
"There seems to be a voice in my head"

"He has been telling me that there is a treasure in the church basement that can quickly improve our cultivation."

"Let's reopen the church and go down to the basement to find"

"Could it be some mysterious power in the legend, calling us?"

David was confused at first, then surprised.

Especially when he thought of Ye Yan's strange behavior of letting go just now.

David even thought that Ye Yan should have heard this voice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Annie to yell not to open the church a second ago.

Now Ye Yan said he was too lazy to care about the church.

Ye Yan must be preparing to sneak into the church basement at night to rob the treasure.

"What? You heard that, too?"

"Is there really a secret under the church?"

The fat mayor became excited instantly.

This made David believe in his guess more and more.

Otherwise, why would his father hear this voice?

If there weren't so many people here now, he would definitely break open the door of the church immediately and rush into a basement in a corner of the underground to find the treasure mentioned by the voice.

If Ye Yan knew that the two people were too clever, he would definitely be amused.

His current"Double Hand" is only at the entry level, and he can't directly load the memory into the depths of other people's memory.

Become the other party's memory.

It can only create an effect similar to the sound transmission into the ear.

Originally, Ye Yan thought that the two would be skeptical and would not believe it easily. He was also prepared to use some other means to make them die.

Unexpectedly, the result was so smooth


The dull wooden door of the huge church was opened.

The church was reopened.

Although Ye Yan and Annie had just had a small episode of"making trouble".

It also made the fat mayor and his son lose face, and the mayor's authority collapsed.

But under the various free materials thrown by Father Wu, the townspeople who love to get small bargains still did not stop the church from reopening.

After all, the"three evil positions" and"evil spirits" mentioned by Annie just now are too illusory for ordinary people.

Most people still only see the immediate benefits.

Even many people heard that they could get more foreign gifts by helping to clean up the church, and they helped to clean up the long-sealed church.

In less than an hour, the church was simply cleaned up.

Father Wu saw that everyone was so"enthusiastic", and he also struck while the iron was hot, asking people to stay and listen to his preaching (brainwashing).

Although no one was interested in this, they still stayed to listen to the lecture under another round of gift offensive.

Father Wu was kind on the surface, but he felt unhappy.

These people have such low"consciousness" that they won't do anything unless given gifts, which is simply stupid.

But Father Wu suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and began to... preach.

After all, he has been preaching for so many years and has seen many such situations.

As long as someone stays to listen to his nonsense, slowly people will believe them.

At that time, Father Wu will ask them to donate money to make up for the gift money. It can even be used as one of the main sources of income for the church.

In Ye Yan's view, their so-called missionary work is nothing more than investing in the early stage to attract customers and attracting investment in the later stage to make money.

However, what they don't know is that the fat mayor and his son have quietly sneaked into the basement at this time.

Prepare to find the treasure that"summons" them

On the other side, in the teahouse opposite the church, sitting by the window, the two sisters Ye Yan and Annie, as well as the two brothers and sisters A Xing, were staring at the church opposite.

"Master Ye, look quickly."

"The mayor and his son sneaked into the church"

"Do they really have some secrets that cannot be revealed?"

Ah Xing was puzzled, thinking that the two must be doing something.

He wanted to ask Ye Yan what to do next.

However, when Ah Xing saw Ye Yan pick up the teacup and take a sip leisurely.

He took another bite of the cakes on both sides that Ren Qingqing and Annie brought to his mouth. He felt numb instantly.

He wanted to die immediately.


Didn't you say that you wanted to come here to stare at the mayor and his son?

Why do I feel like you are feeding me dog food on purpose?

Ye Yan seemed not to see Ah Xing's expression.

He said lightly:

"What else can these two do? Of course, they want to wake up the zombies in the church."

"What? There are zombies in the church?"

""Master Ye, you are kidding!"

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were shocked.

Although they were ordered by Uncle Jiu to watch the church here, they only knew that the church was in the so-called"three evil positions" and had no idea what was inside.

Annie and Ren Qingqing were also very surprised.

Thinking of the terrifying appearance of the legendary zombies, they were instantly frightened and subconsciously hugged Ye Yan from both sides.

Ye Yan was naturally very happy with Ruyu in his arms.

But Ah Xing once again had an expression of eating shit on his face.

He secretly begged in his heart,"Brother, can you stop feeding dog food?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

"This church is in a bad place. Many missionaries died 20 years ago and their bodies have not been removed yet."

"What do you think will happen to these corpses when they are washed by the evil spirits of the three evil spirits every day?"

Ye Yan took a sip of tea and spoke lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.


