"Thank you for the Dharma from Master Simu"

"I have already started practicing the Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar, and I have also gained some insights"

"I will give you the Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art that I just repaired as a return gift."

Ye Yangang used up the remaining 3"cultivation points" and successfully mastered the Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art.

Under the shocked gaze of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu, he took out an imported fountain pen from his pocket and began to revise the incomplete Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu, who had reacted, were almost pissed off when they saw this scene.


"Even if you have mastered the basics of cultivation, you cannot scribble on the book... ah? ?"

Taoist Simu was instantly anxious and almost swore.

After all, in their opinion, Ye Yan's operation was destroying the"Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Gong".

You know, this is a top-grade yellow skill.

Even if Ye Yan can master the basics of cultivation in a short period of time with his strong comprehension, he is not qualified and has no ability to modify the top-grade yellow skill and the skills attached to it.

However, when Uncle Jiu and his two brothers looked at the torn book, they seemed to be attracted by something wonderful and immediately widened their eyes.


"The content of this"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Kung Fu" actually became coherent and was really repaired?"

"And this"Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar" becomes so mysterious just by changing this little bit?"

"Wonderful! It's wonderful."

"Oh my god! Is this really a low-grade Xuan-level technique?"

"Oh my god! I am not dreaming!"

Master Simu couldn't believe what he saw was real.

You know, although he couldn't practice the"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art", he also studied it for a period of time.

It can be said that he has a certain understanding of the art and the accompanying skills.

He was even full of confidence at one time, and wanted to fill in the missing sentences of the"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art".

Even if he couldn't fill in the original sentence and couldn't exert one tenth of its power, as long as it was connected and could be practiced in front of him.

But he tried for several days and couldn't fill in even one sentence.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so generous and really sell a yellow-level top-grade art to Ye Yan at a low price.

But now he found that Ye Yan could fill in the gaps of dozens of words on the page with just a few concise words.

Not only can it connect the context, but it also has the miraculous effect of a finishing touch.

Directly put the entire passage directly into the text. Sublimation.

If Ye Yan hadn't crossed out a lot of scriptures and re-wrote more mysterious content.

Taoist Simu would definitely think that Ye Yan definitely possessed the complete version of the"Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Kung Fu" secret book, and now he was pretending to fill it out to show off.

But when he thought that Ye Yan could really repair the skills and improve the grade of the skills, not only Taoist Simu was more numb.

Even Uncle Jiu was shocked.

Damn! What kind of heaven-defying disciple did I miss?

With such a terrifying comprehension, could he be the reincarnation of a true immortal? ? ?

Uncle Jiu suddenly thought of this possibility, and he felt more and more regretful.

After today, every time he thinks of missing Ye Yan as his disciple, it will definitely not be as simple as slapping himself a few times.

At the very least, he would stamp his feet and beat his chest in his sleep, feeling extremely painful. It

's even more painful than someone in later generations winning a 200 million lottery ticket, but the ticket was washed.


After more than two hours, Ye Yan finally finished revising the centimeter-thick book"Dragon Tiger Thunder Sound Art" and handed it to Taoist Simu.

In fact, Ye Yan could be faster.

It would take less than ten minutes to finish.

After all, although there were hundreds of blank spaces in many places, the complete content of the"Taoist Scripture" only needed a dozen words.

But Ye Yan didn't want to be too shocking, so he could only pretend to delay time.

But what Ye Yan didn't know was that even his operation was enough to shock all the major sects in the supernatural world.

"Master Ye, is this"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art" really for me?"

"But you paid for it!"

Taoist Simu looked at the book"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art" at this time, not only could he not be happy, but he had the urge to vomit blood.

Are you kidding!

He didn't have a thunder attribute physique, and he couldn't practice it at all.

And it was a Xuan-level skill that he had been thinking about.

Suddenly, he felt like a male cat whose eggs had just been castrated, encountering a female cat that was flirting with him.

He was so helpless, heartbroken, and wanted to cry but had no tears. What made him even more heartbroken was that Ye Yan had paid for it.

But now Ye Yan actually repaired the"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art" and gave it back to him after it was upgraded.

Isn't this the rhythm of asking him to return the 2,000 oceans? Maybe he will even have to pay for it.

It would be strange if Taoist Simu could be happy.

But Taoist Simu suddenly thought of something and immediately became energetic

"Master Ye, can you also perfect other skills?"

"If possible, I'm willing to give you any amount of money."

Taoist Simu was excited and immediately took out a few yellowed books from his arms.

《Corpse Driving》、《Asking for divine intervention》、《Great Sword Forging》、《Shangqing Qigong》……

Ye Yan's eyes lit up instantly.

These were all secrets that were not passed down to the inner disciples of Maoshan.

Although many of them were incomplete, and many of the contents were repaired by successive leaders of Maoshan, causing the quality to decline again and again.

But Ye Yan didn't have to worry at all because he had the"Taoist Scripture".

Not only could he repair and perfect them all, but he could even derive the subsequent exercises of the"Taoist Scripture".

Just thinking about it made Ye Yan look forward to it. He felt that this wave of pretense in front of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu was right.

But at this moment, Uncle Jiu jumped out excitedly.

"Simu, how could you take out these secret books?"

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