"Thank you, Master Ye, for helping me restore my Maoshan skills. I, Maoshan, owe you a huge favor."

"I feel something in my heart. I must go back to retreat and break through immediately. I will come to thank you after the breakthrough."

It was as if a knowledge base exploded in Uncle Jiu's mind. Countless things that he couldn't understand before were instantly clear at this moment.

He wanted to sit cross-legged immediately and meditate to break through the Jindan realm.

But he didn't have Ye Yan's ability to break through instantly. He had to go back to his retreat and break through with peace of mind.


At this moment, Uncle Jiu's body aura began to become extremely chaotic and manic, as if hundreds of wild horses were galloping, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Oh no, Brother must have tried a new way of practicing the technique."

"The original foundation of cultivation is about to collapse"

"If you don't do it right, you'll go crazy."

""Brother, stay calm. I will take you back to the charity cemetery."

Taoist Simu found that Uncle Jiu was not in the right state and became anxious instantly.

Just as Taoist Simu said, Uncle Jiu's current state was like a dilapidated house with several important skeletons taken away, and it was shaky.

But it can only be rebuilt after it is broken.

As long as Uncle Jiu returns to the place of retreat and practices the new skills and spiritual power running routes dozens or hundreds of times, he will be able to recover and be ready to try to break through the realm of Dan formation.

Taoist Simu immediately wanted to clear the way for Uncle Jiu and try to get back to the charity cemetery as soon as possible.

However, before the two of them set off,

Ye Yan stopped them.

"Wait a minute, I just got a new vehicle, it should be quicker for me to give you a ride"

"No need, Master Ye, there are too many people on the streets of Renjia Town, and the carriage is not as fast as us using all our strength."Uncle

Jiu and Taoist Simu declined Ye Yan's kindness.

That's right, in their opinion, the means of transportation Ye Yan was talking about should be a carriage.

If it were in the wild, a carriage might be a good choice, but on a busy pedestrian street, it really couldn't run fast.

Seeing this, Ye Yan didn't explain. He immediately opened his right hand.

Zizizizi~ lightning arcs surged.

With the stimulation of spiritual power, a three-meter-long lightning cloud appeared from the lightning arc, suspended in the air, like a thundercloud descending from the sky, looking extremely strange

"What? You can even summon thunderclouds?"

"But why did you create a cloud at this time?"

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were shocked again.

But they didn't understand what Ye Yan was going to do.

After all, Ye Yan just said that he would find a means of transportation to take them.

What does this have to do with thunderclouds?

Although they have heard of the term"riding on clouds and mist", this kind of thing is too far away for them.

They didn't dare to think about it at all.

Until the next moment.

They saw Ye Yan actually jumped up in one step, and his body stood firmly on the thundercloud.

"Holy shit! Riding on clouds?"

"It's an illusion, definitely an illusion.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were shocked.

"Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu, come up, I will take you back to the charity cemetery"

"If you don't hurry up, you're going to go crazy."

Ye Yan was now standing on the thundercloud, suspended in the air, with spiritual energy flowing around him and arcs of lightning flowing, just like the legendary high and mighty immortal god of thunder, which made people feel awe.

Even Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu saw it at this time, and they had an urge to worship him.

Seeing that the two were stunned in the same place, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel helpless, and could only urge them to"get on the cloud" quickly.

In fact, Ye Yan"didn't want" to sacrifice the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" to show off.

But doesn't Uncle Jiu need to go back to retreat and rebuild now?

He can only pretend to be tough with difficulty.

That's right, that's it.

Ye Yan is not the kind of person who likes to show off.

It's just that Ye Yan didn't expect that the sacrifice of the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" would shock Uncle Jiu so much that he almost forgot that he was going crazy.

However, the two were reminded by Ye Yan, and finally reacted.

While suppressing the chaotic spiritual power in their bodies, they jumped up with trepidation and excitement in their hearts, until Uncle Jiu and the other man landed on the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat", and they still felt their heads were in a daze.

There was a feeling of unreality

""Hold on tight, let's go."

Ye Yan reminded him.

Holding the spirit stone in his hand, the spirit power in his dantian surged out.


In an instant, before Uncle Jiu and the others could react, the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat broke through the air. It shuttled like a flash of lightning, cutting through the sky above Renjia Town, causing passers-by to look sideways and exclaim in surprise.

"Oh my god! A god!"

Everyone on the street who saw this, knelt down and bowed devoutly in the direction where Ye Yan and the other two left.

If Ye Yan noticed this scene, he would definitely be in tears and laughter again.

In this age without modern science, it is too easy to be a god!

Anyone who can fly is a god.

But if Uncle Jiu knew about Ye Yan's idea, he would definitely complain crazily.

Damn it! What does your flying in the clouds have to do with modern science?

Now even those foreigners who study airplanes have to shout"Mygod" when they come.

Even those of us who are about to form a pill are shocked, okay?




It's the 6th update today. Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets... various data... Thank you

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