【Ding, the suspender pajamas from Kankan. 】


Ye Yan was instantly vomiting blood because of Kankan.

Just apologize, but what's the big deal about giving these suspender pajamas?

Also, how can there be such a thing in the Double Dragon World?

Fortunately, Ye Yan was careful and did not take the exclusive red envelope.

Otherwise, if he took out such a thing in front of Ren Susu, Ren Tingting and Ren Qingqing now, he would not be able to explain it clearly.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! What exclusive gift did Kankan give to Boss Ye again?"

"I envy the boss for another day"

"Why don’t girls give me gifts?"

"I have been single for so many years, I really want to try the feeling of receiving gifts from girls"

"Dear friends, please fulfill my wish!"

"Anything goes!"

"Give me some warmth!"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Kanan.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Kanan actually gave me an exclusive gift. I'm so happy."

Zhiqiu Yiye was so excited and surprised.

If Kanan really gave him some underwear, it would really warm his heart.

However, when Zhiqiu Yiye opened the exclusive red envelope, he looked at a black and shriveled thing and frowned.

"What is this?"

"Oh my god! Cow dung cake?"

""Xianxian, you are such a beautiful fairy, but you actually play with shit?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb.

Xianxian:"Didn't you say anything is fine? Do you also want warmth?"

"I don't have anything warm to give you."

"I happened to see a pile of dried cow dung on the ground, so I thought of giving it to you so you can use it as firewood."

"It's so warm."

Li Mochou:"Puchi! Hahaha! Wan Wan, well done."

"Knowing the autumn leaf, sister Kankan is right!"

"Cow dung is a valuable fuel in the wild. Sister Wan Wan is giving you warmth.

Li Xun Huan:"Hahaha! That makes sense."

"Knowing the autumn leaves, you are definitely warm tonight."

Green Man King:"Hahaha! I am almost laughing to tears."

"Knowing the autumn leaves, tonight you must cherish this hard-earned warmth"

"Not everyone can receive the cow dung cakes sent by Miss Kana."

Mu Nianci:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, it turns out that you like this kind of gift. Next time I see it, I will let the chat group pass it to you."

Nangong Ping'er:"I occasionally encounter cow dung from monsters here. I will pass some to you if there is a chance."

Zhao Ling'er 15:"It turns out that the exorcist likes cow dung! It's a pity that Ling'er is in the palace now and doesn't have this thing."

Yotsugu Jianzi:"I live in the city and don't have cow dung, but there should be a lot of feces from pet cats and dogs. I don't know if it can be used."

Seeing this, Ye Yan was a little amused.

He felt that Mu Nianci and Nangong Ping'er had become more talkative and had even learned bad things since they followed him.

Ye Yan liked this very much.

Otherwise, Nangong Ping'er would be so cold all day long, and sometimes she couldn't even say a word in the group, which was really boring.

However, what Ye Yan didn't expect was that Zhao Ling'er and Si Gu Jianzi had integrated into the chat group so quickly. When several people said this, Zhiqiu Yiye was confused again.

He said that he would never dare to accept these exclusive red envelopes without notes again.

It was okay this time it was cow dung cakes, after all, as Wan Wan said, this is the best fuel in the wild.

There are even some nomadic peoples who say that the more cow dung bricks they have in their homes, the richer they are.

He usually burns them when he encounters them in the wild.

But if they see other shit coming from the side of the road next time, the picture will be too beautiful.

But the next moment, Zhiqiu Yiye's operation made him collapse directly.

【Ding, a group red envelope from Gaoyao. 】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Newcomers in the myth world actually send red envelopes? How generous!"

"It won't be like Boss Ye, sending out some heaven- defying elixir, right?"Zhiqiu Yiye's eyes lit up instantly. After all, Gao Yao's world was called the mythical world, and the former's instinctive reaction was definitely an extremely magical world.

