Zhiqiu Yiye:"What!"

"There are new features after the level 3 group upgrade?"

Xianxian:"That's great. I was so busy chatting with Zhao Linger and the others that I forgot about it."

Li Mochou:"I look forward to the new features."

【《"The Mall of All Heavens": Various commodities from all heavens and all worlds are waiting for group members to purchase with group points. 】

婠婠:"Oh my god? There is a store where you can buy commodities from all heavens?"

"Guess what I saw???"

"The best spiritual herb? Thousand-year-old blood ganoderma?"

"There are also various Yuanying demon beast inner pills? Divine dragon skins?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my god! It's actually real!"

"There is actually the earth-level cultivation technique that I have been dreaming of in it? ?"

"What are the product pages that are not unlocked at the end?"

"Oh my goodness! There are even the legendary peaches and ginseng fruits?"

"I'm rich now, I don't need to ask anyone for help anymore"

"I can become an immortal."

Nangong Ping'er:"Zhiqiu Yiye, you don't need to ask anyone for help anymore?"

"Do you want to become an immortal now?"

"you sure?"

"Do you have group points to buy these elixirs?"

Li Mochou:"That's right, even Brother Ye Yan wouldn't dare to say such a big thing now."

"A low-grade local skill requires 15,000 points. Do you have it?"

"Even if you have group points, do you want permission to buy the peaches and ginseng fruits behind?"

Green Man King:"Puff! Hahaha, Zhiqiu Yiye has a group point."

"Fifteen thousand points, you can't get the total even if you clean it and sell it tens of thousands of times."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"What? Fifteen thousand points? Isn't that the same price as the products we upload normally?"

"Why does the price of this thousand-year-old elixir have so many zeros at the end?"

"Then wouldn’t the price of peaches have more zeros behind it???"

"I really can't afford it even if I sell myself!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was stunned instantly after seeing the price clearly.

Of course, even group members such as Nangong Ping'er and Yue Buqun were shocked by the price of the goods in the"Zhu Tian Mall". Although the goods in the"Zhu Tian Mall" are good, the price of each item is simply sky-high for them.

At present, the only people in this group who can afford these things are definitely Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er who sold spiritual medicine.

No, there is also Mu Nianci.

Because Ye Yan gave half of the treasures in Wanyan Honglie's treasure house to Mu Nianci.

Although it is only more than 4,000 points, this is a situation where the average person in this group only has two or three hundred points.

Mu Nianci is definitely a rich woman.

More than 4,000 points can buy a book of Xuan-level top-grade skills.

Or a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine that even Yuanying stage people are eager to get.

【Ding, Ye Yan spent 100 points to buy 3 Yuanying Water Dragon Skins】


【Ding, Ye Yan spent 5000 points to buy 3 Yuanying Earth Bear Demon Pills】

【Ding, ding, ding……】

Nangong Ping'er:"Ye Yan, did you buy these things for……?"

Ye Yan:"Yes, I am going to help you refine some Nascent Soul level array talismans."

"If the demon sect in your world really attacks the nine sects, you will have some protection.//)"

That's right, Ye Yan was going to use the"Complete Collection of Plant Array Talismans" to help Nangong Ping'er refine some array talismans.

Before, Ye Yan could only find animal skins and demon pills at the Qi training foundation level, and he couldn't refine array talismans at the level of Dan Jie Yuanying, so Ye Yan didn't refine them.

After all, for Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er now, they are completely useless.

But now that Yuanying-level demon pills and animal skins have appeared in the"Zhu Tian Mall", Ye Yan naturally wants to refine some array talismans of this level.

Originally, Ye Yan was also planning to think of other ways, such as having more children, and obtaining a heaven-defying treasure like the"Star Covering Heaven Array Talisman" to give to Nangong Ping'er.

Help Nangong Ping'er get through the next difficulties.

