"Do you like to use arrows and poison needles?"

""I'll help you."

Li Mochou grabbed the air with her jade hand.

Ten ice spirit silver needles shot out.

Chi Chi Chi~

The air hissed, and the murderous aura was cold.

The air was almost frozen wherever it passed.

It fell on the ten martial artists who had shouted the most fiercely just now, and instantly shattered their bodies like ice sculptures.

Afterwards, the ice spirit silver needles were not reduced in power at all, and penetrated through the bodies.

It killed three or four people behind each ice sculpture before piercing into the ground.

A huge pit was blasted out.

"Witch, witch!...Everybody run!"

All the martial artists were so frightened that they fled in panic. However

, Li Mochou did not intend to let them go. She emitted several sword energies from the sword in her hand and killed hundreds of hypocrites.

What a joke!

Since they came to surround and kill me, and used such despicable means, how could I show mercy?

In addition, everyone in the chat group saw this scene and applauded.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"That's right, Fairy Mochou, you killed them well."

"These hypocrites should be killed."

Li Xunhuan:"Those who kill will be killed."

"If it is a fair one-on-one duel, you can still respect the other person and spare their life."

"Now they all have to die."

Green Man King:"Nie hates these hypocrites the most, kill them."

Huang Rong:"Hypocrites who are sanctimonious are the most hateful."

"I met that flying bat before. When he heard that she was the daughter of the East Evil, he didn't care whether she had done anything bad or not, and just called her a witch."

"I regretted not giving him a big slap afterwards."

"Now seeing Sister Mochou kill these hypocrites, I feel inexplicably relieved"

"If that flying bat dares to speak rudely to me next time, I will definitely tear his mouth apart."


All the group members, including Ye Yan, agreed with what Li Xunhuan and the others said.

After all, if it was a fair duel, you could still respect the other party as a good opponent and show mercy.

Now these people are going to use vicious means to deal with you. If you don't make them pay the price, it will only cause more trouble in the future.

"Fairy, spare my life!"

"We were forced to attack you."

"It's all Lu Zhanyuan, he arranged everything, we are just here to join in the fun!"

Many frightened people knelt down and begged for mercy.

But Li Mochou ignored them and continued to kill.

After all, these people were just begging for mercy on the surface. If she really let them go

, they might find a chance to kill her.

This is not alarmist. It is absolutely true.

After all, they lost face by kneeling down. In order to continue to travel the world in the future, they must get it back.

Do you believe it or not, as long as Li Mochou shows even a little weakness now, they will definitely jump up immediately, regardless of Li Mochou's grace of not killing them, and give her a blow. Li Mochou came for a blow.

There might even be some despicable people who coveted Li Mochou's beauty and forced her to do something inappropriate.

Li Mochou has seen too many such situations these days.

This is also the experience that Li Mochou summed up during this period of time after leaving the ancient tomb.

The world is treacherous, or more precisely, people's hearts are treacherous.

Thinking of this, the sword energy in Li Mochou's hand became sharper.

Kill, kill, kill~

Soon, a team of more than 500 people was killed by Li Mochou with more than 100 people.

Li Mochou's reputation as a witch has become more terrifying in the hearts of these people.

"Hero Wu, where are you? Come and save us!"

"That's right! Hero Wu, why haven't I seen you take action yet?"

"Are you still hiding in the woods?"

"Despicable and shameless, Wu San Tong, you old man, you call yourself a great hero, but you let us die first"

"How come you and your adopted daughter, He Yuanjun, haven’t come out yet?"

"You have ruined the reputation of the Southern Emperor."

"He Yuanjun, isn’t Lu Zhanyuan your fiancé?"

"Do you want to watch him being killed by the witch?"

The fleeing martial artists only remembered at this time that Wu Santong, who came with them, did not show up.

He was the ceiling of their combat power.

When they were discussing the matter of attacking Li Mochou at Lu Zhanyuan's Lujiazhuang,

Wu Santong wanted to show himself in front of He Yuanjun.

He said that he could deal with Li Mochou alone........

Lu Zhanyuan knew that Wu Santong had a deformed love for his fiancée, He Yuanjun, so in order to steal Wu Santong's attention and get He Yuanjun back, he volunteered to lead the charge and lure Li Mochou into the trap.

That's right, although Wu Santong is He Yuanjun's adoptive father, he is a beast in human form.

After seeing He Yuanjun grow up to be more and more beautiful, he actually wanted to force his adopted daughter to marry him.

In the end, he was stopped by Master Yideng and failed.

In this world now, Wu Santong is the same.

So just now, when he saw He Yuanjun's beloved, Lu Zhanyuan, having his arm chopped off by Li Mochou, he felt so happy.

Now the reason why he did not keep his promise to come out to save people is that he wanted Li Mochou to kill Lu Zhanyuan first.

Li Mochou chased him all the way. When he heard the name of the Southern Emperor, his eyes suddenly condensed and he looked at a big tree more than 20 meters away.

Sure enough, he saw an old man with a gray beard hiding in a tree canopy with a delicate girl.

If Ye Yan were here, he would definitely recognize that this was Wu San Tong and his adopted daughter He Yuanjun.

However, He Yuanjun was held tightly by Wu San Tong and would not let her out.

"Godfather, what are you going to do?"

"Let go, I want to go out and save people."

He Yuanjun struggled with her arms, but she couldn't get out of Wu Santong's hands.

This made He Yuanjun panic.

At the same time, she looked at Wu Santong's eyes that looked like he was going to kill someone, and she was even more shocked.

"Yuanjun, don't worry, your godfather will naturally take action."

"However, Li Mochou was quite strong, so her adoptive father waited for her to get closer, and then attacked her and seriously injured her."

"By the way, this Li Mochou looks somewhat similar to you."

"If you catch her, your adoptive father might give you another adoptive mother."

Wu Santong had an evil smile on his face.

He was attracted by Li Mochou's celestial beauty at first sight.

If he hadn't been pursuing He Yuanjun, he would have definitely killed Li Mochou by now.

That's right, ever since Li Mochou became an immortal, her appearance has become even more extraordinary. She has directly fascinated Wu Santong, an old pervert.

As for what he said about being similar to He Yuanjun, it was completely nonsense.

Li Mochou was many times more beautiful than He Yuanjun.

Wu Santong was simply coveting Li Mochou's body.

As for the fact that he couldn't beat Li Mochou, he didn't think so.

He was personally taught by the Southern Emperor and possessed the One Yang Finger.

In addition, the poison in Li Mochou's body seemed to be forced out, but some of it was still left.

Especially one of the special poisons, which took effect more slowly.

Wu Santong was not only waiting for Li Mochou to enter his ambush circle, but also waiting for the remaining poison in Li Mochou to take effect.

But at this moment

"Wu San Tong? Die."

Li Mochou found Wu San Tong, the sixth brother, and found that his eyes were not right.

She felt inexplicably disgusted.

She immediately gave up on killing the others and changed direction. A sword energy plus dozens of ice soul silver needles chopped directly at Wu San Tong who was still waiting.


Wu Santong's original grim smile disappeared, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Just now, Li Mochou only used ten ice spirit silver needles to deal with hundreds of people, and now he has not seen him yet, and he has directly sent out thirty or forty needles? What hatred or grudge?

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