Huang Rong:"What? Brother Ye Yan, you said that Wu San Tong actually has a deformed love for his adopted daughter?"

Mu Nianci:"No way! Isn't he the descendant of the Southern Emperor?"

"How could you have such a dirty idea?"

The Green Man King:"Madam Nian Ci, you are too kind."

"Even though the Southern Emperor is a great and righteous person, there are still some filthy disciples among his disciples.

Li Xunhuan:"That's right, many of the true disciples of the famous and upright sects have traitors."

"Just because he is the descendant of a famous master, it doesn’t mean he is a good person.

Li Mochou:"I guessed right. This old man is not a good person at first glance."".

"The more than thirty ice soul silver needles were considered as mercy."

"Today we must have a big killing spree、"

"Lu Zhanyuan, Wu Santong, and all the hypocritical hypocrites present must all die."


Li Mochou finished speaking in the chat group. Before more than 30 ice soul silver needles could hit Wu Santong,

Li Mochou sent out several sharp sword energies and killed Wu Santong.


""Yang Finger."

Wu Santong was instantly numb. He hadn't knocked out more than 30 Ice Soul Silver Needles yet, and Li Mochou was still coming?

He didn't dare to be negligent.

His index finger was about to pierce the skin, and he instantly shot out several Yang Finger to meet the Ice Soul Silver Needles.

Bang bang bang~

Yang Finger Qi and Ice Soul Silver Needles both exploded.

But even so.

There were still more than 10 Ice Soul Silver Needles and several sharp sword Qi, about to hit Wu Santong and He Yuanjun.

"Not good."

Wu Santong saw that the situation was not good, and quickly grabbed He Yuanjun to avoid it.

Bang bang~

The ice soul silver needle instantly froze the towering tree into an ice sculpture and exploded into ice slag. 25

Wu Santong and He Yuanjun were instantly scared and broke out in a cold sweat.

If they were hit by this ice soul silver needle, even Wu Santong, who had received the true teachings of the Southern Emperor, would be turned into ice slag.

"Humph! Wu San Tong, didn't you just say you were coming to arrest me?"

"Why are you running?"

"You can’t even block my Ice Soul Silver Needle, how can you be the descendant of the Southern Emperor?"

"I bother!"

"Your greatest ability is just bullying your adopted daughter, and you want to force her to marry you?"

"This is the first time in my life that I, Li Mochou, have seen a rubbish pervert like you."

"You and Lu Zhanyuan are birds of a feather, equally despicable."

Li Mochou exposed Wu Santong's past in public.

It instantly caused an uproar at the scene.

I didn't expect that I could eat such a big melon at this time.

He Yuanjun panicked when she heard it.

Although she didn't like her adoptive father.

But in order to prevent her adoptive father from bearing the infamy, she never told these things. So now Lu Zhanyuan was very surprised to hear such explosive news. At the same time, Lu Zhanyuan finally understood why Wu Santong was so hostile to him these days?

Originally, Lu Zhanyuan thought that he did not meet Wu Santong's son-in-law selection standards.

Now I know that Wu Santong wanted me to be his son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanyuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he directly included Wu Santong in the must-kill list.

Wu Santong panicked when he heard it.

I didn't expect the secret between him and He Yuanjun to be told like this. He was immediately angry and embarrassed

"You bastard, you witch, how dare you destroy my reputation like this?"

"I will tear you apart."

Wu Santong was instantly furious, and he did not hide his anger. He used all his strength to perform the One Yang Finger he learned from the Southern Emperor.

He did not care that the high-intensity use of the One Yang Finger would bring huge side effects.

Chi Chi Chi~

The One Yang Finger was used like crazy, and wherever it passed, there was a sonic boom in the void.

Wherever it hit, trees were pierced, boulders were broken, and there were explosions with unparalleled power.

Even Li Mochou did not dare to take it head-on.

But Li Mochou was not afraid at all.

If he had not practiced the martial arts secrets modified by Ye Yan, he would not be able to beat Wu Santong now.

But now Li Mochou's internal force in Dantian has been completely converted into spiritual power, and his strength has long been at the third or fourth level of Qi training in the world of cultivation.

Even if the Southern Emperor himself came, Li Mochou would not be able to defeat Wu Santong. Mochou was confident that she could defeat him.

Not to mention Wu San Tong.

Sure enough, the next moment, Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needles were fired crazily.

Soon Wu San Tong was beaten back step by step.

What made Wu San Tong panic was that even though he avoided and knocked down many of Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needles.

But the terrifying cold poison of the Ice Soul Silver Needles more or less fell on Wu San Tong.

For a moment, Wu San Tong felt cold all over, and his hands and feet gradually became stiff.

If this continues, even if he can keep avoiding Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needles, he will be frozen to death.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the group couldn't help but applaud.

Huang Rong:"Sister Mochou is great, this is how you torture these disgusting guys slowly."

Green Man King:"Fairy Mochou, don't forget Lu Zhanyuan"

"Although his hands were cut off, he can still run. It would be better to cut off his feet first."


Li Mochou then thought of Lu Zhanyuan.

But to Li Mochou's surprise, Lu Zhanyuan had no intention of running away.

Instead, he showed an expression of watching a show.

This made Li Mochou suddenly have an inexplicable bad premonition.

Sure enough, at this moment.

Li Mochou suddenly felt a hot breath filling her body.

Suddenly, the spiritual power in her body began to become chaotic, and she could no longer attack Wu Santong with all her strength.