Seeing Gao Yao actually sending out group red envelopes, he instinctively quickly grabbed them.

After all, he had suffered from being slow before.

However, the next moment

【Ding, Zhiqiu Yiye won the"Roadside Dog Shit"》】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck, Gao Yao, are you doing this on purpose?"

Kanan:"Puchi! Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter."

Li Xunhuan:"This Gao Yao guy, he really knows how to play"

"I really appreciate it."

Green Man King:"Hahaha, I like this chat group more and more"

"There are many talented people and they speak well."

"I don't even want to leave."

Li Mochou:"Gao Yao is indeed a talented person. He taught Zhiqiu Yiye a lesson as soon as he entered the group."

Mu Nianci:"Yes, it makes me feel better."

Ye Yan was a little surprised by Gao Yao's behavior.

After all, in Ye Yan's impression, Gao Yao was not a person with bad taste.

Whether it was when he traveled to the Qin Dynasty at the beginning or entered the palace later, he was a coward in the early stage and turned evil in the later stage. It was completely unrelated to bad taste.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Gao Yao:"Oh my God! This chat group is actually real?"

"I actually moved the shit away"

"I'm not crazy, I actually met a god!"

"Great, God, please send me back to the modern era!"

"I don't want to stay in Qin. No one here can talk to me. I'm going crazy."

《Mythical World".

The kitchen of the inn was built in a dilapidated thatched house.

Gao Yao cried with joy.

Because he had been separated from Yi Xiaochuan since he was taken to the Qin Dynasty.

Unfortunately, Gao Yao did not have the aura of the male protagonist, and did not meet a figure like the King of Western Chu right at the beginning.

Instead, because he could not understand the Qin people's language, he was treated as a refugee who spoke nonsense. In addition, he was timid by nature and was beaten and scolded. He was directly shut down.

He felt like he was going crazy several times.

If he hadn't accidentally shown his superb cooking skills, it would be���They would surely starve to death by now.

So when he saw the chat group appear in his mind just now, he thought he had gone crazy.

Until he heard Kankan and the others sending red envelopes just now.

He immediately tried to send the dog shit on the ground over.

Sure enough, the dog shit really disappeared out of thin air.

This made Gao Yao understand that he really had a supernatural power.

And seeing that there were so many powerful people in the chat group, and the group members were also very friendly, he immediately cried for joy and wanted the gods in the group to help take him away from the Qin Dynasty.

Kankan:"Qin Dynasty? Are you in the Qin Dynasty with Qin Shihuang?"

"If so, shouldn't your world be a historical world?"

"Why is it a mythical world?"

Mu Nianci:"Yes! Yes! Our world also has the Qin Dynasty, which happened one or two thousand years ago, but there should only be martial arts."

"It can't bear the name of the mythical world."

Even the foreigner Yotsuya Miko agreed with this view.

Gao Yao himself was also confused. How did he know?

He was even illiterate in history. He had only heard about the Qin Kingdom from some people not long ago.

But he had already begun to isolate himself, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Ye Yan:"Because the world Gao Yao lives in is indeed a world with many magical treasures."

"For example, a jade pendant that can restore a mortal's chest wound overnight."

"There is a pill that can make people immortal"

"There is even a treasure box that can travel through time for a thousand years."

Yue Buqun:"What? There is such a magical thing?"

Yue Buqun had already tried some of the functions of the chat group at this time, and knew that this chat group was real, so he immediately joined the chat.

He wanted to get great benefits from the group members.

Let alone the various martial arts skills in this group mall.

For example, the"Jade Girl Sword Skills" uploaded by Li Mochou made Yue Buqun excited.

Not to mention, the elixir of immortality that Ye Yan mentioned, and the treasure box that traveled through time for a thousand years.

Don't be too amazing.

Green Man King:"Oh my God! Is it so magical?"

"Then this Qin Dynasty is definitely not the Qin Dynasty in my world"

"There are definitely not many things that defy nature in the world I live in."