"If these zombies come back to life, won't everyone in the town die?"

Ah Xing still has some knowledge.

"That's right! Master Ye, why don't you stop it?"

Xiaoyue's innocent face was full of confusion.

But Ye Yan hadn't spoken yet.

Annie helped Ye Yan and said:

"I see that Brother Ye Yan is confident."

"I guess I'm not afraid of these zombies."

"That's right, everyone saw it just now. Even if we said the three evil positions, no one would believe us."

"If I'm not mistaken, Brother Ye Yan wants everyone to see the zombies with their own eyes and to be in awe of the church, the place of the three evil spirits."

"Otherwise, even if Brother Ye Yan could persuade the townspeople now"

"Then tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even later, once they are bewitched, they will still open the church"

"Instead of doing that, it would be better to revive the zombies and kill them all now.

Ren Qingqing also expressed her own guess.

"That's right, you two are worthy of being the daughters of a wealthy family, you can really be described as both talented and beautiful."

Ye Yan couldn't help but show his admiration.

Although Annie and Ren Qingqing didn't completely guess his purpose, they guessed it.

And at this moment. As the fat mayor and his son found and opened the basement that had been sealed for many years.

Rumble~ evil spirits burst out.

Evil spirits from all directions are like floods that find a breach in the dam, and they continue to gather from afar.

In less than a moment, dark clouds rolled over the church, lightning and thunder, as if the sky was about to fall.

A suffocating atmosphere of terror swept across the entire Ren family ancestral town.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Why are there such scary dark clouds over the church?"

"Oh no, could it be that Miss Ren is right and this church cannot be reopened?"

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the church. Everyone had a bad premonition.

Ah Xing and the others naturally felt the same way, and their faces changed in an instant.

Only Ye Yan was left, and he finally put down his teacup with a look of joy on his face.

I didn't expect it!

The mayor and David were really good at dealing with these two father and son.

It only took a cup of tea to find the basement?

It seems that these zombies can be dealt with directly today.

Ye Yan was looking forward to it.

On the other side, in the dusty painted basement, it was quiet, cold, and pitch dark.

There was also a disgusting musty smell in the air.

The fat mayor and his son felt like they had entered hell.

"David, is there really a treasure here?"

"Why do I have a bad feeling?"

The fat mayor was fat and timid, and he was scared.

But this is not the end.


The oil lamp on the wall was lit.

In the basement of a hundred square meters, there were fifteen corpses.

Judging from their clothes, they were all clergymen like Father Wu and his party.

But the strange thing is that these corpses have been sealed here for so long, but there is no sign of corruption.

On the contrary, if you look closely, you will find that these corpses give off a breath of"no strangers allowed" all over their bodies, as if they were asleep.

"Wow~ So many dead people!"

The fat mayor was so scared that he collapsed on the ground.

However, David was very excited.

"Hahaha~ Great, there really is a"treasure" here that can help us improve our strength!""

David looked at the fifteen corpses in front of him with a morbidly excited expression. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"What? Treasure?"

"David, are you crazy?"

"These are all dead people, where did the treasure come from?"

"What bad luck!"

"It seems we have been fooled."

The fat mayor looked indignant.

But David looked at his father who was as stupid as a pig with a caring look.

"Have you forgotten that our previous White Lotus Holy Sect also has the method of corpse cultivation?"

"As long as you can find a strong corpse, refine it into a life zombie"

"We can get the corpse to feed us, and our cultivation will increase dramatically."

"These zombies here are still dormant, which is just right for us to use for refining."

David's eyes became brighter and brighter as he spoke, and he was so excited.

"Yes! My son is smart."

"How many corpses do we need here? If we train them all into puppet zombies, we will be able to sweep the overlords of the towns within a hundred miles."

"At that time, we won't need to rely on the power of the church, and we can all rape all the virgins without restraint."

The fat mayor became more and more excited the more he thought about it.

The two of them stopped talking nonsense and immediately took out two corpse-suppressing talismans and pasted them on the zombies' faces to prevent them from being out of control halfway through the spell.

Then they bit their tongues and sprayed blood on the bodies of the priest and the archbishop.

Then the two of them moved like flowing water, performing various strange spells.

Using spiritual power as a guide, they pulled the blood on the two corpses and continuously condensed control talismans in their bodies.[]

In a blink of an eye, the two of them condensed eight talismans on the two corpses.

"Great, son, look at it."

"I didn't expect that we could condense the 8th talisman so easily.、"

"As long as I condense two more, I can replace the three souls and seven spirits and control these corpses."

The fat mayor was extremely excited.

He seemed to have foreseen the scene of himself controlling these priest zombies and killing everyone....