"what happened?"

"Didn't I just force out the three poison needles?"

Li Mochou's face changed slightly.

She immediately realized that this must be caused by the three poison needles that Lu Zhanyuan had sneaked in.

But she felt that this was impossible.

As she said, she had forced out all three poison needles.

How could she still be poisoned?

"No, this feeling doesn't seem to be poisoning."

"Could it be……?"

Li Mochou suddenly realized what was wrong with her body.

However, she was not surprised but happy.

She even had a little expectation in her heart.

Chat group.

Yotsuya Miko:"What's going on?"

"Why didn’t Sister Mochou continue to beat these hypocrites?"

Green Man King:"Didn’t the poison just now force out completely?"


"According to Fairy Mochou's skill, how could the poison in the martial arts world not be forced out?"

Li Xunhuan:"I think so too, but now is not the time to think about these things. Fairy Mochou will definitely be in danger if she continues like this."

Huang Rong:"No! Why do I feel that Sister Mochou's condition seems very familiar?"

"It doesn't look like poisoning"

"I seem to have seen it before?"

Mu Nianci:"I seem to have seen this state before."

Nangong Ping'er:"Indeed, the cheeks are red and the eyes are blurry?"

Zhao Ling'er:"Oh! Sisters, have you forgotten?"

"Haven’t you been in this situation before?"

"It seems to be, what kind of love... No, it's love poison, yes, it's love poison"

"What did you say before? This is the love poison that can make Brother Ye Yan like you."

"I won't let Ling'er touch it."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! No way! No wonder I saw Fairy Mochou didn't seem to be panicking."

"On the contrary, I look forward to it"

"It turns out that the thing that Fairy Mochou has been waiting for for so long is about to happen."

"Boss Ye, what are you waiting for?"

"Come on!"

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye, Fairy Mochou is waiting for you."

Green Man King:"Boss Ye, Fairy Mochou is waiting for you."

Yue Buqun:"……"


I envy Mr. Ye for his good fortune."


Ye Yan was speechless for a moment after hearing this. What the hell is going on?

How much do these people like love poison?

How come every heroine is poisoned by love all day long?

But Ye Yan suddenly understood.

Why did Li Mochou have such a strange behavior even though she had forced out all three poison needles just now? It turns out that love poison cannot be forced out.

Ye Yan remembered that there was such a saying in the plot of"Celebrating the Year".

Ordinary poisons destroy the nerves or various cells in the human body.

However, although love poison is a poison, it will not cause damage to the human body.

It simply evokes the most primitive power in the human body.

Some love poisons even have a nourishing effect.

It's like the"Ten-in-one Decoction with Deer Blood".

So it can't be forced out. It can only be suppressed at most.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Wu Santong, Lu Zhanyuan, or the many martial artists who were originally going to escape, they were all extremely excited.

"Look, that witch is finally starting to take effect."

"No, looking at her current state, it seems that she is suffering from love poison."

"My goodness, this rosy little face, everyone present here today is blessed"

"Young Master Lu had a good idea. He said that ordinary poisons might be forced out, but love poisons would not."

"Come on, let's kill her together, it's also justice for the heavens"


"I'm going to try this female devil today."

"Watch how the female devil is still chasing us"

"I will make her live a life worse than death."

Many martial artists no longer had the panic they had just felt when facing Li Mochou.

Instead, they were full of expectation.

After all, this Li Mochou was really beautiful.

If she hadn't been so cruel, she would definitely be the goddess in many people's minds.

There was nothing wrong with her.

Even Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan 677 were full of expectation at this time.

The only person at the scene who saw this scene felt disgusted.

It was He Yuanjun, who was also a woman.


"How could you do this?"

"A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated"

"You want to kill Li Mochou, I, He Yuanjun, have no objection"

"But if you dare to... to her, I, He Yuanjun, will be the first to disagree."

""Godfather, Lu Lang, please stop them from doing this."

He Yuanjun stood up indignant.

But seeing all the martial artists who had just experienced life and death and began to liberate their original nature, she could only look at Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan on the side.

However, He Yuanjun soon discovered that Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan's eyes were not right.

This made He Yuanjun's heart tremble. For the first time, she felt that Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan were so unfamiliar.

But what surprised He Yuanjun was that

Li Mochou was already in this confused state at this time, but facing these hundreds of men rushing over, she was not panicked at all.

""Does Li Mochou have any other tricks up her sleeve?"

He Yuanjun muttered to herself.

But Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan beside her looked disdainful when they heard this.

"Ha! What backup plan can Li Mochou have?"

"I think the drug has taken effect and she has started to lose herself."

Wu Santong and Lu Zhanyuan smiled evilly.

But just when everyone was less than ten meters away from Li Mochou, something shocking happened.


A wave of water ripples suddenly came from the void around Li Mochou.

The next moment, a handsome man with a jade-like figure walked out of the void.

"What? Who is this?"

"Actually came out from the void?"

"Could it be the legendary immortal?"

"The legendary immortal also wants to kill Li Mochou?"

Everyone was shocked by the arrival of this person.

They thought that this person was also going to kill Li Mochou.

However, the next moment, something that shocked everyone happened.

"Brother Ye Yan, that's great, Mo Chou finally met you"

"Mochou missed you so much!"

Li Mochou burst into tears of joy.

She threw herself into Ye Yan's arms.

"What? This guy knows the witch?"

"Oh no, kill him quickly, or we will all die.".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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