Although in the original work, Nangong Ping'er would not be in danger if she didn't save the young Daozu,

Ye Yan didn't dare to guarantee that the world Nangong Ping'er was in was really the original world in his memory.

Besides, Daozu could travel through time and space once, and there might be a way to come back in the future to forcibly take Nangong Ping'er away.

Ye Yan had to be on guard and had to worry.

Nangong Ping'er is his woman now, and he will never allow anything to happen to her.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye is so rich and inhumane!"

"For the sake of his woman, he spent more than 20,000 points."

"How many years will it take me to collect so many group points?"

"I envy Fairy Nangong's first day!"

Li Xunhuan:"I envy Fairy Nangong too. Boss Ye is really good to his woman."

"It's a pity that I only have my fiancée's cousin and no sister, otherwise I would introduce her to Mr. Ye."

"Seeking closer relatives."

Green Man King:"I also don't have a sister +1, I envy my female group members who can be so close to Mr. Ye."

Si Gu Jianzi:"I envy Fairy Nangong, it would be great if I could meet a man like Brother Ye Yan in the future,"

Zhao Linger:"I envy Fairy Nangong +1, when I grow up, I want to marry Brother Ye Yan."

Zhao Linger also came out to join in the fun.

But her current words can only be regarded as childish talk.

After all, she doesn't know the real meaning of getting married now.

Wan Wan:"I envy Fairy Nangong +1, I envy Mu Nianci, when will Brother Ye Yan come to my world!"

"I also want to be loved by brother Ye Yan."

Kanan is no longer pretending.

In other words, she has changed from simply wanting to get benefits from Ye Yan to being completely devoted to Ye Yan.

If it was at the beginning, no matter how much Kanan said without any bottom line, no matter how much she flirted with Ye Yan, she would only stop there.

She would never really let Ye Yan take advantage.

But since seeing Ye Yan's look and Zhu Yuyan's instructions, now no matter what cheese Ye Yan asked her to make, she will obey unconditionally.

Especially during this period of time, she saw that Ye Yan really loved his woman.

First, half of the gold, silver and jewelry in Wanyan Honglie's treasure house was given to Mu Nianci.

Now for Nangong Ping'er, he is willing to spend 20,000 points, just for Nangong Ping'er's safety.

Let me ask, which heroine in the world can stand Ye Yan's"domineering president" personality?

Li Mochou:"I also envy Fairy Nangong, and envy Mu Nianci +1."

Yue Buqun:"What? 20,000 group points?"

"Don’t you only get 1 group point for signing in for one day?"

"Could it be that Boss Ye has signed in for decades?"

Li Xunhuan:"Who told you that you can only get group points by signing in?"

"As long as you upload various skills, treasures, or even gold to the group member mall, you can get corresponding group points."

Li Mochou:"That's right, Sister Nianci now has more than 4,000 points, which is the result of Brother Ye Yan getting the gold treasure house and giving most of the gold to Sister Nianci."

"I envy sister Nianci for a second again"

"When will Brother Ye Yan be so nice to me? I can smile sweetly even in my dreams."

婠婠:"I also want to be loved by handsome brother." Yue Buqun

:"Thank you all for letting me know"

"Huh? It's actually true. My"Purple Cloud Magic Skill" is worth 300 points. I can get 30 points after uploading it. It seems that these points are not difficult to get."

"I have so many martial arts secrets in Huashan. If I upload them all, won't I be able to break 100 points in a few minutes?"

Yue Buqun was looking forward to it.

But he soon found something wrong.

"Wait, only the first person who uploads the technique can get points?"

"Doesn't that mean that the correct approach is to upload your own skills in exchange for points before trading them to others?"

"Oh no, no wonder he wanted to trick me into giving him all my martial arts secrets and upload them to himself?"

Yue Buqun took a look at the group rules and immediately understood the twists and turns.

He was shocked and felt that he was being tricked by Ye Yan.