David was also extremely excited.

He had never thought that this was their first time to use this method of cultivating corpses, and it would go so smoothly.

"Ye Yan, weren't you very crazy just now?"

"How dare you hit me?"

"I will make you kneel down and beg me to kill you."

"And Annie, you bitch, I'm going to torture you to death"

"You dare to betray me and find another man, I will make you die miserably."

David has already begun to"look forward to the future".

But what they didn't expect was that as the blood on their tongues continued to spurt out.

The strong smell of blood actually made the other sleeping zombies around them start to wake up and surround them.

"Hahaha! Great, all ten talismans are completed."

"This corpse of the priest will become a zombie that is connected to my life."

David was so excited that he shouted out loud.

At the same time, he felt a person standing behind him, and thought it was his father. He was so excited that he hugged the person behind him.

But soon he found something wrong.

It was cold, hard, and smelled rotten.

This is a zombie!

Sure enough, but when he looked up, he saw that the other thirteen corpses that were originally lying on the bed were all"alive".

Each of them had bloodshot eyes, pale faces, fangs and bloody mouths, and the cold and murderous aura of death on their bodies was like a substance, which scared David to death.

As for the fat mayor, he was already trembling with fear.

But David was still better than his useless father after all.���Force yourself to calm down.

A dozen corpse-suppressing talismans were pasted on the foreheads of the zombies that surrounded them.

If Uncle Jiu saw this, he would definitely have the urge to pick up a broom and beat up Wencai Qiusheng.


David, this evil cultivator, has only been practicing for less than two months, and he can beat you two guys.

It really makes me angry,


But David's move 6 was useless.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief and be proud of his skills, he saw that the dozen Catholic monk zombies who were supposed to be suppressed by the corpse-suppressing talisman reached out and took off the corpse-suppressing talismans on their heads.

They were still puzzled and disdainful.

It seemed that they were saying,

What the hell is this?

Is this kid sick?

Why put this thing on our foreheads?


David and the fat mayor were both stunned.

This is a talisman to suppress corpses.

As long as a zombie is stuck with it, it will be unable to move immediately.

But now it is on these Western zombies, just like sticking it on the heads of ordinary people, with no effect at all.

"Bastard, no matter you are real ghosts or fake ghosts, die!"

"The White Lotus Command,... the Devil God will grant the law... to raise the corpse."

David gathered the spell with both hands and hit the body of the priest still lying on the wooden bed.

He was ready to drive the priest zombie and kill these small zombies.


Sure enough, the next moment.

The priest zombie let out a deafening corpse roar.

His eyes shook violently, bursting with creepy blood light, and his body suddenly jumped up from the shabby wooden bed. The corpse aura burst out from his body, and the terrifying pressure of the Jindan Corpse King shocked more than a dozen small zombies to surrender one after another.

Seeing this, David and Fatty were so excited that their bodies trembled.

With such a 2.5 Jindan Corpse King in hand, these dozen zombies would obediently surrender to them even if they were not sacrificed.

This made the fat mayor and his son extremely excited.

It seemed that they had foreseen the scene of Ye Yan being killed by this Jindan Corpse King.

But the next moment.


The priest zombie shouted fiercely, opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs, and bit David and the fat mayor fiercely.


"Didn’t I already plant the corpse-control seal on you?"

"How dare you devour your master?"

"Damn it, I want you dead."

David was shocked, but he was not panicked.

After all, he had planted the talismans that replaced the three souls and seven spirits in the body of the priest zombie.

Now that the priest zombie was devouring the master, he could use these talismans to seriously injure the priest zombie.


Bang bang bang ~ sparks flew everywhere.

Although the ten talismans exploded continuously, they could not hurt the priest zombie at all.

Or these talismans had no effect on the priest zombie at all.

"How can this be?"


David was dumbfounded.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Logically speaking, even if his talisman couldn't hurt the priest zombie, it would definitely not have any effect on it.

But if Ye Yan saw this scene, he would definitely have a way to give him a reasonable explanation.

Are you kidding!

This is just a zombie that can change its own species at will.

Under normal circumstances, unless Chinese and Western magic are combined, a single spell can't cause any harm to it at all.

This is why Ye Yan wants to take him as a research subject.

But David didn't know this, so he could only become the nourishment to awaken the zombies.

The blood in his body was sucked dry, and the priest zombie became even more powerful.

Then he led all the zombie brothers, broke out of the door, and rushed towards the church on the ground.

At this time, Father Wu didn't know that his house had been stolen.

He was still brainwashing the townspeople with a high-handed attitude..

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