"Junior Brother Simu, please hit me. Are we really not dreaming? ? ?"

"I'm really flying in the clouds now"

"I am not possessed and having hallucinations???"

《On the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat,

Uncle Jiu asked three questions in a row.

The white clouds in front of him retreated rapidly.

The wind whistled in his ears, but when it fell on his body, he just felt the breeze on his face.

This made Uncle Jiu feel like he was in a dream.


Senior Brother, I also want to know if this is an illusion." Taoist Simu also had an expression of disbelief at this time.

After all, even though he was a foundation-building cultivator, this was the first time in his life that he had flown on clouds.

Ye Yan did not say much about this.

While controlling the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat to fly quickly, he helped Uncle Jiu suppress the restless spiritual power in his body.


Soon, Ye Yan and the other two arrived above the charity cemetery with sparks and lightning.

But at this moment, Ye Yan and the other two saw a scene that surprised them.

"Wencai, is the room decorated?"

"Don’t worry, when Master comes back and sees us, he will definitely think that we have practiced for a whole day."

"Okay, then hurry up, we have to go early and come back early!"

"If Master knew we sneaked out, he would definitely break our legs."

Wencai Qiu Sheng sneakily opened the door of the charity cemetery, preparing to take advantage of Uncle Jiu's absence to sneak out and have fun.

However, at this moment.

Crack, crack,

Ye Yan controlled the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" to land.

At the same time, in order to tease them, he made a little thunder sound.

Boom, boom, the thunder was buzzing, as if it was the wrath of the gods.

Looking up, he found a thundercloud hanging above his head.

Instantly, Wencai Qiu Sheng was frightened and cried with his head in his hands.

"No! If I had known that swearing would be so effective, I wouldn't have dared to sneak off to Yihong Courtyard."

"Right, right, right, we just want to see it, we don't want to do anything bad!"

That's right, Wencai and Qiusheng heard that Uncle Jiu might not come back today, and they immediately had a trick.

But they didn't expect that just after they disguised their home as if they were practicing hard for a day, there would be so many violent thunderclouds.

This reminded them of their vows to practice hard two days ago, and they thought they were really going to be struck by lightning, and they were scared to death.

However, the next moment.

What made them even more desperate was still to come.

"Bastards, you two bastards are actually going to Yihongyuan?"

"I will beat you two to death."

Uncle Jiu's angry shout came from the sky, his voice was like a bell, carrying a murderous aura.

In Wencai Qiusheng's eyes, it was even more terrifying than being struck by thunder.

"I go? Master...Master?"

"Am I dreaming? You have become an immortal!"

Wencai Qiu Sheng reacted and saw that the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat had landed in front of them.

When he saw his master standing in front of him, he was desperate at first.

But soon his face was full of shock.

He suspected that it was an illusion.

After all, their cognition was not as good as that of Uncle Jiu and the others, so they naturally felt that the scene of flying in the air was extremely shocking.

But Uncle Jiu was not ready to listen to the two pit bulls' chatter, and was ready to pick up the broom immediately and teach Wencai Qiu Sheng a lesson.

But he was stopped by Ye Yan.

"Okay, Uncle Jiu, don't let your anger cloud your mind. The spiritual power in your body is almost out of control."

"If you have anything to say, wait until you come out of seclusion."

"If you don't stabilize your mind, you will really go crazy."

Ye Yan reminded him.

At the same time, he asked Uncle Jiu to run the advanced version of"Ice Heart Sutra" that he had just taught him on"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat".

This allowed Uncle Jiu to stabilize his emotions and not go crazy immediately.

"Thank you, Master Ye, for your help."

"I will go into seclusion immediately."

"I will come to thank you another day."

Uncle Jiu bowed in gratitude.

"You're welcome."

Ye Yan waved his hand.

After Uncle Jiu asked Taoist Simu to help protect the law, he immediately rushed into the closed-door chamber.

Before leaving, he glared at Wencai Qiusheng fiercely with his tiger eyes.

The two of them were frightened to death.

Although Uncle Jiu didn't say anything, Wencai Qiusheng knew that when Uncle Jiu came out of the closed-door chamber, it would be the time of despair for them.

"Young Master Ye, Uncle Simu, please save us!"

"We know we are wrong"

"We just want to see the world, we didn't think of doing anything special!"

Wencai Qiu Sheng wanted to cry but had no tears, wailing for help.

Ye Yan and Taoist Simu shrugged their shoulders, saying they could do nothing to help.

Who told them to go to that kind of place when they could do nothing else? It was a disgrace to Maoshan.

However, Ye Yan remembered that in the plot of"One Eyebrow Taoist", the person who went to that kind of place with Qiu Sheng seemed to be the guy named A Fang.

In the end, a female ghost was possessed.

"Young Master Ye, Uncle Simu, please don't ignore us!"

"Once the master comes out of retreat, he will definitely beat us to death."

Wencai and Qiu Sheng started to pester each other, hugging each other's legs and feet, crying bitterly.

Ye Yan was full of disgust.

However, considering that the two of them also brought him childhood happiness in his previous life, he still pointed out a clear way for them.




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