Yue Buqun thought that Ye Yan wanted all his secrets right from the start, not only to steal his Huashan secrets, but more importantly, to be the first to upload these martial arts secrets and gain group points.

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun was extremely angry and was ready to settle accounts with Ye Yan.

But thinking this way was a bit of an underestimation of Ye Yan.

Just kidding!

Even if Ye Yan uploaded his skills, he would upload his own improved mental skills and swordsmanship.

How could he covet Yue Buqun's money?

"Sure enough, the next moment

【Ding, congratulations to Ye Yan for uploading"First-class Swordsmanship - Huashan Small Sword Technique" and getting 30 group points】

【Ding, congratulations to Ye Yan for uploading"Top Swordsmanship - Taiyue Jiuqingfeng" and getting 45 group points】


【Ding, congratulations to Ye Yan for uploading"The Grandmaster's Inner Strength Method - Zixia Sutra" and obtaining 60 group points. 】

Yue Buqun:"Ye Yan, wow! Shameless little thief!"

"This master trusts you, so he passed all the secrets to you."

"You uploaded all the secrets in exchange for group points without the knowledge of this leader."

"I am so angry. I didn't expect that there is someone more insidious than me?"


"All members, come and have a look!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"This shameless little thief actually deceived my master's mind and swordsmanship."

"You shameless little thief, return the group points to me immediately and tell me what I just asked."

"Otherwise, this master will definitely……"

Yue Buqun was so angry that he didn't notice that what Ye Yan uploaded was not his mind and swordsmanship. He thought Ye Yan was a villain who wanted all his martial arts secrets.

But before he finished scolding, others couldn't sit still.

Li Xunhuan:"Yue Buqun, don't talk nonsense if you don't see it clearly."

Green Man King:"Brother Ye, are you uploading your mind and swordsmanship?"

"Boss Ye uploaded his own improved secret technique."

Li Mochou:"Yes, look carefully, your mind and swordsmanship are of master quality, are they first-class quality?"

Zhao Linger:"Damn it, Brother Ye Yan is such a good person, you actually said this to Brother Ye Yan, you are a bad person, Linger hates you."

Si Gu Jianzi:"Yue Buqun, what you sent to Brother Ye Yan was"Purple Cloud Magic Art", and what Brother Ye Yan uploaded was"Purple Cloud Sutra"》"

"Even a foreigner like me can see the difference, okay?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:...

Yue Buqun:"What?"

Yue Buqun panicked instantly. If he really didn't figure out the situation and just scolded Ye Yan, the big boss, how could he survive in this group in the future?

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun quickly opened the group mall.

When he saw that the technique uploaded by Ye Yan was really"Zixia Zhenjing" and not"Zixia Shengong",[]

Yue Buqun was instantly numb.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He uploaded his"Purple Cloud Magic Skill" and other sword techniques.

At this moment, he actually hoped that Ye Yan would take away his group points.

However, the next moment

【Ding, Yue Buqun uploaded"Top Mental Skills - Zixia Magic Skills", and received 30 group points】


Yue Buqun collapsed instantly and wanted to die.

Yue Buqun:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ye Yan, I was wrong!"

"All members, please help me to plead for mercy"

".I really didn't expect that the names of the mental skills and swordsmanship uploaded by Mr. Ye were so similar to the secrets of Maoshan."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"It's unforgivable. Even the old group members like us don't dare to talk to Mr. Ye like this."

"You started to talk nonsense right away, which is absolutely unforgivable."

Zhiqiu Yiye was in a good mood at this moment.

Because there were finally other people in this group who were as unpopular as himself.

And judging from Yue Buqun's attitude, he would definitely be even more unpopular than himself in this group in the future.

He finally didn't have to be at the bottom, so happy.

Li Xunhuan:"Yes, this time Zhiqiu Yiye finally said something human."

"Unforgivable +1."

Li Mochou:"Can you scold Brother Ye Yan?"