Ye Yan:"Green Man King, that's because you don't know your world yet."

"Your world also has the elixir of life"

"You should have heard of Fire Kirin!"

"In your world, there are dragons, phoenixes, and black turtles. These are ancient beasts. Any drop of their blood can make a warrior increase dramatically, or even make him immortal."

Green Man King:"What? There is such a thing?"

Green Man King was extremely shocked and felt that his worldview was overturned.

Zhao Linger:"Wow! Brother Ye Yan is so amazing! He even knows these things."

"No wonder everyone worships you so much."

Although Zhao Linger was a little girl at that time, she was extremely curious about Ye Yan.

The same was true for Yotsuya Jianzi. She was even more curious and worshipful than Zhao Linger.

After all, Ye Yan could easily take out a piece of"paper" and release terrifying lightning.

In Yotsuya Jianzi's eyes, Ye Yan was a well-deserved god.

He was the one she wanted to kneel down and lick.

Gao Yao:"Ye Yan, god! Since you know my world, you can definitely take me back, right?"

"Please, God, I want to go back two thousand years."

"Oh, right, as long as the gods tell me where the time-travel treasure box is, I will definitely be able to travel back."

Gao Yao finally understood why the Green Man King and the others had suggested joining the group to meet Ye Yan, the big boss.

At this time, even a fool could see that Ye Yan was the boss of this group.

And he was a god-like existence.

However, Ye Yan's next words made Gao Yao feel desperate.

Ye Yan:"Gao Yao, I can't let you go back two thousand years later now"

"Because the treasure box that brought you through might not have enough spiritual energy, or it might be a one-time item."

"Even if you find it, it’s useless." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What?" Gao Yao was desperate.

Ye Yan:"But don't worry, your destiny will allow you to go back two thousand years in the future."

"But this process is very long, very long"

"You will also have to go through the pain of being deserted by your friends and relatives, being persecuted, having your little Jiji cut off, and endure endless loneliness before you can go back."

"What?" Gao Yao was in despair again.

Gao Yao:"Boss Ye, why is my life so miserable!"

"Although I am not a good person, at most I would steal vegetables from my sister when cooking."

"How could he suffer such a severe retribution?"

Li Xun Huan:"According to what Boss Ye said, Gao Yao's fate is definitely the worst in the group."

"But Gao Yao, don't worry, Boss Ye will help us solve these problems."

"You just need to ask Mr. Ye for advice, and he will definitely help you avoid all tragedies."

"Maybe I can even let you go back to two thousand years later happily."

Mu Nianci:"Yes, I was almost deceived by Wanyan Kang, that scumbag, before. It was because I listened to Brother Ye Yan that I have escaped my original tragic fate."

Gao Yao:"Really?"

"Boss Ye, you must help me."

Gao Yao seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, looking forward to it.

Ye Yan:"In fact, if you want to escape from this fate, you only need to deal with two people."

Gao Yao:"Who?"

Ye Yan:"The saintly bitch Yi Xiaochuan, the sinister villain Liu Ji"[]

Gao Yao:"What? Yi Xiaochuan? Boss Ye, do you know that he is my……"

Ye Yan:"I know, he is your sister's boyfriend, and he is the one who brought you to the Qin Dynasty."

"It can be said that he is the only person you can have a say in in the Qin Dynasty."

"But you don't know that he and Liu Ji are also the ones who lead you to the abyss step by step."

"Yi Xiaochuan will indirectly cause you to enter the palace as a eunuch"

"The person who directly harmed you was Liu Ji"

"But after Yi Xiaochuan knew the truth, he asked you to be generous and forgive Liu Ji."

"After that, Yi Xiaochuan fell in love with every girl he met, and kept cheating on your sister Gao Lan."

"Even later, in order to survive in the palace, you wanted to curry favor with Zhao Gao."

