"You're welcome, Master Ye."

"I hope you like this Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Kung Fu."

"But if you really feel bad, just give me a few more small gifts, just for the sake of showing your appreciation."

Taoist Simu rubbed his hands, looking expectant."¥¥"The symbol cannot be hidden.

Seeing this, Ye Yan was not angry, but smiled calmly.

Want money? I didn't have it in my previous life, but I am so poor in this life that I only have money.

Let alone a few"small things", even if there are dozens of"small things", Ye Yan will not even blink an eye if he can get the resources for cultivation.

"Here are 20 little tips. If there are any good things in the future, I would like to trouble Taoist Simu to help me keep an eye out for them."

"I must make some more meanings, just for fun.……"

Ye Yan casually took out two 1,000-dollar silver notes, which directly excited Taoist Simu.

What is the concept of 2,000 dollars?

In this era, you can buy half a courtyard house with three entrances and three exits and more than 20 rooms in the imperial city.

After all, there is a record that Zhou Dawenhao spent 3,500 dollars to buy such a courtyard house.

Converted into gold, it is worth 1 million banknotes at a certain period in the future.

Don't think that 1 million banknotes is a small amount of money.

If an ordinary worker in the future has a monthly salary of 5,000, it will take 17 years without eating or drinking to save it.

It's a salary for most of his life!

But now, Taoist Simu can get it by finding a secret book for Ye Yan.

Why didn't he know this way to make money before?

Taoist Simu decided that whoever likes to drive corpses in the future will drive them.

He will help Ye Yan find the secret book of the skills.

Anyway, Ye Yan is not an evil cultivator.

Moreover, his talent is against the sky, and his future achievements are limitless.

Once he makes friends, he will help Ye Yan grow up.

The future will be good for Taoist Simu himself, for Maoshan, and even for the human world.

Of course, what Taoist Simu cares about most is that Ye Yan has a lot of money.

Ye Yan is also very happy.

In this life, he has become a rich second generation, and money is the least valuable thing for him.

If he can become invincible with krypton gold, he will definitely not hesitate to take out all his property in exchange.

What's more, 2,000 oceans seem to be a lot, but if you go to the chat group, you can only exchange for 40 points.

If Zhiqiu Yiye and Kankan in the chat group knew that they only used 40 points to exchange for a yellow-level top-grade technique with attached skills, they would definitely be envious.

But compared to the happiness of Ye Yan and Taoist Simu.

Uncle Jiu wanted to ask, what do you two mean?

You are all so happy, so I leave?

But Uncle Jiu thought about it, gritted his teeth, and said:

"Master Ye, if you want to practice martial arts, you don't need to spend money on training resources."

"I have a lot of Maoshan"

"It's just that each sect has its own secrets and only teaches its disciples.……"

Before Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Ye Yan spoke up:

"So these are all secrets that are not passed on?"

"That's a shame."

"Fortunately, I have enough money to buy some secret techniques here and there."

Ye Yan raised his mouth slightly, definitely on purpose.


Uncle Jiu looked as if he had eaten a fly. He just shut up and wanted to say something but couldn't.

He looked extremely funny.

Ye Yan naturally understood what Uncle Jiu meant.

But a good horse never turns back.

What's more, he now has a system.

Even if Taoist Simu doesn't help find good things, he can still get all kinds of cultivation resources.

It's just that Ren Susu needs to suffer a little more"grievance" of happiness and spend more time.

Or ask group friends to help find it. What

's more, Ye Yan actually has a way now. Even if he doesn't become a disciple, he can get all the secret techniques of Maoshan for free.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at Uncle Jiu with some ill intentions.

Then, before Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu could react,

"Uncle Nine, Taoist Priest Simu"

"Help me protect the Dharma, and I will lend you this place for a while."

After saying that, Ye Yan sat cross-legged by himself, opened the worn-out"Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Skill" in his hand, and pretended to read it.

In less than a moment, Ye Yan began to"enter into meditation"."

"Master Ye, we understand your eagerness to practice the new technique."

"But it won’t take a day or two to comprehend."

"If you want to practice, wait until you get back and then go into seclusion!"

"What's the matter with you practicing in my living room...huh? ? ?"

Uncle Jiu was about to chase him away, but suddenly... zizizi~ roar~ a soul-stirring roar of tigers and dragons, accompanied by the sound of thunder, came out of Ye Yan's mouth. It was deafening and resounded throughout the world.

It could be faintly felt that the grass and trees in all directions, and the earth were shaking slightly.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were even more frightened.

"What? Tiger roars and dragon roars?"

"Could this be the Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar?》?"

"This kid mastered the top-grade yellow level skills so quickly?"

"How can this be?"

"Even Senior Brother Shi Jian, who is also a thunder spirit, doesn't have such a terrifying understanding!"

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu widened their eyes, their pupils trembled, and they were dumbfounded.




I am asking for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets every day... Thank you

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