"If we were not separated by countless worlds, I would let you taste the feeling of having your mouth sealed by the Ice Soul Silver Needle right now."

Kanan:"Be careful of my Heavenly Demon Sound."

Mu Nianci:"Be careful of my Yang Family Spear"

"It's over. It's over."

"Do the group members really love Ye Yan so much?"

"Now, I really can’t stay in this group anymore."

Yue Buqun wanted to slap himself a few times at this moment.

Why was he so impulsive just now? Couldn’t he have looked carefully before scolding?

Yue Buqun:"Boss Ye, I was wrong. Dear group members, I really know I was wrong. Please forgive me!"

"The name of the mental method uploaded by Mr. Ye is too similar to my"Purple Cloud Divine Art""

"What else is there?》,《Jiuqing Peak of Taiyue Mountain》"

"Aren’t these almost the same as the names of my Huashan Sword Technique?"

"Hey! Why are the first few sentences of the introduction to"Purple Clouds Sutra" so similar to my"Purple Clouds Magical Skills"?"

"But even more exquisite"

"Could this be the true supreme mental method and swordsmanship of Huashan?"

"The"Zixia Magical Skills" that I have been practicing are all fake?"

"Ye Yan, Boss Ye, are you one of the senior masters from Huashan?"

"Otherwise, why are there so many of my Huashan advanced mental skills and swordsmanship?"

Yue Buqun was dumbfounded at this moment.

An advanced version of"Purple Clouds Sutra" had already shocked him.

What was even more exaggerated was that Ye Yan also uploaded"Huashan Sword Art" and"Taiyue Three Qingfeng"》……These are the advanced versions of Huashan sword techniques.

How could Yue Buqun not doubt that Ye Yan was practicing the complete version of Huashan inheritance.

On the contrary, they were practicing the incomplete version in Huashan.

But Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to Yue Buqun.

Are you kidding!

He originally wanted to give the advanced Huashan swordsmanship and mental skills to Yue Buqun for free.

After all, this is a benefit that every member of the group has received.

But now that Yue Buqun has been scolding him without any reason, it would be strange if Ye Yan would pay attention to him.

At most, he would just tell him what might happen in the future.

After all, this was an agreement reached before.

Although Ye Yan claims to be not a gentleman, he will not take Yue Buqun's mental skills and swordsmanship and find an excuse not to make a deal.

But Ye Yan hasn't spoken yet.

Zhiqiu Yiye and the others spoke first.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yue Buqun, you really know how to flatter your own sect."

"Boss Ye took out the perfected Huashan swordsmanship and mental skills, is he the elder of your Huashan Sect?"

Li Xunhuan:"Yes, the Green Man King said that the mental skills and swordsmanship uploaded by Boss Ye are the results of Boss Ye's improvement just now." Li Mochou:

"That's right, if you don't believe me, go and look at the martial arts secrets we uploaded to the"Group Mall", all of them have secrets with similar names."

"But the martial arts secrets and skills uploaded by Mr. Ye are all more exquisite."

"It can even devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, becoming a kind of existence similar to the cultivation of immortality."

Green Man King:"Look at the difference between my ordinary version of"Ao Han Liu Jue" and the"Ao Han Liu Jue" improved by Mr. Ye."

【Ding, the Green Man King sent a comparison video.

Yue Buqun subconsciously clicked it.

The next moment, he was completely dumbfounded.

The Green Man King used the first sword"Six Secrets of Ao Han" with a fierce and domineering sword energy, sweeping across the ten-zhang bamboo forest in front.

The second improved version of"Six Secrets of Ao Han" was used, and the sword energy slashed across three hundred zhang, and the small lakes in the bamboo forest were also chopped and exploded.

Yue Buqun:"Fuck! How is this possible?"

Yue Buqun widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He felt even more regretful.

If what the Green Man King said was true, then what kind of person was Ye Yan?

"Even the legendary gods who entered Taoism through martial arts are not so awesome!".

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