"Yi Xiaochuan said he couldn't understand you and would rather fight with you.���"

"……There are many things I'm sorry for you"

"It can be said that Yi Xiaochuan is the only one who deserves to be treated well by those who harmed him, but all of you who were kind to him were harmed by him."

"After a while, he will find you with the plague."

"Killed the first girl."

Ye Yan thought of Su Su in the original novel, and he became more and more angry.

You know, in the original novel, if Yi Xiaochuan was not played by him, he would have been scolded to death long ago.

He harmed Gao Yao, betrayed Xiang Yu, betrayed Gao Lan, cheated on the Qin Emperor, fell for Meng Tian 603, provoked Lu Zhi, deceived Lu Su, was dishonest to friends, unrighteous to brothers, disloyal to the master, and disrespectful to women. He was definitely a scumbag.

If Ye Yan and Yi Xiaochuan were in the same world, he would definitely make him taste the bitterness of Gao Yao first.

At this time, even those who had not read the original novel, such as Qian Qian and Li Xunhuan, wanted to kill Yi Xiaochuan. Xiaochuan, the sanctimonious bitch, has to pay the price.

However, Gao Yao did not believe it, or could not accept this fact.

Seeing this, Ye Yan did not say anything more.

Anyway, he had already said everything, and if Gao Yao wanted to be cheated again, Ye Yan was too lazy to care.

If that was the case, Su Su might continue to die. This made Ye Yan a little unhappy, but as for the treasures in the mythological world, Ye Yan was not worried that he would not get them.

After all, even if Gao Yao was really persecuted by Yi Xiaochuan, he could still live for more than two thousand years.

Ye Yan had plenty of opportunities to cooperate with him.

Yue Buqun:"Boss Ye, I absolutely believe in you"

"Please, Mr. Ye, give me a fortune"

"If you need any reward, I will define it without hesitation."

Although Yue Buqun is a hypocrite, Ye Yan thinks he is more likable than the protagonist Linghu Chong.

Ye Yan even feels that Linghu Chong is a more hateful hypocrite.

In order to learn the Dugu Nine Swords, he deceived Yue Buqun, who was like a master and a father to him.

For the so-called Jianghu heroism, he actually called a flower thief like Tian Boguang a brother. He simply couldn't tell right from wrong.

You know, how hateful was a flower thief like Tian Boguang in ancient times?

Every time he had fun, a girl's chastity would be defiled.

In an era when chastity was regarded as life, Tian Boguang was simply a murderer.

But Linghu Chong didn't care. He even drank with him and talked

If it weren't for Linghu Chong's halo as the protagonist, he would definitely be scolded to death. In comparison

, Yue Buqun is only concerned about bringing glory to Huashan.

He even dared to cut off his own life for this.

This kind of decisiveness is not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course, a hypocrite is still a hypocrite, and Ye Yan didn't have any good feelings for him.

But it didn't reach the point of killing him.

What's more, this guy has a lot of martial arts and sword techniques.

There is also a secret cave in the back mountain of Huashan Sect, which contains the incomplete sword techniques of the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

If he can get it, Ye Yan's subsequent martial arts in"Taoism Scriptures" will be settled.

Ye Yan:"I want all your Huashan martial arts secrets."

Yue Buqun:"What? All martial arts secrets?"

Yue Buqun was extremely surprised. He didn't expect Ye Yan to ask for such a high price.

But then, something happened that Ye Yan didn't expect even more.

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Yue Buqun——《Huashan Swordsmanship》】

【Ding, a red envelope from Yue Qun——《Fragments of"Zixia Magical Skill"】


More than a dozen secret books were sent to him. Although Yue Buqun was careful, he left all the core skills like"Purple Cloud Divine Art" incomplete.

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

However, before Ye Yan could integrate these secret books into the"Taoist Scripture", something happened that made the whole group excited again.

【Ding, the new function of level 3 chat group is successfully enabled】

This is the reason: I'm still alive

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